Fuck Chipotle


Well-Known Member
Chipotle is delicious and they actually treat their employees pretty well compared to other fast food resturaunts. I just think you're mad cause now the chance for free chipotle is gone.


Well-Known Member
No even if they gave her free Chipotle as a consolation prize for not getting the job she would have still found something to bitch about.
Actually Chipotle is very unorthodox about the way the hire, I just had one a couple weeks back and there were 9 other people there for a interview. When they finally got to me, 5 minutes into the interview he realized he had the wrong application, morons. Also, as soon as I mentioned school, they told me unfortunately they couldn't hire me.


Well-Known Member
what kind of bitch ass digestive systems do you guys have where everything gives you diarrhea?
Most of RIU'ers sound like people I'd fucking hate to cook for.. I'd just go get some McDonalds and listen to them bitch about how much McDonalds is bad and hurts their stomachs.


Well-Known Member
Actually Chipotle is very unorthodox about the way the hire, I just had one a couple weeks back and there were 9 other people there for a interview. When they finally got to me, 5 minutes into the interview he realized he had the wrong application, morons. Also, as soon as I mentioned school, they told me unfortunately they couldn't hire me.
Hello urca :).


Well-Known Member
ha another bitch thread by Urca... no fuckin surprise!!! I like chipotles all there food or I should say produce is fresh... not sure about the meats but I'm sure they are fresh too... I actually saw an episode of undercover boss and found out that the owners are Asians which made me LOL considering it's mexican food. I don't think I've ever had the runs after eating there... anyway stay high

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I would call and speak with their manager. Ask them why they think it is acceptable to invite someone in for an interview and then dismissing them immediately because of something clearly spelled out on the application. Firmly demand some compensation in the form of free food for your time and effort getting down there. Even if you don't want to eat it, you can pass out the coupons to guests as they come in and it would be totally hilarious.


Well-Known Member
They don't give parting gifts after turning people down for jobs...
Perhaps they are trying to hire someone to look over the applications...

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
It's not so much a parting gift as an asshole tax for wasting someones time. If I understand what urca wrote, she filled out an application, clearly marked that she was a student, and they called her and asked her to come down to an interview, then immediately told everyone that they weren't interested in hiring students. I would be pissed if I was in that situation. They got her number off the same application that says she's a student, so they just wasted a bunch of her time for no reason. In fact they wasted everyones time. Why not just not call the student applicants in the first place?