Condoleeza as Romney's VP

2010 Maryland gubernatorial electionIn the Maryland gubernatorial election in 2010, the campaign of Republican candidate Bob Ehrlich hired a consultant who advised that "the first and most desired outcome is voter suppression", in the form of having "African-American voters stay home."[SUP][39][/SUP] To that end, the Republicans placed thousands of Election Day robocalls to Democratic voters, telling them that the Democratic candidate, Martin O'Malley, had won, although in fact the polls were still open for some two more hours.[SUP][40][/SUP] The Republicans' call, worded to seem as if it came from Democrats, told the voters, "Relax. Everything's fine. The only thing left is to watch it on TV tonight."[SUP][39][/SUP] The calls reached 112,000 voters in majority-African American areas.[SUP][40][/SUP] In 2011, Ehrlich's campaign manager, Paul Schurick, was convicted of fraud and other charges because of the calls.[SUP][39][/SUP][SUP][40][/SUP] In 2012, he was sentenced to 30 days of home detention, a one-year suspended jail sentence, and 500 hours of community service over the four years of his probation, with no fine or jail time.[SUP][41][/SUP]
So the routine robocalling you claim takes place is one incident. The rest is Democrats claiming it is common, all the while stuffing the ballot box. Basically the guy told a bunch of morons they didn't need to vote, so the morons just sat in front of their TVs instead of getting off their lazy asses and voting. What makes you think they would have voted for the Democrat, the fact they're lazy and stupid?
  • Democratic voters receiving calls incorrectly informing them voting will lead to arrest.
  • Widespread calls fraudulently claiming to be "[Democratic Senate candidate Jim] Webb Volunteers," falsely telling voters their voting location had changed.
  • Fliers paid for by the Republican Party, stating "SKIP THIS ELECTION" that allegedly attempted to suppress African-American turnout.

Anyone stupid enough to fall for any of this is too dumb to vote anyway!
They should have their voting privileges taken away.
Three words: Senate Intelligence Committee. Full access to all military intelligence. You're a liar. Your only true statement was the very last line.

No, I am not a liar and I resent the charge.

The majority of intell was directed through Bush's Pentagon based office of special plans and then onward many times to individuals in congress, in short, Bush strong armed and manipulated many into believing his office's assessment of threat. His assessments were not veted by the intel groups - Curveball was a perfect example of this process.

"The Office of Special Plans (OSP), created by the Bush administration, stovepiped raw intelligence related to Saddam Hussein's government in Iraq to high level Bush administration officials. Professional analysts from other departments determined that many of these reports originated with dishonest sources or were untrue for other reasons (see e.g. Curveball), and the process of vetting would have prevented their reaching decision makers through normal channels. This stovepiping by the OSP had the effect of providing a substantial portion of the untrue allegations that formed the publicly declared justifications for the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, such as allegations of collaboration with Al Qaeda and an ongoing program of weapons of mass destruction.[SUP][2]"

[/SUP]During Bush Administration, around 2002-2003, the United States Department of Defense by the under-secretary for defence, Douglas Feith created a specialized group focucing on all military efforts surrounding Iraq, Afghanistan, and Near East countries, and also efforts related to the Global War on Terror, inside the Pentagon. This group was said to be responsible for 'Stovepiping' intelligence on presence and threats by Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq under Saddam Hussein regime, which has been cause of Iraq invasion. This group was called an ad-hoc and arbituary group, but in 2004, the group functions were transferred to the "Office of Special Plans." [SUP][8]

[/SUP]As to your Committee on Intelligence, while it is generaly true that the Senate oversees intel groups, they are not necessarily privey to that intel and in this case, since Bush re-routed much of the information through his own office, congress was not directly offered processed information.
On June 20, 2003, Senator Roberts and Senator John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WV), the Committee's vice-chairman, issued a joint press release announcing that the committee would conduct a detailed review of the Iraqi WMD intelligence process, including the following areas:
  • the quantity and quality of U.S. intelligence on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction programs, ties to terrorist groups, Saddam Hussein's threat to stability and security in the region, and his repression of his own people;
  • the objectivity, reasonableness, independence, and accuracy of the judgments reached by the Intelligence Community;
  • whether those judgments were properly disseminated to policy makers in the Executive Branch and Congress;
  • whether any influence was brought to bear on anyone to shape their analysis to support policy objectives; and
  • other issues we mutually identify in the course of the Committee's review.

Note the date and note the question of "whether those judgements were properly disseminated to policy makers in the Executive Branch and Congress"

There are a number of recountings of how this information was presented to individuals of congress and they were not done by members of the intel community.
Another lie. You're a real piece o' work.

I don't like anecdotal evidence, but I have heard a robocall with my own ears saying just such a thing, Dems were called and reminded to vote - but the date they were given was a day after the election.

The term "lie" has been used several times here and it makes no one look reasonable.
So the routine robocalling you claim takes place is one incident. The rest is Democrats claiming it is common, all the while stuffing the ballot box. Basically the guy told a bunch of morons they didn't need to vote, so the morons just sat in front of their TVs instead of getting off their lazy asses and voting. What makes you think they would have voted for the Democrat, the fact they're lazy and stupid?

Prove Dems stuff the ballot box. Republican mischief with regard to elections is common knowlege, from Black Box and Diebold's questionable actions to voter roll purges to caging. Yet conservatives, because they have never heard of it - owing to their reliance on rightist news sources, believe that it must not exist. This is fairly typical.
Prove Dems stuff the ballot box. Republican mischief with regard to elections is common knowlege, from Black Box and Diebold's questionable actions to voter roll purges to caging. Yet conservatives, because they have never heard of it - owing to their reliance on rightist news sources, believe that it must not exist. This is fairly typical.
I'm a foreigner and I even know about what Gov J Bush did in Florida for his big bro, disenfranchising voters with a criminal record I believe. Same old GOP, always cheating!
I'm a foreigner and I even know about what Gov J Bush did in Florida for his big bro, disenfranchising voters with a criminal record I believe. Same old GOP, always cheating!

Well... FL law says criminals can't vote, but what he did and I don't know if it was him personaly, was to order a list of non-eligible voters compared with the voter rolls. When the database company asked how stringent the comparisons should be, they were told anything even close to the name would do. So Sam E. Smith would be purged but so would Sam A. Smith - like that.
I'm a foreigner and I even know about what Gov J Bush did in Florida for his big bro, disenfranchising voters with a criminal record I believe. Same old GOP, always cheating!
Convicted felons lost their voting rights 136 years ago, long before Jeb Bush was even born. Claiming he somehow "cheated" is a lie. You will always be misinformed until you learn that every party will lie to you.
Convicted felons lost their voting rights 136 years ago, long before Jeb Bush was even born. Claiming he somehow "cheated" is a lie. You will always be misinformed until you learn that every party will lie to you.

The point is that FL used this convicted persons purge in order to purge other people who had names similar to the convicts. You will always be misinformed unless you scoop away the overburden of crap in order to get to the deposits of truth underneith.
I'm a foreigner and I even know about what Gov J Bush did in Florida for his big bro, disenfranchising voters with a criminal record I believe. Same old GOP, always cheating!

See that is where you are wrong
What they did was
Purge voters with a criminal record
Purge voters that were elgible to vote

Even worse
Ex felons were granted the right to vote in Florida 2 years ago and they decided that this year
They would disenfranchise them again
Becuase they are worried the election would be so close
They needed to make sure they couldnt vote

Republicans are scum. This election is the last one before their demographics fall to such a low number there is no way they can suppress the vote that much
Prove Dems stuff the ballot box. Republican mischief with regard to elections is common knowlege, from Black Box and Diebold's questionable actions to voter roll purges to caging. Yet conservatives, because they have never heard of it - owing to their reliance on rightist news sources, believe that it must not exist. This is fairly typical.
I personally witnessed the Duval county Democratic Party Headquarters buying votes from retarded citizens from a group home on the 3200 block of Plymouth St. with beer and cigarettes in 1992. Representative Loretta Sanchez of California was elected by less than 1 thousand votes. There were 35,000 fraudulent votes cast in that election by dead and/or non-citizens. The Democratic "machine" in Chicago is very well known and was the deciding factor in JFK's election. This is a well-documented fact. "Republican mischief with regard to elections is common knowlege" is stating a partisan opinion as if it were a fact. This is no different than lying. A malfunctioning voting machine doesn't indicate voter fraud, just that the machine is malfunctioning. If your car won't start, does that indicate vote fraud? No, it doesn't. Why do Democrats resist any and all efforts to curb voter fraud? You lie consistently, you expect no one to point it out?
Under orders from Harris’s office, DBT provided matches of anyone with a close name. Thus, for example, John Jackson is a black man who had served time in Texas, so Johnny Jackson Jr., a black man in Florida with the same birth date, was purged from the registration rolls. [SUP][6][/SUP] DBT used lists of former felons that included names and birth dates and race, but counted as a “match” names that were only approximate. DBT specifically wrote Harris’s office to say that their name-match criteria would include a large number of nonfelons, and Harris’s office advised them in writing to lower the name-match criterion further to 85%. All told, DBT generated a list of 82,389 voters to purge from registries. [SUP][7][/SUP]
DBT subsequently tried to defend their lists by claiming they were 85% accurate. [SUP][8][/SUP] But that would still mean that well over 10,000 mostly minority, poor, and Democratic Floridians were illegally disenfranchised — more than twenty times Bush’s margin of victory in the state. Plus, where verification was attempted, the accuracy of the list was nowhere near 85%. Officials in Leon County, Florida, tried to verify the 694 names on the list from Tallahassee and found only 34 to be a match—a 5% accuracy rate. [SUP][9][/SUP]
Robert E. Pierre reported in the Washington Post that responsibility for this faulty voter purge lies with Harris’s office, not DBT: From the beginning, Database Technologies raised serious concerns that non-felons could be misidentified. ... “Obviously, we want to capture more names that possibly aren’t matches,” said Emmett “Bucky” Mitchell, who headed the state purge effort, in a March 1999 e-mail to Database Technologies product manager Marlene Thorogood, who had warned him of possible mistakes. ... Clay Roberts, director of the state’s division of elections, confirmed the policy. ... “The decision was made to do the match in such a way as not to be terribly strict on the name.” “We warned them,” said James E. Lee, vice president of communications for the company. “The list was exactly what the state wanted. They said, ‘The counties will verify the information, so you don’t have to.’” [SUP][10][/SUP]
As Florida county election boards review a list of thousands of potentially ineligible voters -- including some who may be felons -- CNN is suing the state, claiming the public and media should also be able to review the list.
The move comes four years after the state's voter rolls were at the center of one of the closest elections in U.S. history.
The state Monday denied a CNN request for a copy of the list of up to 48,000 people. These people, according to the state, could be ineligible to vote because they are felons or have multiple registrations -- or have died since the last election.

I personally witnessed the Duval county Democratic Party Headquarters buying votes from retarded citizens from a group home on the 3200 block of Plymouth St. with beer and cigarettes in 1992. Representative Loretta Sanchez of California was elected by less than 1 thousand votes. There were 35,000 fraudulent votes cast in that election by dead and/or non-citizens. The Democratic "machine" in Chicago is very well known and was the deciding factor in JFK's election. This is a well-documented fact. "Republican mischief with regard to elections is common knowlege" is stating a partisan opinion as if it were a fact. This is no different than lying. A malfunctioning voting machine doesn't indicate voter fraud, just that the machine is malfunctioning. If your car won't start, does that indicate vote fraud? No, it doesn't. Why do Democrats resist any and all efforts to curb voter fraud? You lie consistently, you expect no one to point it out?

Malfunction? really? funny that most of the "malfunctions" resulted in repulican votes. Now how about some links to this 35,000 fraudulent votes. And yes, Chicago is known for it's voter issues, now extend that to ohio, Nevada, Florida, and New Mexico. We reist any and all efforts to curb voter fraud because we recognize them for what they are, attempts to alter the basis of our electoral system for republican gain.
Bullshit.. What you really mean is "We reist any and all efforts to curb voter fraud because we recognize that most fraudulent voters vote Democratic"
Bullshit.. What you really mean is "We reist any and all efforts to curb voter fraud because we recognize that most fraudulent voters vote Democratic"

And what have you that demonstrates that rollinbud? where are all those voter fraud cases? there needn't be convictions, just reasonable accusations from legitimate parties. My same equation stands for you as well, are the number of fraudulent voters that would be stopped greater than the number of legit voters who will be deprived of their right?
Bullshit.. What you really mean is "We reist any and all efforts to curb voter fraud because we recognize that most fraudulent voters vote Democratic"

Yes here in Wisconsin voter fraud is RAMPANT

They got 7 people for voting fraudelently
All 7 were ex felons not released from probation

They represented a whopping .00023% of the vote
See that is where you are wrong What they did was Purge voters with a criminal record AND Purge voters that were elgible to vote Even worse Ex felons were granted the right to vote in Florida 2 years ago and they decided that this year They would disenfranchise them again Becuase they are worried the election would be so close They needed to make sure they couldnt vote Republicans are scum. This election is the last one before their demographics fall to such a low number there is no way they can suppress the vote that much
How does "disenfranchising" random voters benefit Republicans?
The point is that FL used this convicted persons purge in order to purge other people who had names similar to the convicts. You will always be misinformed unless you scoop away the overburden of crap in order to get to the deposits of truth underneith.
How does "purging" random voters benefit Republicans?
Well... FL law says criminals can't vote, but what he did and I don't know if it was him personaly, was to order a list of non-eligible voters compared with the voter rolls. When the database company asked how stringent the comparisons should be, they were told anything even close to the name would do. So Sam E. Smith would be purged but so would Sam A. Smith - like that.
How does "purging" random voters benefit Republicans?