Well-Known Member
Big dealalready own Park Place and Broadway, hotels up...
I have baltic avenue and the reading railroad
Im going to win
Big dealalready own Park Place and Broadway, hotels up...
UB and i disagree on a few things, but instead of bickering, we team up and shit on the likes of Beennowhere and DEAsert Dude.Does abandonconflict = Unclebuck?
Or am I just high.....too many full melt dabs
Another Awesome Right wing IdeaWhen a firm is invading on the rights of others, they should be held liable for damage. I believe this can be achieved through the courts as originally intended, not regulatory committees. Handling cases on an individual basis seems more fair to me,as the people actually effected can be compensated.
That's ok, we'll be safe in Jail, I think Free Parking has a meter now.Big deal
I have baltic avenue and the reading railroad
Im going to win
Broadway??already own Park Place and Broadway, hotels up...
The Dem's are having a field day with the way the repubs ran the debates and the voting.Right, with the current rules Ron Paul should be on the ballot, but we all know how much Republicans don't like their own rules. Who knows.
i hope you retarded paulbots don't disappoint us at the convention. i want chaos and angry ronbots running amok.The Dem's are having a field day with the way the repubs ran the debates and the voting.
And THAT is one of the things i like about his camp.#2
Not a chance...
If Ron Paul was a battleship sunk to the bottom of the ocean his supporters would still be yelling "FIRE ALL GUNS"
Good way to make sure your voice in this country's future goes unheard.I like Gary Johnson, my favorite debate was when they had him and Ron Paul on stage. I am torn between a Ron Paul write in and a vote for Gary Johnson. There is no fucking way ever I will vote Obama or Romney.
How am I making it bigger? The candidate I back wants a less intrusive Federal government?Now that you are a registered republican, you are helping make the government smaller, wait no...
Many repubs AND Dems support the war machine. But since your are so uninformed I'll school you a bit child. I'm the one who backs the candidate that says do not go to war on a whim. Go when Congress declares war. Don't be policemen of the world. I'm the one who backs the candidate who says defend our borders like the Constitution says instead of defending other countries borders in order to get oil.You're surely contributing to peace, um nope again..
Get a clue. Government cannot create jobs, it creates debt. If you'd pay attention more you'd know that. Become informed.Creating jobs, again fail...
abandonconflict is just another little kid who refuses to discuss the issues and instead deflects because that's what children who do that back failed policies. They cannot defend those failed policies so instead they make things up.Ron Paul is just another GOP candidate. You're just another registered republitard...spell your name backwards, fits you better. Rekrap...
fascism??Anarchic capitalism??? LMAO Learn what those words mean before you throw them around like a person drunk on the peoples "free money".hinging on this opinion, your argument is weak
Anarchic capitalism will only further stratify our society into even more distinct and separate classes. Despite all of his good bullshit, his economic policy reveals his fascism. In fact, what libertarian has in the last year come to mean is simply a vanguard party.
Then quit voting the same control freaks in that want big government to run your life from cradle to grave. Wake up!That is precisely correct, the oligarchy already has it's monopolies (with a hotel on Park Place).
Ever hear of lawsuits?Awesome
Without regulations
Mines could pollute our drinking water
Energy companys are land and air
And anyone that broadcasts on the radio spectrum could drown out a competitor with higher power
If only we could get out of the way of business doing what it does best
making money at any cost
We would be a much better country
Air pollution could become China's biggest health threat, expert warns
Leading respiratory disease specialist warns of consequences if government fails to monitor and publicise the dangers of smog
Well that answers why your breath smells like shit.UB and i disagree on a few things, but instead of bickering, we team up and shit on the likes of Beennowhere and DEAsert Dude.
Not much of a chance imo. The old guard hired a private police force at one of the delegate conventions. The outgoing chairman had them throw out the newly elected chairman. He was an elderly gentleman with a hip problem and they ruffed him up pretty good. I wouldn't wish that even on you.i hope you retarded paulbots don't disappoint us at the convention. i want chaos and angry ronbots running amok.
The impact that will be had is already in place. Not what i would've hoped for, but it's out there for all too see.Not much of a chance imo. The old guard hired a private police force at one of the delegate conventions. The outgoing chairman had them throw out the newly elected chairman. He was an elderly gentleman with a hip problem and they ruffed him up pretty good. I wouldn't wish that even on you.
I'm hoping for some kind of an impact though.
It'll be the early hours of the morning but I'll have popcorn...and lots of weed.i hope you retarded paulbots don't disappoint us at the convention. i want chaos and angry ronbots running amok.
pretty fail statement when most states didn't actually have to register as a republican including myself, and beside the point when you can still vote for whoever you want. Furthermore you will be the one getting your ass handed to you by us for voting for Obama while we are all sitting in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison for growing marijuana under Obomoney.Ron Paul's sole purpose in this election was to get morons to register as republicans. Wake up idiot, you got duped.
Well the POLLS on every libertarian website tend to disagree with you, according to those polls we won't be voting for an authoritarian! SURPRISE!hinging on this opinion, your argument is weak