My day today.... at McDonalds LOL WTF


Well-Known Member
goddam people are maniacs lol [youtube]pB5874BKrd4&feature=related[/youtube]
I like how the next person just drives up to receive food..LOL

I have had people try to destroy my washing machine/dryers when they sometimes take money..I'm like WHOA I will gladly give you your money back ..Just calm down. I'd rather have repeat business then a pissed off customer..


Well-Known Member
A job at McD's is better than no job IMO. There's been a couple of times I'd be happy as fuck to be making money from them.


Active Member
so at my other job i was thinking about not even going to mcdonalds... but after the day at mcdonalds was my 2 days off for mcdonalds so i said fuck it im going to go just in case it gets better or what not.

i go in and the 2 managers and the main boss that the guy called were there..


not even "dont cuss at the customers please"

that is what i was expecting... i guess they are that desperate though whatever

today this cute little mexican chick taught me alot of the shit i didnt know so i was able to really be a contribution.

so i thanked her for that and only 1 person today was being a bitch about me taking their order... i had to ask her to repeat a few things because the fuckin fry thing was beeping like hell so fucking loud i couldnt hear part of the order.. so she was like a little cranky bitch about her having to repeat a few items.. but other than that it was fine.

i'm going to cut my hair tomorrow and then i'm going to talk to the guy that runs the restaurant where i work if i can be a server cause i know they need one on graveyard shift.. if i get that i will probably quit mcdonalds.. but if i am able to get aclamated to doing 2 jobs i might even keep both still. we shall see. but im keeping this wacarnolds job for now until i find out for sure if i can be a server or not.

anyways thanks for all the replies yall. im not going to cuss at a customer again ill just keep my cool and not stress over a shitty job, ill just start smoking before work and not give a fuuuuck.


New Member
What I don't understand is why they need experiences people but how are you suppose to get that experience if everyone is specifically looking for experienced people, it's like a paradox.