
...this song brings back memories like mad. Wow.

Archers of Loaf

Classical is my main genre, and I believe that if there is a god, he listens to Bach. One of my favorite works is Bach's Goldberg variations. In Bach's time, the pianoforte wasn't invented yet, so this work was composed for harpsichord (a keyboard whereby the sound is created by plucking the strings, as opposed to piano where the strings are struck by hammers), but some genius arranged it for string trio (violin, viola and cello). Smoke a bowl and if you like where this piece takes you (there are 4 parts, but see if you like the first one)...


What will it take to feel love instead of hate?
What will it take to make peace the word for today?
I got a trunk full o' amps, motherfucker. Like Freddie Mercury, motherfucker...

Can't believe I haven't posted this before...

^^ I dig that movement from Winter (my favorite Vivaldi season), and those guys did it justice. I really like this trend of playing pop/rock songs with a classical twist, some rock melodies are just beautiful, and lend themselves to the mood of the genre. My favorite group on this bent is the Vitamin String Quartet out of LA. They are not the most technically proficient classical group out there (classical demands absolutely flawless technique and intonation, one of the reasons it can be so intimidating and inaccessible for most), but they their heart and musicality is fantastic. The real genius is in their arrangements. They keep promising to release their sheet music (most classical players are DYING to get their hands on these arrangements), but they just don't do it. Smart ;) You don't want college kids playing your shit better than you do. They've cover just about every popular band, and usually cover ballads. But, their covers of hard shit are just awesome. My favorite of their albums is Anotomica, their tribute to Tool. Check out them doing my favorite song of all time:

Anotomica,never heard them before,but they do awesomely with their arrangement of Tools Forty six&2 and sober definetely have to find more of them.As for Children of Bodom those guys are insanely talented though their brand of metal is not for everyone,their musical arrangents are genius imo,Alexi Laiho the bands lead singer/guitarist is in a league all of his own,but hugely classical influenced player.
Anotomica,never heard them before,but they do awesomely with their arrangement of Tools Forty six&2 and sober definetely have to find more of them.As for Children of Bodom those guys are insanely talented though their brand of metal is not for everyone,their musical arrangents are genius imo,Alexi Laiho the bands lead singer/guitarist is in a league all of his own,but hugely classical influenced player.

The group is named Vitamin String Quartet, the Tool tribute album is titled Anotomica. It's a double CD set you can download from iTunes for $25. You can tell Alexi was classically trained, great technique...
The group is named Vitamin String Quartet, the Tool tribute album is titled Anotomica. It's a double CD set you can download from iTunes for $25. You can tell Alexi was classically trained, great technique...

ahh ok Vitamin String Quartet.,LOL well im kind of a bastard pirate when it comes to music,ill be honest there,ill probably rip the music from youtube.But if i am truly taken by the album i wll buy it.
ahh ok Vitamin String Quartet.,LOL well im kind of a bastard pirate when it comes to music,ill be honest there,ill probably rip the music from youtube.But if i am truly taken by the album i wll buy it.

90% of my digital library is pirated ;) What's a good program to rip audio from youtube and the like?
90% of my digital library is pirated ;) What's a good program to rip audio from youtube and the like?

my personal fav is Freestudio.I dont think youll be disappointed,,literaly anything you want from youtube,I have yet to find a song i could not rip.Its absolutely free.If u run across any questions on how to use it let me know.Just google Freestudio and look for the DVD videosoft link.and do the download.
my personal fav is Freestudio.I dont think youll be disappointed,,literaly anything you want from youtube,I have yet to find a song i could not rip.Its absolutely free.If u run across any questions on how to use it let me know.Just google Freestudio and look for the DVD videosoft link.and do the download.

Awesome. Thanks, DM!
I thought that Soundgarden was the greatest of the 90s grunge bands, Kim Thayil and Chris Cornell were just sick. I was first impressed with them when MTV was interviewing bands for the first Lollapalooza: they asked each band which other band they may be intimidated by at the festival. Every band named a few, except Soundgarden, who replied, 'No one'. This is one of my favs, and a more upbeat tune for them:

Loved this ballad, too, and the video seems like it was directed by David Lynch. Trippy:

^^^Have to agree TD. Chris Cornell was "THE MAN" in the 90's.
I followed him up until his 2nd Audioslave album.Glad you reminded me of him.Been awhile.:leaf:
Spendin' money never mattered, no
Cause always Daddy paid the Damage, yeah
But now that you're livin' on the Hills
I hope that your social life doesn't get you killed
