Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member

I had a cat like that. The og owner couldn't handle him so she gave him to me. Couldn't pick him up, stroke him, couldn't have any other animals around him inculding humans. if you were sitting where he wanted to sit he'd mean stare you until you moved. And he never changed he was that like that from day one. grumpy cat, made it special though when he did decide to come up for a scratch.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I had a cat like that. The og owner couldn't handle him so she gave him to me. Couldn't pick him up, stroke him, couldn't have any other animals around him inculding humans. if you were sitting where he wanted to sit he'd mean stare you until you moved. And he never changed he was that like that from day one. grumpy cat, made it special though when he did decide to come up for a scratch.
I call that 'Love on their terms'. lol. Got one now that's pissed at me because I locked her outside last night. I made one last call and she was nowhere to be found-click goes the lock.


Well-Known Member
I call that 'Love on their terms'. lol. Got one now that's pissed at me because I locked her outside last night. I made one last call and she was nowhere to be found-click goes the lock.

I tried that a few times, this male cat would fuck off through another mans cat flap eat his food, drink his juice and stroll back out. I got a few complaints so always made sure I let him in. Older he got he would just stay in the garden hiding under a bush or sitting on the wall - didn't care about mice or birds. If I threw a squeaky toy at him he'd look at me as if I was taking the piss.
