The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
ummmmm surprised they ended this run with a bad movie.. its getting a reboot as bale won`t return as batman and director won`t return without bale, tought it would be an awesome film tho..

hows the cobra comeing along dude?
I went from plain water feeding which was going great to a light feed of EC 0.7 and again the plant looks like its too much nutes again, its drinking alot tho and am gonna give it more plan water today and see how it gos, ive learned under led you really gotta cut the nutes to 30% Max

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
wow at 0.7 its still giveing trouble shouldn`t it be somewhere around 1.4 at this stage? i`m only learning about the ec and ppm stuff so go easy on me...hahahaha but shouldn`t it be raised each week slightly as the nutes and additves go in..?

you use canna a and b, and what additives ? could the mix itself be causeing the reaction?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
right so i have been grossly under estimateing the nutes and additives needed in flower....

so help me out here guys, take some of the guess work out of it for me, what works with the soil, bud ignitor? rootblast?

i`ll defo need the ph up and down or do you think the soil will be enough of a buffer there? cal mag? rhizo?


Well-Known Member
wow at 0.7 its still giveing trouble shouldn`t it be somewhere around 1.4 at this stage? i`m only learning about the ec and ppm stuff so go easy on me...hahahaha but shouldn`t it be raised each week slightly as the nutes and additves go in..?

you use canna a and b, and what additives ? could the mix itself be causeing the reaction?
Only gave it 1/4 ml of cal mag and 1/4 ml of A&B for an EC of 0.7 still too much for her, the seedling i have under cfl is fine with an EC of 0.6 the leds dont need much nutes


Well-Known Member
what happens if you don`t use the cal mag?
not sure at this stage ae, all i know for certain is that the best ive seen the plant with no damage to the leaves is when i feed plan water so its getting more today, i will test the EC of the runoff and have a better idea, ive just been told by everyone that you need cal mag all the way through the cycle, but young plants cant handle the led so i wont be adding seedling untill they are about ready for flower


Well-Known Member
hi ae86, i think i might retry the CFL's someday, i got a nice result the one time i used them but after changing my system around. it made them redundant.

the magnetic one i have is not loud at all. i hear ppl talk about the noise of them but my one just doesn't make enough to be an issue, but it does heat up. it's a great place for a quick dry.
the digital one dose nothing, no noise, no heat, nothing, just sits there. it doesn't even have flashing lights or anything. i was meant to get a Lumatek but they didn't have them in stock. i'll get it the next time. but i would definitely be getting a digital one. unless i fall in love with CFL's. i heard the led with the CFL's work great together but i don't think i'll try that anytime soon.

i think your right going with the paint, there's a school of thought online that the white paint is the better reflector. i don't know about that but one thing i did come across was people talking about the mirror type mylar can create "hot spots" i have never used it so never got them.

show some love for the tents, i'll bet you'll get a fancy grow tent someday. this hobby is very compelling. before you know it you'll be digging into a mountain and setting up underground. :)
@86 - Another thing light movers help with :)


Well-Known Member
Mmm think I have some kind of a bug in my room, can't find anything with the microscope though. Some of my lower leaves have holes chewed through them. I will catch these motherfuckers.


Well-Known Member
Whats your tap water at kang? We need to sort your problems out once and for all!
My water ph is 7.1 and ec of water is 0.25

I am now questioning my ph down as i have a 5 liter jar of water and an airstone and pump in it to airate the water and after i adjusted the water to 5.8 i tested the water again 2 hours later and it was back at 6.5 ph but only took 2 drops to bring it back down to 5.8, ive tested it again now and the ph is 6.1 again lol the ph down i am using is general hydroponics ph down

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
@86 - Another thing light movers help with :)

looked into them but all i found was the bar like thing.. is that what were talking about, it moves the light across the canopy.....

cool thing to have, and would def be the way around the leccey worrys, running two 600w although a dream come true is still also a bit of a nightmare..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Mmm think I have some kind of a bug in my room, can't find anything with the microscope though. Some of my lower leaves have holes chewed through them. I will catch these motherfuckers.

hahahaha... instantly got the image of you as a bill murray type from caddy shack stalking the gopher hahahaha....



Well-Known Member
I was right to go with my guts on plain water, just tested the runoff EC and it was 4.6! how the fuck is that even possible when it was flushed then next feeding was 0.7 EC lol i am using the drip clean stuff to prevent salt built up too so this is crazy to me, if anyone can explain hows this is happening i am all ears

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
its mental is right, have heard of contaminats in coco, rusty bolts etc etc, so from the major to the minor... hardly something in the medium causeing such hasstle!!!

again pure guess...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
wow haven`t had a ginger nut biscuit in years....there really as nice as they were then, which makes a change normally they fuck with the recipe and ruin it, lie so many things
drifter bars
moro bars
those paper ufos filled with fizz
almond fingers
list goes on and on....;)


Well-Known Member
wow haven`t had a ginger nut biscuit in years....there really as nice as they were then, which makes a change normally they fuck with the recipe and ruin it, lie so many things
drifter bars
moro bars
those paper ufos filled with fizz
almond fingers
list goes on and on....;)
It'd be easier to list the things they havnt fucked up.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
evening har, any strange???

any info for me on nutes... what works best in flower, are the bloom additives like big bloom and bud expander etc etc worth a go?


Active Member
Grow number 2 is finally started. put the big bud seed into ph,d water with a drop of rhizo friday night, put it into the rockwool starter cube sat night and she,s standing bout 2" tall today with root showing at the bottom of cube so i put the starter cube into the final 3" cube and hopefully il get a shit load of roots in the next week and i can put it onto nft tray.goin to make up my tray to hold the reservoir and scrog screen attached to it tomorrow. wat size holes ye lads reckon for the scrog screen. 2" or 3".

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
awesome homemade avatar smokey....

what line of nutes do you use in flower, what bud expander and stuff do you recommend this rhizo, whats it do............