way better than airstones


New Member
i've seen those online & ebay & etc.

but you can just use a powerhead , aquarium wave maker , or airstone like you already do.

the o2 only stays in the water a few seconds ...no different than airstones in some respect.

i use airstones in my rezzies (3) to move the water & establish the microlife (vs running sterile rez).

im plan to switch to the "aquarium wavemakers" (powerheads) eventually.


Well-Known Member
These aerators are intended for use in aquacultures, such as a tailapia aquaponic tanks, and require oxygen concentrators and storage cylinders. Heres the webpage of manufacturer....


If you want to run regular air they also make ceramic air stones which produce the same sized air bubbles....

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
Just get a small water pump and point it up so that it breaks the surface of the water.. Look up FLOOMING. Its used in Koi ponds to put more oxygen in the water than bubbles ever will. It also does not use air to create oxygen, thus cutting down on airborne pathogens.


Well-Known Member
I have moved away from air stones for about two years now and run small 200LPH pumps in my DWC buckets, flooming works absoloutely great and I do not have to worry about pathogens or air stones breaking apart anymore.



Active Member
Just get a small water pump and point it up so that it breaks the surface of the water.. Look up FLOOMING. Its used in Koi ponds to put more oxygen in the water than bubbles ever will. It also does not use air to create oxygen, thus cutting down on airborne pathogens.
Going to do some more research on this. Sounds like it might help stop my white slime issues that Ive been getting on my air-stone. So just enough water to bulge the surface but not break through the top of the water?

Rusty Shakelford

Well-Known Member
Yes, you don't want a geiser, just a nice Floom to break the surface of the water. This technique is used quite a bit in Aquariums, where they shoot water across the top surface.. Also great for circulation. The only downside is the Pump putting out a little heat.


Well-Known Member
Many folks don't realise they pull in co2 when their room is up and running and infusing it into the nute solution!!! I have always advised to hve airpumps if used out of the room. Flooming is something I have been doing for many years but never knew its tittle, lol. While on the subject of bringing in bad stuff always use an intake filter! Keep out spores eggs etc and keep lites glass cleaner too.


That nano bubbler is insane, i was not expecting the water to start looking like smoke. Then again.. for a grand+, it better.


Active Member
If you are using a circulating pump in your reservoir just drill a small hole in the outlet of the pump and connect a piece of tubing in the hole and let the other point of the tube hang out of your reservoir as the pump starts it sucks the air in to your reservoir it work like a vacuum pulling the air in the water and you safe some money no need for that powerhead pump


Well-Known Member
Seems like Aquarium waterfalls would be great for ~ 70g rez. They pull water from near the bottom up through a cleanable filter then cascade over a built in ledge. So the water is circulating plus the surface is getting oxygenated . ~ $40 for a' large' one


Active Member
Hey everybody! Just FYI. When ya buy one of those EcoPlus pumps these days(at least the 396gph), they come with a special fitting to screw into the SUCTION(intake) side of the pump that is designed to hook a piece of airline tubing to, to be left hanging out of the res to suck the perfect amount of air(or even pure oxygen from a concentrator!) into the pump before the impeller, so it can break up the the bubbles even smaller. It also uses just the right amount of air so as not to disturb the water output of the pump much at all. The thing works damn good too! It's perfect for flood and drain anyway.


Well-Known Member
Seems like Aquarium waterfalls would be great for ~ 70g rez. They pull water from near the bottom up through a cleanable filter then cascade over a built in ledge. So the water is circulating plus the surface is getting oxygenated . ~ $40 for a' large' one
It is very interesting what I've been reading about areation in water. Not what I thought and seemingly not what others thought either. Inject air to provide lift. DOing happens over a large surface.

The big player here is waste water treatment. They have to maintain max DO and cheap on millions of gals. And I have noticed over the years the treatment has gone to a different look. No more splashing down ladder falls. No more fountains of spray. Just flooming.

And so I had to look at the science and those air stones are not doing what we think. Sorry. Many will not buy this. It is OK. It is deep, and has to do the with the molecule sizes vs the surface area.

But, it is simply this. The bubbles from the stones don't do anything directly but lift water.

1- it is a hot air bubble. And we know this needs cold water to DO saturation
2- a bubble is too small a surface. Many tiny, hot surfaces won't work.
3- the stone lifts water from the bottom to expose it to the surface of the vessel ONLY.
4- even the smallest pump will lift 100 times more water than bubbles can.

This has been know in aquarium keeping for a while now. Flooming.

I have some test kits on the way and if I get max DO then I will only floom.photo(5).jpg

That is 10 gal in a bubble foiled tote. Eco-185 with no fitting, just pump to the surface.

This is a typical areation pond these days, no hot air, no fountains or falls. Just pumping.
