Lady J's Smokin' Section

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I burned my baby. *sigh* What's done is done.


She's still growing, I will just fert less often.

Check out how many new leaves she is trying to grow.


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
past couple days I thought she was growing slow. but i hadn't noticed she was growing EIGHT other leaves. Was only peeking in twice a day to check moisture and the new set up top.


Well-Known Member
past couple days I thought she was growing slow. but i hadn't noticed she was growing EIGHT other leaves. Was only peeking in twice a day to check moisture and the new set up top.
The first couple of weeks after germination is THE hardest part of growing from seed.

After they get established, they will take off, and grow their asses off.

But that first couple of weeks is critical, and very easy to mess up if you over/under do it.


Well-Known Member
Be careful not to veg too big.

400 lacks deep penetration... I would try to lst to maintain low plant height, and creating a wide, but even canopy.

Just cause you have a 6.5 ft ceiling doesnt mean you need to use it all.
Yea, I know it lacks penetration....but I have several different CFLs and a large dual spectrum 200w lotus CFL. Will manage to figure something out ;).


Well-Known Member
Sorry about my late replies guys...trying to do a million and one things at the same time and still have a presence on RIU.

I miss Daygo weed! Samoans always had the good shit.
haha they all sd is a all around beautiful place i miss tha breeze 82f weather(107f today is our local high) high the ocean the reefer and the beautiful melting pot of ladies. and i think it has some of the best bud n the world.. dont sleep on daygo 619 92114!


Active Member
I swear, i come back after one day and i have 6 pages to catch up on! Thanks for the promo lady J! hope i dont disappoint! The setups coming together nicely!

As for you! i cant wait to see just how big you can make those dicks, (which im sure isnt a problem ahaahah). Im pretty blazed right now, but which do you have 12/12 and which are going in your monster closet? Also, have you figured out what your gonna mother? cause goddam, youve got three grow spots already! make a mom/clone area! The possibilities are officially endless with 3 grow spots, regardless of size (imo). I love this fucking plant, shes so rigorous! All this science to try n grow her when really, she just needs the basics to live! (prolly wouldnt be no fukin sensi weed tho!)

Aight, imma hit this bowl a few more times and try to tighten up my grow own grow spot.



ps lemme know when u get clones, cause then, were fo SHO having a smoke session ;)


Well-Known Member
I swear, i come back after one day and i have 6 pages to catch up on! Thanks for the promo lady J! hope i dont disappoint! The setups coming together nicely!

As for you! i cant wait to see just how big you can make those dicks, (which im sure isnt a problem ahaahah). Im pretty blazed right now, but which do you have 12/12 and which are going in your monster closet? Also, have you figured out what your gonna mother? cause goddam, youve got three grow spots already! make a mom/clone area! The possibilities are officially endless with 3 grow spots, regardless of size (imo). I love this fucking plant, shes so rigorous! All this science to try n grow her when really, she just needs the basics to live! (prolly wouldnt be no fukin sensi weed tho!)

Aight, imma hit this bowl a few more times and try to tighten up my grow own grow spot.



ps lemme know when u get clones, cause then, were fo SHO having a smoke session ;)
I have 4 purple haze regs and a fem G13 pineapple Express that are 12/12 in the sterilite bin....and the tent is 18/6 with Dutch Passion Blueberry, Barney's LSD, Ceres Skunk, Rerserva Privada Kandy Kush, Big Bud #2, TH Seeds Rambo, and C99 (all fems). Only two grow spaces now...I shut the closet down about a month ago. The temps were ridiculous and I needed the inline fan for the tent. Am not keeping a mother, will probably take clones from the blueberry and kandy kush!


Active Member
Gotchya! Well then, i stand corrected! Dam you have some tasty strains going, Can't wait to start my Green Ninja! Shit sounds wack! Germing tonight/tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Gotchya! Well then, i stand corrected! Dam you have some tasty strains going, Can't wait to start my Green Ninja! Shit sounds wack! Germing tonight/tomorrow!
Lmao green ninja does sound a lil lame...but you never know, it might whoop your ass real nice and proper ;). What are the genetics? I know you are excited! I have much faith in you :hug: