The first post was a little subtle for my liking - was all geared up to put an obama loving moron down. Not necessary i guess![]()
OBAMA knows how to make promises you see sometimes he can say stuff that he believes and sometimes he can say stuff that he doesnt believe but in the end its okay cuz i know bama will do whats best for me just cuz he acts like hes for medical marijuana doesnt mean he actually is for everybody you see some people shouldnt be able to do things that others can do thats true equality anyway so yeah obama may have promised peace in the middle east but at the same time we can defeaqt them terrorist obama makes sure that we kill ONLY terrorist and not anyone else so that there can still be peace for america and the middle east amen obama promised change but some people dont understand that change takes at least 4 years to really kick in and start being change we can believe in i think if we dont vote obama we are not letting the change kick in all the way we should just sit and wait for change cuz obama will bring change we dont have to do much cuz we have obama as long as we reelect him that way change can continue yes we can.yeah obama really kept his promises![]()
oBAMA KNOWS HIS SHIT OKAY JOHN MCCAIN SAID HE WANTED TO GOTO WAR BUT OBAMA IS SMART ENOUGH TO SAY THAT HE DOESNT WANNA GO TO WAR WITH THE MIDDLE EAST AND THEN DO IT ANYWAY IT IS IMPORTANT TO COVER BOTH THE PRO WAR AND PRO PEACE PLATFORMS WHICH IS SOETHING THAT MCCAIN DONT UNDERSTAND YOU CANT JUST LIMIT YOURSELF TO THE NEO CONS THAT IS SILLY YOU SEE OBAMA DOES KNOW WHAT HE IS DOIN CUZ HE KKNOWS NOT TO LIMIT HIMSELF ALSO JOHN MCCAIN THINKS HE IS SO SMART WITH HEALTHCARE JUST CUZ INDIVIDUAL MANDATES DIDNT WORK IN THE PAST IN MASSACHUSSETTES DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING MCCAIN DOESNT UNDERSTAND THAT HEALTHCARE MANDATE WAS ONLY USED IN ONE STATE SO IT DIDNT HAVE AS MUCH CHANGE AS IT HAD THIS TIME SINCE OBAMACARE IS FOR ALL STATES IT HAS A LOT MORE CHANGE THEN THE FAILED MASSACHUSETTES PLAN I HOPE YOU WILL SEE THIS AND UNDERSTAND THAT OBAMACARE IS BETTER THAN ROMNEYCARE CUZ THERE IS MORE CHANGE AT FEDERAL THAN STATE THANKS FOR THE QUESTIONS.i like john maccain, if obama was not president then john maccain would have been and things would be a lot better with john maccain as president. Lots of people say that obama is a bad president and i think so too and i know maccain and his vice president sarah palin would have done a much better job. John maccain did not think there was a resession coming and if he was president it would not have come and everything would be much better. John maccain would not have changed health care for americans and we all know that health care for americans is bad because they would make you pay and making you pay for stuff is bad. John mccaine does not like iran and he thinks that iran will drop atomic bombs on us so he would have gone to war with them and wars are good for america. John mccane would have gotten stuff done because he knows how to work with other people in congress and he doesnt do or say stupid things like obama does so everyone in the world respects him and there would be no anger in this country about the things we are all angry about now because john maaccaine is so much smarter and experienced than obama.