

Well-Known Member
We have a lot of deer, that are constantly raiding our gardens (mostly Lily's). Any suggestions would be appreciated. Just sprayed with a product made from putrified eggs, and garlic. Thinking of covering the good plants with lightweight deer fencing.
Actually, when ever you see your ladies, just whip it out and piss all around them. That should keep them growing and one day i went to my plant and there were fan leafs that were eaten off of it and a deer print right next to it.
Buy a couple yellow onions and a 22 caliber rifle, problem solved and dinner to boot.:wink: Oh and remember to yell "It's coming right towards you"
22 right in the guts, deer will take off and either bleed to death elsewhere or never come back!!:-o 12 guage ? u nutz , maybe during hunting season but during summer? That would draw too much attention for my likings.
I dont reccomend shooting the deer with the 22 whoever said to gut shoot the deer you stupid fuck you should be gut shot your the stupid bastards that bring all the unwanted attention our way. I have no idea where you live but if you kill a doe that has a fawn chances are that it wont make it through winter unless you live down south were the climate is better than up here in Montana. Someone said predator urine that would work great for you if you can find a place that sells it. You could always start pissing in 1 gallon jugs saving it up and pour it around the perimeter of your garden. If you know what your doing and you have a shotgun you can also take a few shells apart take the bbs or slug out and fill it with mineral salt and shoot the deer with that. Not only will it not kill the deer but it wont really harm it either just put a little salt under its skin. I have an 8 ft fence around my garden to keep the deer out if they really wanted to jump it they could. Here in Montana im not too worried about a deer munching on my bud an Elk tho in the garden and your fucked especially if its a good size herd running through the area from some idiot hunters pushing them around. I have seen them run right through barb wire fences like nothing completly demolish a field there crazy big and if they wanted to eat they could easily jump an 8 ft fence I have seen a big 6x6 Bull walk up to a 6 ft fence look back and non chalantly hop over it. Dont kill the deer get fencing or use predator piss. Dont do anything that would draw attention and give the movement a bad name.
cheap easy way right here- chop up and boil fresh hot peppers hotter they are the better, chop up some garlic too. Boil a handful of chopped peppers and a clove of garlic in 4 cups of water. let cool off. put in a spray bottle and stray down everything around your grow including your girls their bags and top soil. It'll keep deer and rabbits away.
cheap easy way right here- chop up and boil fresh hot peppers hotter they are the better, chop up some garlic too. Boil a handful of chopped peppers and a clove of garlic in 4 cups of water. let cool off. put in a spray bottle and stray down everything around your grow including your girls their bags and top soil. It'll keep deer and rabbits away.

Why would you recommend spraying capsaicin on a plant you’re going to ingest? Trimming can be rough enough as is but to add unnecessary capsaicin is just illogical. I wouldn’t recommend killing the pour creature however I wouldn’t mind recommending scaring it. A little predator urine, maybe even a electric wire would work but capsaicin just seams ridicules.
Why would you recommend spraying capsaicin on a plant you’re going to ingest? Trimming can be rough enough as is but to add unnecessary capsaicin is just illogical. I wouldn’t recommend killing the pour creature however I wouldn’t mind recommending scaring it. A little predator urine, maybe even a electric wire would work but capsaicin just seams ridicules.

That is actually what I was gonna suggest as well and a method I've used for years. The smell of hot peppers on a Deere sensitive nose will keep him very far away. Deer tend to stop messing with the plants once they start flowering. Use the pepper spray til you have small buds on it and the rain and what have you will wash it all off way before harvest time.
you can buy bars of soap to put around to keep them away like they do at the apple orchards and shit.. not sure what brand but you can ask around! i just piss around the area breh
the deer here never have touched one of my plants...nothing...
it's like they know that it's my meds...and i need it...
they come into the garden but they just kick it and shit.....
they HAVE broken down the fence to my veggie garden...and eaten their fill...
but they don't want the ganja....anyone know why this would be??
deer here must be in recovery...