possible issues with Sannies Mad Scientist...


Well-Known Member
Been sneaking in posts about this little girl in my other grow journal but figured I might get more help here in it's own thread. She's about 14-15 days from germ and almost immediately saw evidence of nute burn from the Fox Farms soil I put her in. I have heard warnings about this but up until now never really had any issues. Currently I have her in a 1gallon smart pot under humble lighting so I know thats not the issue.. its a 100w blackstar and a 42w Cfl. The nute burn I understand but now I seem to be encountering some kind of stunted growth... almost like she's a runt... currently on her 4th set of leaves and it's TINY!!! like 2-2.5 inches...lol!!! super compact and bushy which I guess could be considered a good thing. ANybody ever encountered anything like this? anything I should be considering doing? The new growth looks healthy (despite the burn on the lower leaves). Heres a pic.... kind of hard to get an idea of the size but as I said it's in the smallest smartpot they make... they say it's a gallon but looks smaller than that to me~
View attachment 2244979

as always, any suggestions appreciated... maybe I'm just being paranoid... I dunno...lol~!


Active Member
That looks like its over fertelized and heat stressed. Try and break it down just in case tho:
What did you have the plant in before you transplanted into the smartpot?
What were you using for fertilizer?
What is the ph of the water you're using?
...I bet if you just made a tea with some worm castings, epsom salt, and a little lime (PH to 6.7) and you "Flushed" the soil with it, it would fix your problem.
Fill a 5 gallon bucket with water, drop an airstone in it and let it bubble for 24 hours.
Then add a few table spoons of worm castings, and a tablespoon of Blackstrap molassis.
Let this mix brew for 24 hours.
Then add a half a tablespoon of epsom salt, and a half a tablespoon of dolomite lime. Try and get your ph to 6.7
Let it sit for another hour, then slowly water with this mix tell you have gone through about 3 gallons.


Well-Known Member
I have used no fertilizer whatsoever.... just the ocean forest soil from fox farms which I know is considered a hot soil... so I blame myself for that... but I've used it from transplant many times before without issue. It was germinated and then went into a solo cup with fox farm - perlite mix about 80/20. The water is Poland springs distilled... neutral ph. The heat I never even considered a possibility because I have it under very humble lighting.... it's never gone over 86F.... usually is about 81-82F


Well-Known Member
I should mention the humidity here has been ridiculous.... but again, it didnt concern me as I've heard humidity in the vegetative stage is generally a good thing.... but figured I'd mention it~


Active Member
Id say the little booger probably just needs some magnesium then.
It could also of been a shock to go from no fertilizer, to Fox Farm soil, but really aslong as you have good soil health you dont need to worry about burning your plants with Fox Farm soil. I got my plants in soil that is 3500ppm and they are only showing signs of limp stems but with no burning to any of the leaf. It really just comes down to maintaining a good moisture level in the soil, in my personal opinion.
Im quite certain tho that if you just flushed the soil with the tea I mentioned, it would fix your problem. Ive been growing for a while, I know my shit :)


Well-Known Member
I most definitely will be heading to the hydro store to look into the tea ingredients you mentioned!!!! I've never encountered anything like this so my "inventory" of goodies is pretty limited!!! ty SO much for the input and I will keep you posted once I give the girl some tea;)


Well-Known Member
That looks like its over fertelized and heat stressed. Try and break it down just in case tho:
What did you have the plant in before you transplanted into the smartpot?
What were you using for fertilizer?
What is the ph of the water you're using?
...I bet if you just made a tea with some worm castings, epsom salt, and a little lime (PH to 6.7) and you "Flushed" the soil with it, it would fix your problem.
Fill a 5 gallon bucket with water, drop an airstone in it and let it bubble for 24 hours.
Then add a few table spoons of worm castings, and a tablespoon of Blackstrap molassis.
Let this mix brew for 24 hours.
Then add a half a tablespoon of epsom salt, and a half a tablespoon of dolomite lime. Try and get your ph to 6.7
Let it sit for another hour, then slowly water with this mix tell you have gone through about 3 gallons.
I missed this incredibly detailed response!!!! ty so much my friend... next day off is Friday and I WILL be doing this!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
2 more pics tonight.... a few different angles~001.jpg005.jpg

as you can see.... looks "ok" from the top but definitely something going on below:(


Well-Known Member
2 days after the tea.... good God man.... you should write a book!!!!!!!! still looks like a midget plant...lol... but it is starting to look VERY happy!!!!!016.jpg017.jpgI'm just in awe of how things have improved.... the growth in 2 days has been amazing compared to the last 10 days.... unreal!!!! ty greenchile!!!!!!


2 days after the tea.... good God man.... you should write a book!!!!!!!! still looks like a midget plant...lol... but it is starting to look VERY happy!!!!!View attachment 2253020View attachment 2253021I'm just in awe of how things have improved.... the growth in 2 days has been amazing compared to the last 10 days.... unreal!!!! ty greenchile!!!!!!
I have tried to grow 3 scientists recently with 2 mad shacks, here in australia. as soon as I changed and increased nutrient levels I suffered nutrient lock out which resulted in me aborting that grow for a new one which now consists of 2 mad scientist and 2 blueberry clones. I also changed from organic to recycling hydro just so I could get a quick one in before it is too late!Just thought I would share with you and wish you the best for your current grow.bosty


Well-Known Member
I have tried to grow 3 scientists recently with 2 mad shacks, here in australia. as soon as I changed and increased nutrient levels I suffered nutrient lock out which resulted in me aborting that grow for a new one which now consists of 2 mad scientist and 2 blueberry clones. I also changed from organic to recycling hydro just so I could get a quick one in before it is too late!Just thought I would share with you and wish you the best for your current grow.bosty
Ty for the kind words of support!!!!! The MS is really doing well... somewhat stunted I would say but really starting to look healthy... that's all I can hope for:) I will post pics as soon as I am able because rollitup seems to be having issues tonight in that dept:)


Well-Known Member
pic update..... damn this plant REEKS!!!!!!!!! lol~

anybody have any experience with this plant??? White widow and Herijuana seems to be a pretty intense cross... in the description they say the white widow "mellows" out the insanely strong stone of the herijuana.... thats kinda scary....lol~!


I missed this incredibly detailed response!!!! ty so much my friend... next day off is Friday and I WILL be doing this!!!!!!!
gday guys, i recently attempted a organic grow with sannies mad shack and sannies mad scientist. applied too strong grow nutrient and they all locked up. I tried for a month flushing twice with ph adjusted water but to no avail.
I have put remaining two into pot and collander recycle system with half strength nutes and theyu seem to be doing fine. ph 6.3 - 7.0.
temp water 24c
room temp 15-23c
half strength one part nutrient
working better than the last, actually doing really well.
I estimate 3 oz from each


Well-Known Member
gday guys, i recently attempted a organic grow with sannies mad shack and sannies mad scientist. applied too strong grow nutrient and they all locked up. I tried for a month flushing twice with ph adjusted water but to no avail.
I have put remaining two into pot and collander recycle system with half strength nutes and theyu seem to be doing fine. ph 6.3 - 7.0.
temp water 24c
room temp 15-23c
half strength one part nutrient
working better than the last, actually doing really well.
I estimate 3 oz from each
Great info Bosty... I am quickly becoming aware of how temperamental this strain is... Have added nothing so far except the tea which was recommended to me and I think I will continue with my light hand and only feed when she shows signs of needing it. I'll be transplanting into a 7gal smartpot next week so will get pics up when I do:) ty for the post!


Great info Bosty... I am quickly becoming aware of how temperamental this strain is... Have added nothing so far except the tea which was recommended to me and I think I will continue with my light hand and only feed when she shows signs of needing it. I'll be transplanting into a 7gal smartpot next week so will get pics up when I do:) ty for the post!
I am in week 2 of flower and slight yellowing of new leaves occuring, blueberrys seem to be fine but the two mad scientists are bit lime coloured. They are in a pot and colander recycling system, 1/2 strength nutes(1part) 22c water, ph 6.3, room temp does not exceed 28c.had netting applied to them recently too.
I have grown for 2 decades and these have to be the trickiest of plants to deal with.
I will take and post pics soon.
nb I managed to grow out my kill. fields f2 and el monstre in organic/soil, totally on seaweed fertiliser with worm casting tea here and there.With alternative waterings of plain ph adjusted water. They turned out perfect, one kf main cola was so thick and large it got a mould problem, smaller buds were fine just the large one became covered in a thin film of white and had slight mould scent to the outside of it. Like it had a layer of frost on it! This had mouldy taste compared to beautiful fruity berry mild flavour of unaffected kf flowers.
I hope anything i,ve written is a help to someone



Well-Known Member
the new growth looks great... but it's slightly annoying because the damaged older leafsets are getting bigger so the problem almost seems more pronounced~ I transplanted her today so I'll get a pic up... MUCH larger pot so it looks a little funny at the moment... but at least you'll see the leaves I'm talking about.


Well-Known Member
so here's a few quick pics.... turned the LED off for the second one so you could see the actual colors of the leaves... but the LED of course makes it very easy to spot problems with a quick glance~


She is now in a 10gallon smartpot... so hopefully that will help with the stunted growth...the plant probably has 8 or 9 nodes and the damn thing is only like 7inches tall...lol~


100% sure you have acidic soil locked out p-k-ca-mg flushhhhhh 6.8 water your problem is solved ... you will essentially need to maybe use some organic ferts to reconstitute your ocean forest as your wiping out its juice then some worm tea and b1 and your back on track..... its just a setback


Well-Known Member
100% sure you have acidic soil locked out p-k-ca-mg flushhhhhh 6.8 water your problem is solved ... you will essentially need to maybe use some organic ferts to reconstitute your ocean forest as your wiping out its juice then some worm tea and b1 and your back on track..... its just a setback
I have used nothing but poland springs distilled water... as for the soil It's fresh FFOF.... I've never had issues like this before. It has tripled in size since I first posted and as I mentioned the new growth is fine. Its just the leaves that were previously damaged that are annoying me. When I transplanted today I let 2 gallons of the distilled water run through... will probably run the tea again if things don't pick up soon.
One thing that crossed my mind today is that I keep my stockpile of water in the trunk of my car... I'm wondering if the heat in the trunk might affect it somehow??? probably not but just something that crossed my mind~