help plant bottom yellow

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
hey guys pre sure its nitrogen i needa give em, ill do a feeding on friday if i need to the thing is i think i gave to much nutes the last time because a few of the tips are brownin or burnt i guess. so should i feed with nutes soon or wait, will have pics tomorrow its the first few nodes that are turning yellow the bottom leaves of the plant.

Mr Hand

much more info needed to help. organic grow? hydro? what type of nutes are ya using, lights? type of soil?...........I'm assuming it's a soil/ peat grow. most minor problems will start with the bottom leaves. usually a sign of over watering, mediums that are not airy enough will rot the roots at the bottom of the container. Are you making sure you have a good run off when you feed? this gets rid of the salts from the last feeding, which will cause a gradual yellowing from the bottom up. burnt leaves at the top is usually caused by your lights to close to the plant/canopy. over feeding nitrogen would cause browning and burnt leaf tips at all levels of the plant. 1000w lights that are not air cooled need to be 2 feet or more above plants. a little closer if 600w. Unless your into your final 3-4 weeks of flower ( when fan leaves will have some yellowing) my best guess would be too heavy of growing medium and/ or over watering without proper run off. when ya put up pic's, give all the info you can , including : room temps/ humidity, type of soil or grow method, nutrients used, how much ,how often, PH level of water, of nutrient mix and most important the strain your working with. all strains are not equall. some you can blast the shit out of, some like low to medium amounts.........oh yea what size containers are the girls in if this is a soil grow. wait to get the pics up and provide all the needed info


Well-Known Member
leaf tips turning brown --------------> too much anything
bottom half of plant turning yellow --------> not enough N

no pics --------------> shit responses.


Well-Known Member
much more info needed to help. organic grow? hydro? what type of nutes are ya using, lights? type of soil?...........I'm assuming it's a soil/ peat grow. most minor problems will start with the bottom leaves. usually a sign of over watering, mediums that are not airy enough will rot the roots at the bottom of the container. Are you making sure you have a good run off when you feed? this gets rid of the salts from the last feeding, which will cause a gradual yellowing from the bottom up. burnt leaves at the top is usually caused by your lights to close to the plant/canopy. over feeding nitrogen would cause browning and burnt leaf tips at all levels of the plant. 1000w lights that are not air cooled need to be 2 feet or more above plants. a little closer if 600w. Unless your into your final 3-4 weeks of flower ( when fan leaves will have some yellowing) my best guess would be too heavy of growing medium and/ or over watering without proper run off. when ya put up pic's, give all the info you can , including : room temps/ humidity, type of soil or grow method, nutrients used, how much ,how often, PH level of water, of nutrient mix and most important the strain your working with. all strains are not equall. some you can blast the shit out of, some like low to medium amounts.........oh yea what size containers are the girls in if this is a soil grow. wait to get the pics up and provide all the needed info
outdoor section is outdoor

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
IMG243.jpgIMG245.jpg you can see in the second pic the leave with 12 spades maybe 13 haha you guys try n count, n should i feed her on sunday thats my regular schedule every 2nd sunday, gh flora series, 2 tsp of micro and gro, 1 tsp of bloom per gallon, also notice the tighter node growth should i feed bloom ratio next instead?

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
yeah i know haha none of the new growth thats all that matters to me as i put down some corrys slug and snail dath around the plant you mite be able to see the whitish right a foor around the plant, and the dead slug in the soil lil bugger


Active Member
Its a nutrient deficiency. I thinks its Iron. Look at how the viens are yellow and and the rest is green. Also, Iron deficiency usually discolors lower leaves.

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
alright, so what do you guys suggest for iron?, and the nute burn? theres not much im able to do about that is there? should i postpone the next feeding another week or what


Well-Known Member
Here's two/three of my plants. The little ones are/were very deficient and also rootbound. You can see signs of N P K def in them. The large girls has slight yellowing underneath and this is normal. Less sun penetrates down there. She is my hungriest and she is a Sativa. If think ur plants look quite deep green so water only inbetween light feedings, PH 6.5-7.0


uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
alright so i got the bug problem fixed. and ill just have to mix a new ratio up for my next feeding, i have the the flora series so what do you guys suggest the ratio be? and for the iron idk what i should do about that, an organic solution would be sweet, its straight sun for atleast 2 weeks or more here so not a problem if i need to let the soil dry out, should i just use straight water on her for a bit