

Well-Known Member
i am. just had my heart ripped out again. same old story as it usually goes. i give up. no more trying.


Well-Known Member
I see chicks these days making the mistake of thinking the guy they like is gonna be long term for sure. You gotta learn to start thinking like a guy and shit like this wudnt happen.


Well-Known Member
he wasnt even my bf. we were talking about it and he made all these promises, told me all thr right things, etc... then i get ignored for three days, text him tonight and he told me he met someone and its not gonna work out. and that despite everything he said that someone else will feel the same way as the things he told me. and of course this would happen 4 days after the guy i was in love with was being a dick to me for accidentally texting him after 6 months of him refusing to even say one word to me, even though he never told me he was done with me, talked to me one night in january then never again. then i tried to move on after that but the guy after him wanted me for a bit but went back to his ex. i meet this guy and he's wonderful says everything and just enjoys talking to me and promised me he would do whatever it took to make me happy.

im so done. every single man i have ever wanted has hurt me, refused to date me, care about me. its my fault though. it has to be.


Well-Known Member
Next time.. just get the sex and then dont get attached.
if you dont know i cant even get the sex. just a ugly fat girl who always tried to be a good girl, never complain, try to make him happy. and what do i get? a string of men who hurt me deep, still a virgin and never had a bf at 19. i wanna curl up sometimes and never wake up

thump easy

Well-Known Member
did you give him the nukie??? cuz if you did you gota realize he just want to smash or hit it and then quit it... sex has alot to do with calling once in a blue moon dont think just because someone calls you its for long term and then you sleep with them you got to go threw the motions and realize that it isnt him who is in charge you gota be in charge and give it to him wen you want and youll see it will change dont be the agressor and dont be clingie and whatch what happends and please dont what ever you do dont get sprung on the penis.. its not good find both but do it and realize its your goal not just a quicky and wake up or roll out of the car and by by... let him work for it shit you fix you box before you see anyone one if the erge is so great... but dont be like that take it slow.. and dont dump you heart into anyones lap let them take it from you..


Well-Known Member
im so done. every single man i have ever wanted has hurt me, refused to date me, care about me. its my fault though. it has to be.
If I was a chick and your friend, I'd slap the shit out of you right now. It's not your fault. People are dicks and you gotta get tougher skin. You're young so "heartbreaks" are normal at this age. Your judgment of character will get better.


Well-Known Member
if you dont know i cant even get the sex. just a ugly fat girl who always tried to be a good girl, never complain, try to make him happy. and what do i get? a string of men who hurt me deep, still a virgin and never had a bf at 19. i wanna curl up sometimes and never wake up
IMO, you're being a pussy :).. That comes from the heart urca.

It's not bad that you're a virgin.. It's whatever.

Get over it dude and hop back on your feet.. Maybe take a break on the dating scene for a while.


Well-Known Member
ok if 10+ guys did the exact same thing to me, not knowing each other, the problem had to be me right? i always know when they are done with me. i get this strange feeling and then they stop texting.... i tell myself im being stupid, overdramatic, and then what do you know, they just vanish with no excuse at all, or they tell me that they have a girlfriend now, they just got with her. its happened to me since i was 15 years old. i am just ready to give up and walk away from even trying to meet someone or anything like that. there is no one for me. not until i can change the way i look. that is the only solution i see


Ursus marijanus
Oh Urca. You'll feel better in the morning. And at nineteen ... you're not done. You need a bit of the captain in you (not Morgan, but John Paul Jones): "I have not yet BEGUN to fight!" Tomorrow is a different place. cn


Well-Known Member
if you dont know i cant even get the sex. just a ugly fat girl who always tried to be a good girl, never complain, try to make him happy. and what do i get? a string of men who hurt me deep, still a virgin and never had a bf at 19. i wanna curl up sometimes and never wake up
Hell you young...focus on you...if you get you together everything else will fall into place. 19 hell I have a child older then you. Leave them damn boys

are you in school ???


Well-Known Member
ok if 10+ guys did the exact same thing to me, not knowing each other, the problem had to be me right? i always know when they are done with me. i get this strange feeling and then they stop texting.... i tell myself im being stupid, overdramatic, and then what do you know, they just vanish with no excuse at all, or they tell me that they have a girlfriend now, they just got with her. its happened to me since i was 15 years old. i am just ready to give up and walk away from even trying to meet someone or anything like that. there is no one for me. not until i can change the way i look. that is the only solution i see
Well go ahead and spaz out while being overdramatic but that won't do anything for you. Have you ever thought that people are dicks? Well that's because they are. IMO you have a bad judgment of character.
You always end up telling a fucked up story of each of your BF's and I'm always thinking "what a dickhead".. It's them not you. Besides, do you think you and whoever were gonna be together forever? Breakup happen all the time.


Well-Known Member
i wont feel better in the morning. i always feel bad, every single day. from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to sleep. all the thoughts of what happened between me and that guy i loved, everything that happened with the others, how no guy will really approach me or want me. knowing im not good enough to make a man want to be more than the stage before you go into a real relationship but there is care there. or in the case of the one i loved just a mouth to get off with and kiss, but never to love and respect. i know if i looked better i would at least love and have someone love me back before they hurt me. someone who would wanna be seen with me and not ashamed to sleep with me or hold my hand. i feel like dirt. like nothing


Well-Known Member
Hell you young...focus on you...if you get you together everything else will fall into place. 19 hell I have a child older then you. Leave them damn boys

are you in school ???
yeah start my 2nd year of college in august. doing an internship on a congressional campaign.

as for heph, i really do feel this way and have felt this way for years.