Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

I have my next grow on the brain, but that doesn't mean I can neglect my reporting of the hard-hitting news.
Ex-Porn Star Harmony Rose, AKA Tracy Rolan, Volunteers As EMT

Y'know what I think? I support Tracy fully.

If I ever needed rescuing from a forest fire, I think I'd rather get mouth-to-mouth from Tracy over some hairy dude any day.

Oh, yeah.... come rescue me, Harmony... I mean Tracy.
Kate Upton: 'I'm Not Going To Starve Just To Be Thin'

Some know-nothing over at some blog called "SkinnyGossip" said of Kate:

"thick, vulgar, almost pornographic."

To which Kate responded:

"I'm not going to starve just to be thin. I want to enjoy life and I can't if I'm not eating and miserable."

To which I say, Bravo, Kate.

I've always been of the opinon "better a little too much than not enough."

But call me crazy, call me blind... I cannot see ANYTHING wrong with Kate.
There are few events that can pull me away from my life of crime-fighting long enough to stop and smell the roses.

The yearly geek spectacle known as Comicon is one of them.

I hate crowds. You would think they would have a diamond lane for Batman. They probably think I'm a dork in a costume like them. Look at all these losers in their ridiculous costumes.

Ah, so much nicer after getting past the entry gate. So good to get away from all those freaks and weirdos.

So what did I see? The usual...

Inadequate Hulks.

Fours, fives, sixes, and sevens, magically transformed into tens for a day.


(I think I can take the little one.)

Actual tens reminding all the fake tens what it means to be a real ten.

And see this guy? He's pretending to be a geek, when we all know he's not. I mean come on, no geek has hair like that.

And these people took so damned long, I didn't even get a picture with the cast from my favorite film series. "Oh, Robert, please sign this! Oh, Taylor touched me! I'll never bathe again!" Gag. Give the Caped Crusader a chance.

So back to brooding on rooftops at night for me. Peace.
Sorry not been on much lately...

So no water cooled light?

What strain you going to run next? or will it be a "get whatever looks good at the time" kind of adventure to PO?

ETG? (Estimated time till growing :eyesmoke:)
Sorry not been on much lately...

So no water cooled light?

What strain you going to run next? or will it be a "get whatever looks good at the time" kind of adventure to PO?

ETG? (Estimated time till growing :eyesmoke:)

Whatever looks good at the time at PO. Exactly.

I think we should all post "ETG?" on Jin's page everyday till he puts up pics of clones in his grow cab :eyesmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:

You're a good man. I'll have a surprise for you before you know it.
So I was hanging around outside my apartment when I saw this tall, shadowy figure approaching. He was holding a box and had a friendly way about him.

But when I invited him in, he warned that a mix of two different OG's was the only way to get the best cuts available at the time. One is the lovely Tahoe we already know so well, but ladies and germinators, say hello to Larry OG? WTF?

At first glance this thing dwarfs her Tahoe sister. But if you look carefully, you'll see that the leaves on each cut are of pretty comparable size. This means I can equalize their difference in size through effective training (or that's the theory anyway).


And now to the difference in strains. It's anyone's guess at this point if I'll succeed. But Cheeze wanted to make this harder for me and more interesting for all of you.

I'm not sure how well I'll do with two types in one tub, but if they're closely related sisters as Cheeze assured, it should be okay. I'll say one thing, the health of these beauties is through the roof.

You've really outdone yourself, Cheezeman.

Once again, big shout out to 323Cheezy. If you run out of that Tahoe I gave you, you know where to find me.

And look at that. Larry perking up already... Even after you did your best to kill them on the way over here. Lol. Oh, and btw, no three bladed leaf nonsense this time. Prolly a stronger pheno... prolly result in larger plants... prolly result in greater yield. Yeah.

So we're off to the races again... without so much as taking a breath! Yeah!

Tahoe, Larry OG
AN Sensi

Do it!

And no, my model isn't really high. I just caught her in the right moment. Lol.

And you guys aren't so bad yourself, Progressive Options. I'll do you guys proud (again).

Remember this post?
A couple more:




Thanks! And here's a clone shot for you.

Just got back from PO (trippy place). So here's the answer you've all been waiting for: LOUIE XIII OG IN DUAL MONSTER PLANT SYSTEM (3rd time's a charm scrog).

New journal coming momentarily.
Well Done Good Sir!!! :clap:

I like the choice on the Louie too! Ikd maybe try link again in new post? But why does it say Tahoe? too much tahoe me thinks hahaha j/k

It's not too late to ditch the AN tho! Remember all those damn heavy metals and whatnot? I switched from Sensi A&B to the Canna equivalent mid bloom once i was so frustrated with AN and I shit you not the girls the first day after Canna first watering looked healthier than they ever did with AN.

However you do get some killer results with AN.... It's just a low grade fertilizer in retrospect comparatively to like Canna for example.

In any event im rambling... Cant wait to see how the Louie goes! :weed: Nice work!
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to lordjin again."

Man this is some bs, i havent rep you for like 6 months at least lol