Ursus marijanus
lol "viscous"
Are you saying Trayvon was a bit thick?
Are you saying Trayvon was a bit thick?

Z-man's own statements to the police dispatch, and to the cops and to the press do not paint him as an innocent victim, they portray him to be a deranged wackado who, if he lived in my neighborhood would have been shot dead by a fusillade of bullets from every window and breezeway. we got a pattern of robberies and burglaries in my town too, and most of the suspects are black as well. this does not give me the right to creep around the liquor store and follow every black guy i dont recognize with a pistol in my belt. zimmerman was dancing on the edge of felonious stalking, he was pursuing a guy who had every reason to be scared shitless of a dude lurking behind him in a dark alley, and every reason to worry about the possibility of being assaulted, shot lynched or tied to the hitch ball of a truck for some impromptu track and field exercise on the local highway.
/sarcasm |begin comic sans
i can only imagine the terror zimmerman felt when he, an armed individual was charged by the ruthless and viscous unarmed assailant in an (almost) unprovoked attack triggered by what one can only assume to be a combination of negro rage syndrome, and reefer madness. it's surprising he only shot once, usually in their drug fueled frenzy "cocaine negroes" and reefer addicts require numerous shots in volley fire to bring them down before they rape a few dozen white women. decades of southern law enforcement studies have proven this to be the case. research conducted from the 1820's through the 1960's bears this out. usually lynching is the only weapon that effectively weakens a reefer negro to a point where he can be subdued.
/sarcasm |end comic sans
Yep, I agree. I don't see how exception (b) would be applied because exception (a) fits the circumstances best.
1. What evidence is there that Zimmerman started the fight? Every action he took before the fight started was lawful. If Zim did not start the fight then SYG applies more broadly.
2. If you conclude he started the fight (following, etc), then how could he escape while prone and having his head bashed against the sidewalk? If he cannot escape, then by definition he has exhausted every reasonable means of escape.
3. Did he reasonably fear GBH/death? An assailant pounding my head into the sidewalk would cause me to fear GBH/death; I think I am a reasonable man. Maybe you are willing to allow somebody to pound your head into a sidewalk until they are satisfied with the damage, but I doubt many people would be so accommodating to such an assault.
2: in florida following somebody who is going about their own business IS stalking, and its a felony if the target is under 16
I stopped here. Just to let you know, following someone isn't illegal, in any state in the union. You can argue it all you like, but If I choose to follow you for the purposes of observing you to make sure you don't rape any of the white men it's well within my legal right to do so. Since its intent is lawful, so is the purpose of following.
784.048 Stalking;
definitions; penalties.—
(1) As used in this section, the term:
(a) “Harass” means to engage in a
course of conduct directed at a specific person which causes substantial
emotional distress to that person and serves no legitimate purpose.
sigh, a 5 year old could tell you that watching you to make sure you don't go around raping people or stealing their shit is a LEGITIMATE purpose to follow someone. Duke, your still the same no common sense 16 year old you were last time.
2. Moreover, I don't buy Zimm's injuries as life threatening or he would have been treated at the ER and would have been concussed in all probability.
And you can tell that Martin was up to no good why?
Becuase he was Black?
So basically you are saying that if I were to point a .357 magnum at you, pull the trigger and only blow your left ear off, You would feel that you were not in any REAL danger because your wounds were not severe enough? LMFAO I have heard some BULLSHIT COCKAMAMEE shit before, but this takes the cake.
I'll smash your head against the sidewalk, but until your cranium actually cracks or you go unconscious, it isn't anything you should defend yourself against.
Oh Dukie.What a creative straw man you build
ummmmmm because he is lurking around at night IN THE RAIN, wears a hoodie and then when Zimm picks up the phone to call for the police he RUNS AWAY??? Not exactly "I didn't do it" behavior, ask any cop.
And you dont think it is appropriate to wear a hoodie over your head in the rain?
ummmmmm because he is lurking around at night IN THE RAIN, wears a hoodie and then when Zimm picks up the phone to call for the police he RUNS AWAY??? Not exactly "I didn't do it" behavior, ask any cop.
Zimmermans not a cop...I can be out in the rain wearing a hoodie and when I see some pervert I run...your other side is showing
Wow one minute you say your molesting hero was not following now you agreeing that he was and that it's no law against it..You do realize how people see you >>>>You think only cops are allowed to follow people? Show me that law.
What would make you think the guy on the phone is a pervert? Seriously? What kind of a mind does it take to consider everyone around as a potential rapist? Is that how you think? Do you make sure your children never go outside because of this malady?
Yeah, it's ALL unicorns & rainbows for offense but I think my Caucasian brothers or sisters have very little to complain about.
I hear you guys give each other free stuffYeah, it's ALL unicorns & rainbows for us.![]()