Why are you single?


Well-Known Member
all relationships in life are based on need. the older you get the less you need. the more you give and the better life becomes. or so i read in a fortune cookie.


Well-Known Member
I'm single because I just broke free from a shit marriage. I refuse to let someone else dictate my life. Especially someone who doesn't love me enough to stay faithful. I enjoy the single scene and always have. Don't know why I even got married in the first place.
How long were you married?


Pickle Queen
Because i'm worth the best this world has to offer, I wont settle, I want true love, lust, passion .

I'm fussy people gross me out lol


Well-Known Member
Lollipop in snatch? Eh, I've done worse(better?) to girls...lol

JimmyJones, that's not a Rev. Jim Jones reference, is it?


Well-Known Member
Doesn't ring a bell no.
How old are you, out of curiosity...

You SURE you've never heard of Jim Jones, and Jonestown? Crazy dude convinced a bunch of people he was a prophet, got them to move to some jungle and carve out a mini society, then made them all drink poisoned Kool-Aid?


Well-Known Member
How old are you, out of curiosity...

You SURE you've never heard of Jim Jones, and Jonestown? Crazy dude convinced a bunch of people he was a prophet, got them to move to some jungle and carve out a mini society, then made them all drink poisoned Kool-Aid?
Haha ok yeah I know exactly who he is now. I'm almost 27.


Pickle Queen
How old are you, out of curiosity...

You SURE you've never heard of Jim Jones, and Jonestown? Crazy dude convinced a bunch of people he was a prophet, got them to move to some jungle and carve out a mini society, then made them all drink poisoned Kool-Aid?
RFLMAO dude a past discussion on here about that very topic earned me some "haters" I'm 30 and I know about it.

Not gonna post that pic and walk down that scary path again.....


Well-Known Member
RFLMAO dude a past discussion on here about that very topic earned me some "haters" I'm 30 and I know about it.

Not gonna post that pic and walk down that scary path again.....
I posted that pic and got shit for it too...lol...


Well-Known Member
only girl i ever told that i grow.. told me to get a "real job". so i dont tell any girls about it.. lights come on at night, plants are always first priority. girls get over ignoring texts and calls and always being busy between 7 and 10pm.
im not a very good liar, so once they get more clingy and start asking more questions, i try to let them go and move on to the next one. problem is i live on a mtn with limited hotties, so theres always a dry spell in between.

it would be a whole lot easier if there was a cute intelligent chick down for the cause. alot to ask around these parts.