Weird blackening and yellowing of my seedling - please help!


Please see the picture - I feel like I have done everything right and yet I'm still experiencing this problem with one of my plants.

Purple Maroc
Under a 125w blue spectrum CFL kept around 3 inches from plant
24 hours of light - constant temps of 74-78 degrees and humidity of around 55% RH.
Soil: John Innes Seedling soil + perlite

Could somebody tell me whether this is a lack of nitrogen (do they get that at 10 days old?) or too nute burn (although I am using seedling soil so I'd be surprised if this was the case) or simply something else?

I'd really appreciate any tips because I can't afford to lose this plant too.




Well-Known Member
Um, I don't see anything wrong with your plant. The leaves that you say are yellowing do that. Those leaves ( the first to emerge BTW ) are strictly to provide photosynthesis while your plant is a wee tiny seedling. They have now exhausted their useful life to the plant and are dying. Relax and STOP giving a seedling nutes. When your plant wants nutes that it can't obtain from your soil, beleive me it will let you know........chillax for now....
Um, I don't see anything wrong with your plant. The leaves that you say are yellowing do that. Those leaves ( the first to emerge BTW ) are strictly to provide photosynthesis while your plant is a wee tiny seedling. They have now exhausted their useful life to the plant and are dying. Relax and STOP giving a seedling nutes. When your plant wants nutes that it can't obtain from your soil, beleive me it will let you know........chillax for now....
Thanks man, that's very reassuring to know. However, if you look closely at the leaf on the right, there are some black marks on them, so do you know what that might be about?