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indy, tives, or brid

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Random bagseed, supposedly a kush. A friend from Mancos gave it to me, so I'm calling her Mancos Kush. She's six or eight weeks old or so.
Super Haze! I'm not a huge sativa fan in general, but I thought I'd pop her for giggles. Maybe she will help me figure out this haze craze. She's the same age as the Mancos Kush.
Don't mind the (hopefully) revegging Diesel in the back! Note to self--next time, take clones.

chef c

Well-Known Member
I found this in my garden yesterday... Anyone know what it is? I've never seen anything like it before??

Ps like the new "quote picture" sauce... I've seen that somewhere before :)


Active Member
I'll have to get them out on their own and take pics, they trained out really well...starting to get the feeling EC was right, 6 plants can produce more than enough medicine with proper veg time


Well-Known Member
Haha, they're not just mine. We got a good crew of BadAndy, Quietguy, and Myself. Here's a recent shot of one of our
rooms, some of the plants are about 8' and in 20g pots. I'll get some pictures of the outdoor my friend is working on as
well, some of those plants are almost 9' tall already and still vegging.

EC: I still haven't gotten the gift card as I've been busy, but I will try to get it tomorrow on my way to pay my speeding ticket :P

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Active Member
Haha, they're not just mine. We got a good crew of BadAndy, Quietguy, and Myself. Here's a recent shot of one of our
rooms, some of the plants are about 8' and in 20g pots. I'll get some pictures of the outdoor my friend is working on as
well, some of those plants are almost 9' tall already and still vegging.

EC: I still haven't gotten the gift card as I've been busy, but I will try to get it tomorrow on my way to pay my speeding ticket :P

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Ugh I long to move outside...the goal is a couple of acres and a little ranch home to start growing some real trees outside, we get A LOT more sunshine than Cali or the pnw

chef c

Well-Known Member
Looking fucking great sauce... That alien bomb looks fast! I know the space bomb finishes hella fast and the mother, well not super quick but not to shabby either... how she smell looks like a peach pheno... And that og looks nice to for 27 days, that's for sure. Responding well to your teas no doubt.

chef c

Well-Known Member
Just saw the new "Dark Knight" movie... Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck :), that shit was tight as hell.. Defiantly gonna name one of the new strains after that shit... Alien og x dbog... "DARK KNIGHT OGK"


Well-Known Member
I think you hit it spot on chef she has almost a rotten peach smell or a apricote jelly smell did you get my message?