Whole Grow Problems (worst month ever)


Active Member
Whats goin on guys.

As mentioned, this month as been pretty rough on me. Went from a clean, fruitful op to a spidermite, and powder mildew infested garden :(

Things came so fast, and all I've been able to do is hold on with an absurd (5000+ per room) amount of ladybugs and bakeing soda/water spray.
It's been a humid month in what is normally one of the dryest places on earth, and it has literally destroyed all of my work.

Anyways, not really looking for sympathy, rather, I'm looking for opinions/tricks about how to fix and rid myself of this cancer. Most likely going to go through and bleach everything and make sure I keep the humidity to < 50% and the temp at 75+

On final note, I've luckily been able to save a few harvests by keeping everything in check and looking good, however as soon as I lighten up, shit is taking over


Well-Known Member
Tabacco Juice recipe

Take 3 strong ciggeretes soak them over night in water
Boil it for 2 to 3 miniutes, let it cool off and spray the plants 3 to 4 times a week. You can add safer soap if you like to the mixture.
(make absolutly sure you use gloves/face protection while handling and spraying)
Neem oil works very well too!!

GNATROL( used in Hydroponics/Aeroponics in the water as well as soil)
Safer Sticky Stakes
TR-11000 Pyrethrum
Anything that says dicofol on the back. ( should be used in vegging or early flowering)


Hot Pepper Wax,
Safer Yard & Garden Insecticide
Doc's Neem Pest Soap
Bugzyme Natural Pest Killer
Schultz-Instant Insect Spray
Lady Beetles (Beneficial Insect)
Predatory mite (Beneficial Insect)
Pirate Bugs (Beneficial Insect)
Neem Oil
Neem 2

there should be somthing in here you can use for your mite probs :)


Well-Known Member
Whats goin on guys.

As mentioned, this month as been pretty rough on me. Went from a clean, fruitful op to a spidermite, and powder mildew infested garden :(

Things came so fast, and all I've been able to do is hold on with an absurd (5000+ per room) amount of ladybugs and bakeing soda/water spray.
It's been a humid month in what is normally one of the dryest places on earth, and it has literally destroyed all of my work.

Anyways, not really looking for sympathy, rather, I'm looking for opinions/tricks about how to fix and rid myself of this cancer. Most likely going to go through and bleach everything and make sure I keep the humidity to < 50% and the temp at 75+

On final note, I've luckily been able to save a few harvests by keeping everything in check and looking good, however as soon as I lighten up, shit is taking over
No advice on the spidermites (except a large population of regular spiders and no real outside-air intakes seems to keep you from ever getting them)

I'd shell out the cash for a ac or portable ac or dehumidifier -- dehumidifiers aren't that great because as long as it's hot water will continue to evaporate. That's fine if you have an area that will dry out, but your garden won't.

Also, you might want to thin out plants -- either spacing or trimming, and make sure you can get to all the dead leaves. Powder mold seems to start / rely on dead, humid leaves.

Oh, and they sell 'predatory mites', which are mites that eat spider mites. Might want to try those next time, or after all your ladybugs die. I can't vouch for them, but I've heard a few people say it's hard to get ladybugs to eat non-aphids.


Spider mites are very hard to get rid of, I spray starting from week 2 of veg until about week 7 of bloom. I spray every 3 days with about a half full cap of azamax, 100ml of sm90, a drop of dish soap and topped with water in a quart spray bottle. During veg i totally saturate the plants and after buddig starts I lightly spray the plants but really saturate the bottoms and top of buckets. As far as powdery mildew. I used to have to burn sulfur every 3 days for about four hours. Now I don't even have to use it.