1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

your body is saying it's had enough alcohol.....I know every major foolish decision I ever made was fueled by it. Smoking is so much easier on the body and mind. Enjoy the fruits of your garden.

this 'security' bullshit is for the birds. Some of it is damn near impossible to read. it sure has cut down the number of post.

i got home and the sun had gone in so no garden :(

i'm kind of giving everything a miss at the moment. i gave up the cigs as well. so far so good haven't slept right for a while, like 6 days but i'm getting there, the habits broken, not irritable by stupid stuff but i know if i roll a joint though i'll cave. so i'm off to hit the bong and pot up some funky little numbers.
I didn't realize that you had given up tobacco too....your body is going thru nicotine withdrawal and will settle down shortly....the cravings last for years. I agree with you about the bong, pipes works well also....and are easier to travel with.

yeah i nearly got a pack yesterday morning but thought after the crap sleep for days i may aswell stick with it. i've been quitting some bad habits of late, quit sleeping tablets and now cigs. slept like a baby last night. might actually be time to delete my dealers number and unroll my banknotes :shock: maybe...

well sick of this half sunny, half rainy, humid business. it's approaching mould watch time and i don't need the humidity.
i am a creature of habit cof and i already am a fat bastard.

live fast, die young and leave a good looking corpse. that said i'll probably die of a heart attack on the shitter too. enough maudlin shit anyway.

you'll all just have to imagine pics of my plants as the camera is still at the other best man's house.
like I thought that would happen, lol. What to do is not delete it, just not bother calling him and hopefully by the time you do want to call him he'll have changed his number, as these types of dealers do.....
oh you merry quipper. i hear you it's doing me no favours. mans got to ave a vice though.
Nice toms, they indoor? lol.

I got a whole side of greenhouse full of toms this year (2 plants, cuttings kept from last year). These things are taking over.
Hey brus ... watsup....
Sorry to intrude.. but boy i think i got myself in a mite battle...
Guess im not cut out for this stuff...hehe...

ps.. stay away from the buddha tahoes... there not that great so far...
Nice toms, they indoor? lol.

I got a whole side of greenhouse full of toms this year (2 plants, cuttings kept from last year). These things are taking over.
hahah yeah they are indoor, nice guess lol. the weathers so up and down though i might have to finish them up in the tent ffs though they are tall as the damn tent at the moment. i have half a dozen plants in the mini conservatory come greenhouse deal at the back of our place. the grass is almost as tall as them i cant get a break in the fucking weather long enough for it to dry out and get cut. i think i've seen a lost pygmy tribesman a few times.
Hey brus ... watsup....
Sorry to intrude.. but boy i think i got myself in a mite battle...
Guess im not cut out for this stuff...hehe...

ps.. stay away from the buddha tahoes... there not that great so far...
what up cheeze man.

intrude whenever you like fella. mites suck man get a hot shot strip and take the fight to those little swines.

man from the breeder pic the buddha tahoe looked the ish. never know they might finish up strong. here's hoping!
Ill try it out.. might not be mites after all.. but its something...
Yeah when i saw the pic i had to grow it.. I got my finger croosed...
Stay up don don..
the fairy came to tea! tho i think some of the presents have had a rough time,
the dog especially :( :( i'm going to nurse it to it's last breath, i've had clones look worse than this and pull through. funnily enough the bottom left one in the pic above i had actually thrown in the bin till i realised it had rooted!? there was mould growing round the pistils at the top :shock:
JTR dom psycho killer. not lemon pledge pheno, this looks pretty much all JTR to me, Fred?
2 toke killer VV
Sour cherry V smells like shit, no really like actual shit!?!?

Group shot : left is the DOG middle the ace of spades and right the amethyst.
amethyst is looking like it'll be at least a week behind the others/

fucksake that was harder than it needed to be. sorry for the yellow i was using a diff camera to usual settings aren't the same. should have my normal one back next week.

anyway. have a great weekend all.