Well-Known Member
You fail to realize that your belief that god does not exist is just as ridiculous as a belief in god, am I right when I say that? because according to science, both are unknowable, so theism and atheism are equally ridiculous.The same broken record response as usual lol "Blahh blahh blahh fairy tales, blahh blahh blahh I believe the earth is round blah blah blah CTS!". You fail to realize that your belief that god does not exist is just as ridiculous as a belief in god, am I right when I say that? because according to science, both are unknowable, so theism and atheism are equally ridiculous. Adding "as far as I know" to the statement "god does not exist" doesnt make you an agnostic man. Your an atheist with a silly belief that god does not exist.
I guess we can finish this through PM, if thats alright with you of course, I look forward to this "science" that I havent heard of. I can also explain the mountain of evidence that supports my claim and support other claims with credible and well respected men of knowledge... Which makes me think of something... The Logical Song, you remember posting that? lol That guy was pretty much singing about everything you support, hes against those things, yet you probably interpreted it differently, big surprise. But fuck is that ironic, you liking "The Logical Song" lol. Please tell me you see the irony in that. Anywhooo, PM me what you want me to talk about first, I'll be glad to. Dont keep it here and let your superiors do the thinking for you, we both know how you dont like finding out things on your own...
Neither have evidence to claim their side as fact, But I believe saying there is a god takes a much larger leap of faith than saying there is no god.
Adding "as far as I know" to the statement "god does not exist" doesnt make you an agnostic man.
That's exactly what it means. It's acknowledging the fact that I don't know..
Your an atheist with a silly belief that god does not exist.
I wouldn't call it silly..And I am an atheist, but so what? Nothing wrong with atheism.
I guess we can finish this through PM, if thats alright with you of course, I look forward to this "science" that I havent heard of.
No, this thread is fine. I'd just lose the motivation to respond to you over PM.
I can also explain the mountain of evidence that supports my claim and support other claims with credible and well respected men of knowledge...
Go ahead, post your evidence here. No youtube videos though.. They are usually just filled with nonsense and end up being a waste of time.
Which makes me think of something... The Logical Song, you remember posting that? lol That guy was pretty much singing about everything you support, hes against those things, yet you probably interpreted it differently, big surprise. But fuck is that ironic, you liking "The Logical Song" lol. Please tell me you see the irony in that.
It's a song about the innocence of our youth (age 0-

PM me what you want me to talk about first, I'll be glad to. Dont keep it here and let your superiors do the thinking for you, we both know how you dont like finding out things on your own....
I have nothing to prove to you.. If you want to talk about science, talk about it. And I'm not sure if you believe you actually have good points, but I don't find it hard at all to answer your questions. Other members are just sick of your pointless shit so they prove you wrong. Don't be intimidated, listen to them.. You might actually learn something.