going to court on the 28th help! any lawyers?


Well-Known Member
im going to court this 28th and im kinda worry the only charge im worried about is i think pc466 possession of burglary tools.... i had a screw driver, 2 bolt cutters, gloves, and a ignition puller... anyone thinks its possible to go to jail for this charge? non of the things they took are modified or anything... i wasnt stealing or anything when they got me with those charges i was driving going home.. and the police pull me over cuz they thought i was involve in a fight, and they search my car and they found the tools... but the didnt found 1oz of purple i had in the back seat... damn cops. any advise would be appreciated... tnks a lot..


Well-Known Member
have a valid reason for having had those tools?

Best thing to do would shell out some cash to a real lawyer to help out, money makes the court system go round.


Well-Known Member
have a valid reason for having had those tools?

Best thing to do would shell out some cash to a real lawyer to help out, money makes the court system go round.
Your 100% right. My friend who is 18 got pulled over and the cops found a case of beer and an ounce of bud and a bowl. He told the cops it was his. Now his parents are rich as fuck and they got a reallllly gooood lawyer. Got everything dropped even though he admitted it was his.


Well-Known Member
the ignition puller i got it from a friend to fix my dads car... we where gona change the ignition and we could get it out so we where gona use it to take it out, the bolt cutters i use them sometimes to cut chains at work.. im a security guard and sometimes i need to lock gates and i need them to cut the chains.. the screw drive i have to xplanation for it, it was just there i left it a long time a go. and the gloves i used them when i went to the snow... i hope the dont make me pay anykind of money... cuz im broke..


Well-Known Member
Explain what those tools are for when you go to court and demand to have them dropped. You weren't caught in the act, you didn't have any contraband on you, all they found were the tools. That's like owning a gun legally and them charging you with possession of an illegal firearm...

Talk to the solicitor. You should have them dropped if you just talk to the prosecuting lawyer.


Well-Known Member
the ignition puller i got it from a friend to fix my dads car... we where gona change the ignition and we could get it out so we where gona use it to take it out, the bolt cutters i use them sometimes to cut chains at work.. im a security guard and sometimes i need to lock gates and i need them to cut the chains.. the screw drive i have to xplanation for it, it was just there i left it a long time a go. and the gloves i used them when i went to the snow... i hope the dont make me pay anykind of money... cuz im broke..
If you don't have a record and explain this to the court, I think they'll probably drop the charges. Or, at least, give you a good plea deal. 50 hours community service or something like that.


Active Member
If you've never been arrested before and have no record, your story may fly. BUT if you do have a record, my guess is your in deep shit.


New Member
Real talk.. get a lawyer. That will determine the outcome of your case.

If O.J can get away with murder, I think you should get away with that.


Well-Known Member
i have no record.. and when they pulled me over it was like 1pm and i was driving in the middle of the city... i wasnt planning on doing anything with thoe tools they where just there... oh well i hope i get no time...

To0 Much Dr0

Well-Known Member
youll be fine just explain what they are for and get the free attorney from the city you wont have to do anything exept for go to court


Well-Known Member
No... Don't even listen to the people telling you to get a lawyer.

Seriously, when your court date comes up and you go to the court house for your arraignment and you get called up to talk to the solicitor all you have to do is tell them EXACTLY what those tools are used for, why you have them, that you left them in your car, you weren't breaking into anything, you didn't have any contraband on you, and you have no priors. They WILL drop the charges. No fines or jail time or anything.

Like I said before. This is like if someone legally owns a gun and gets a ticket for possession of an illegal firearm.

You don't need a lawyer. Case closed.


Well-Known Member
whenever you go to court you get a lawyer are you a fucking idiot rev3la7ion? Especially when one is provided to you free of charge. Wouldn't you rather have a lawyer argue the case one who is well versed with the laws understands the proceedings and probably knows the judges personality and oh yeah and has a law degree!


Well-Known Member
HOLD ON do you have a previos conviction for auto theft of burgulary? because if you do get that lawer.


Well-Known Member

He said he has no priors or anything. He has an explanation for all the items he got 'caught' with. And, once again, HE HAS NO FUCKING PRIORS.

He doesn't need a lawyer for this. A lawyer will just drag this to court. This doesn't even need to be taken to court.

IT WILL GET DROPPED DURING ARRAIGNMENT if he just tells the prosecutor why he had all of them in his car and that he has no priors.

No going to court, no lawyers, no anything.

He's not "going to court" on the 28th. He's going to his arraignment date which is where you talk to the 'solicitor' (a.k.a. the prosecutor) and either plead guilty to have a fine/community service/suspension/probation or plead innocent to set a court date.
And there is a third option. You tell the fucking 'solicitor' right then and there what everything was for, why it was in your car, and that you have no priors and IT WILL BE DROPPED BEFORE IT GOES TO COURT!

Anyone telling him to get a lawyer at this point is fucking out of there mind since HE ISN'T GOING TO COURT YET and more-than-likely won't if he just explains the situation.

I'm not retarded. I just know he doesn't need a lawyer for something this small that will probably be dropped during arraignment.


Well-Known Member
Another thing;
The solicitor will probably still try to give you a fine because that's all they ultimately care about. Tell them you refuse to pay a fine when you committed no crime and generally they will back off. That's assuming he/she does try to get you to pay a fine still.


Well-Known Member
if the only thing you dont have an explanation for is the screwdriver, i wouldnt worry.. you'd be stupid not to have some tools in your car. no priors and the purple wasnt found, jesus must have a hard on for you... you'll walk out smelling like roses for about 10 minutes.. till you spark the purple.... then you'll smell REAL GOOD!!!

good luck bro


Well-Known Member
No... Don't even listen to the people telling you to get a lawyer.

Seriously, when your court date comes up and you go to the court house for your arraignment and you get called up to talk to the solicitor all you have to do is tell them EXACTLY what those tools are used for, why you have them, that you left them in your car, you weren't breaking into anything, you didn't have any contraband on you, and you have no priors. They WILL drop the charges. No fines or jail time or anything.

Like I said before. This is like if someone legally owns a gun and gets a ticket for possession of an illegal firearm.

You don't need a lawyer. Case closed.
whenever you go to court you get a lawyer are you a fucking idiot rev3la7ion? Especially when one is provided to you free of charge. Wouldn't you rather have a lawyer argue the case one who is well versed with the laws understands the proceedings and probably knows the judges personality and oh yeah and has a law degree!
Unfortunaletly, I am very familiar with are legal system. Revelation is absolutely correct on this one. It would be a waste of money to buy an attorney. The court will appoint a public defender for him free of charge, not a lawyer.