Condoleeza as Romney's VP

You really are a stupid racist piece of crap arent you The "New Black Panthers" were in a very black neighborhood And the Bush administration decided not to persue a case because No one claimed to be victims or afraid of them ACORN? Only thing ACORN ever did wrong was register people to vote and advocate for the poor You know ACORN registered people to vote both Republican and Democrat They didnt care They just wanted poor people to vote and get involved in our goverment Cant have poor people vote now can we? They just might vote democrat Now go on back to the thread you started on stormfront
Maybe was a majority black neighborhood, I don't know, but I'll bet it wasn't all Black, as evidenced by the whites seen leaving the place on TV. The president of Acorn was videoed stating "we need to get out the vote so our boy(obama) can win. The voters they registered were targeted from predominately Demacratic leaning neighborhoods only. I have never started a thread on, nor have I even visited Stormfront. What did you do, register as me on the site to try to discredit me? You keep proving yourself to be the lowest from of partisian hack there is. People like you are the reason I will always vote against the Democratic party
You really are a stupid racist piece of crap arent you The "New Black Panthers" were in a very black neighborhood And the Bush administration decided not to persue a case because No one claimed to be victims or afraid of them ACORN? Only thing ACORN ever did wrong was register people to vote and advocate for the poor You know ACORN registered people to vote both Republican and Democrat They didnt care They just wanted poor people to vote and get involved in our goverment Cant have poor people vote now can we? They just might vote democrat Now go on back to the thread you started on stormfront
OOPS! Missed one......."And the Bush administration decided not to persue a case because No one claimed to be victims or afraid of them"..... This happened as the Bush administration was leaving. It was not even well known until Bush had left office. Prosicution was left to the incoming administration. State law enforcement was limited to only banning the perps to not coming within 1000 feet of a polling place. Holder stated the reason he would not investigate the incident was the law was only "intended" to protect the voting rights of minorities. You have nothing but lies.
The nations that will lead in the future are those that avoid race mixing, the racial equality myth is a tool of the jews they teach that the races are equal and encourage race mixing and races living amoungst eachother
back to stormfront with you you disgusting 88



Ron Paul 2012, Representation for all
The nations that will lead in the future are those that avoid race mixing, the racial equality myth is a tool of the jews they teach that the races are equal and encourage race mixing and races living amoungst eachother

shut the fuck up, beardo.

and also LOL. excellent trolling.
shut the fuck up, beardo.

and also LOL. excellent trolling.
Seriously though, In China, the Huan Chinese are no fans of race mixing and they are prospering, or Mexico, mexicans, although not a "pure race" recognize the need to maintain racial hegemony and stop immigration.
And look at the Jews, they keep to themselves and even have their own country.
back to stormfront with you you disgusting 88


Why do you criticize him for being a member of another site? why do you try to discriminate against him? Why try to judge and label him? Why can't you respect him and why would you dislike him for being on another site? As if that were a reason to dislike him.
Seriously though, In China, the Huan Chinese are no fans of race mixing and they are prospering, or Mexico, mexicans, although not a "pure race" recognize the need to maintain racial hegemony and stop immigration.
And look at the Jews, they keep to themselves and even have their own country.

you're right, no country has ever done well without imposing racial purity standards. and us jews never interact with you people.

5/10 on the trolling, you gotta do a little better than that. likely a copy and paste.
Seriously though, In China, the Huan Chinese are no fans of race mixing and they are prospering, or Mexico, mexicans, although not a "pure race" recognize the need to maintain racial hegemony and stop immigration.
And look at the Jews, they keep to themselves and even have their own country.

My wife is asian.
If there was ever a contest for most racist ethnicity on earth
I would say it is her family. She has something to say about Malaysians, chinese, muslim asians, people from her own country that live in another province

Dont take this wrong. but when I am over there. I cannot tell them apart.
The nations that will lead in the future are those that avoid race mixing, the racial equality myth is a tool of the jews they teach that the races are equal and encourage race mixing and races living amoungst eachother

Hybrids are always the best

Look at weed
I didn't mean to get off topic, I just thought you were trying to claim that stormfront members were racist or that being a stormfront member in some way made them bad people. I would rather vote for Condoleeza than Romney or Obama, at least she's American
I didn't mean to get off topic, I just thought you were trying to claim that stormfront members were racist or that being a stormfront member in some way made them bad people. I would rather vote for Condoleeza than Romney or Obama, at least she's American

You're funny