The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
cool, don`t know much about them being honest with you dee, this will be my first grow under hps, i think the magnetic ballasts are the best to use tho, thin the lads were saying that a copule pages back, something to do with life span or something...

with the one you got, its a 400w so you can like dim to 300w and raise it as you flower? thats cool...;)

mine look ok this morning, little sad looking but thats the stress of the move they should be fine in a day or two, tell you this garden can`t get going quick enough, should have started as soon as the last lot were done...

anyhow...its going now and lesson learned, i`ll be starting the next lot when these are few weeks into flower...


My plants are ready for flower now. Cant wait to recieve my light so i can start. Topped 3 of them on monday and they have came along well. Hopefully my light comes in a day or 2

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
My plants are ready for flower now. Cant wait to recieve my light so i can start. Topped 3 of them on monday and they have came along well. Hopefully my light comes in a day or 2

be handy if it does, have you got a backup just in case say a bulb breaks or something? sometimes customs might "drop"it by mistake of course.....;)


No man no back up. JUst hoping it gets to me ok. Dont want my plant to be too big when i put them into flower as i've heard they can double in size once put into 12/12

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah sometimes triple but don`t sweat that either theres ways to train them to keep them down, if your worried you can start now with some l.s.t


Think i'll try lst on the plant i havent topped. Bit of luck my light comes 2moro. My plants are in a friends house so looks like i'll be taking a good hours drive soon as they come

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
went to town and got another 20litres of white paint so i`ll be at least able to paint the space when the kid goes home, so only another week to wait..;)

only thing i`m waiting on then is the flower lights, have enough time tho, by time i find mothers and grow in clones to a screen..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
had a sneaky look at the plants on the go at the moment and anyone else get the stars in there eyes from the lights..??? hahaha nearly walked into the door on the way out...

going well, seem happy still small but were in for the long haul so further updates in couple of days when they get some size to them, still no nutes as the siol is fresh so they jist got a pint of fresh water each and that will do until say wed night to drive out the roots and establish as large a ball as quickly as possible...;)


Well-Known Member
had a sneaky look at the plants on the go at the moment and anyone else get the stars in there eyes from the lights..??? hahaha nearly walked into the door on the way out...

going well, seem happy still small but were in for the long haul so further updates in couple of days when they get some size to them, still no nutes as the siol is fresh so they jist got a pint of fresh water each and that will do until say wed night to drive out the roots and establish as large a ball as quickly as possible...;)
Do u normally work on plants when lights are on or off???

piped piper

hi ae86, can i just pick up on something you said a few posts back about the ballasts. i have both types (both 600w's). i used the magnetic for a year and got ok results with it. but when i switched to the digital one i was over run. it is amazing. now that could have been down to other things that i have tweaked but i believe it's the ballast more than anything else, due to the 10% boost and a more effective power usage. now i will have meters to make the tests myself someday for it but for now i have to go by what i read on the internet,
  • Ballast at 600w - 2.90amps - 630w - 155klux
  • Ballast boosted to 660w - 3.15amps - 680w - 200klux
only 50w extra and for that get 45k lux's extra. and thats pretending that i was getting the full 155k lux from the magnetic one in the 1st place. but without a light meter i just don't know for sure. but in any case it's still a big boost.

as for life span, the digital should last longer than the magnetic one, what can be a problem is if you use a bulb that can't handle a digital ballast, not all bulbs can so you need to watch that. but if your looking for a cheap backup i'd recommend getting yourself a 250w cfl, they are easy to use and they will save you if your stuck.

but what really dragged me out of the my lurking today was you mentioned 20 liter's of paint. can i just share something i only found out last week. mylar sheets for €1.50. i came across them in dealz (that have a .ie website). they are selling emergency shelters that are 8ft by 5ft for €1.50. also they sell emergency blankets a set of 2 that are 1m x 2m for just €1.50 too. now it is tin but it's a lot cheaper than €3.00 per 1m x 1m in the grow shops and works as good as the cheapest mylar they have.

anyway i stepped out of my comfort zone to share that with you and i hope even if you don't use my info you'll think it was interesting to know at least. (that's only if you didn't already know it)

best of luck with your babies

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Do u normally work on plants when lights are on or off???

either just before lights out for the lies of topping, and anytime when lst or anything like that billy..

pied piper, thanks for the info, i can`t comment on ballasts it was more of a summary of opinions i had gathered if you get me, and i value your input here don`t get me wrong, its just i myself have only gown with cfl`s an when asked around on here the magnetic was the recommended one to go for....

while your out can you answer which (in your opinion) is quieter and which is less of a heater..... again just to better my veiw on it..;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
hi ae86, can i just pick up on something you said a few posts back about the ballasts. i have both types (both 600w's). i used the magnetic for a year and got ok results with it. but when i switched to the digital one i was over run. it is amazing. now that could have been down to other things that i have tweaked but i believe it's the ballast more than anything else, due to the 10% boost and a more effective power usage. now i will have meters to make the tests myself someday for it but for now i have to go by what i read on the internet,
  • Ballast at 600w - 2.90amps - 630w - 155klux
  • Ballast boosted to 660w - 3.15amps - 680w - 200klux
only 50w extra and for that get 45k lux's extra. and thats pretending that i was getting the full 155k lux from the magnetic one in the 1st place. but without a light meter i just don't know for sure. but in any case it's still a big boost.

as for life span, the digital should last longer than the magnetic one, what can be a problem is if you use a bulb that can't handle a digital ballast, not all bulbs can so you need to watch that. but if your looking for a cheap backup i'd recommend getting yourself a 250w cfl, they are easy to use and they will save you if your stuck.

but what really dragged me out of the my lurking today was you mentioned 20 liter's of paint. can i just share something i only found out last week. mylar sheets for €1.50. i came across them in dealz (that have a .ie website). they are selling emergency shelters that are 8ft by 5ft for €1.50. also they sell emergency blankets a set of 2 that are 1m x 2m for just €1.50 too. now it is tin but it's a lot cheaper than €3.00 per 1m x 1m in the grow shops and works as good as the cheapest mylar they have.

anyway i stepped out of my comfort zone to share that with you and i hope even if you don't use my info you'll think it was interesting to know at least. (that's only if you didn't already know it)

best of luck with your babies

and its a great deal on the mylar but i plan on running two 600w when fully operational, and just being an old school kinda fella i prefer too paint than the mylar route....

its strictly preference aswell theres no rhyme or reason too it, i just like how looks, more clean than space age with the shiney mylar ....hee hee hee now you lot with your fancy grow tents prob love the look of the mylar....;)

piped piper

hi ae86, i think i might retry the CFL's someday, i got a nice result the one time i used them but after changing my system around. it made them redundant.

the magnetic one i have is not loud at all. i hear ppl talk about the noise of them but my one just doesn't make enough to be an issue, but it does heat up. it's a great place for a quick dry.
the digital one dose nothing, no noise, no heat, nothing, just sits there. it doesn't even have flashing lights or anything. i was meant to get a Lumatek but they didn't have them in stock. i'll get it the next time. but i would definitely be getting a digital one. unless i fall in love with CFL's. i heard the led with the CFL's work great together but i don't think i'll try that anytime soon.

i think your right going with the paint, there's a school of thought online that the white paint is the better reflector. i don't know about that but one thing i did come across was people talking about the mirror type mylar can create "hot spots" i have never used it so never got them.

show some love for the tents, i'll bet you'll get a fancy grow tent someday. this hobby is very compelling. before you know it you'll be digging into a mountain and setting up underground. :)


Well-Known Member
I know i am quite critical of films but i am very disappointed in the new batman film, christ the more i think of it the madder i get, silly shit going on and nothing at all like the last one, only seen about 2 seconds at the end of the film of bane throwing punches the way he should of been the whole film, all shot during the day and make up all round batmans eyes and shit even tho he had no time to put any on lol 5 thumbs down for me i wouldent watch it again

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ummmmm surprised they ended this run with a bad movie.. its getting a reboot as bale won`t return as batman and director won`t return without bale, tought it would be an awesome film tho..

hows the cobra comeing along dude?