Yar, should you stand with your head held up high fighting for your rights (putting you in a spotlight where you could never grow your own, but maybe make a difference for future generations).....
or hold your head low, underground, and grow your own and not bring any attention to yourself, and be happy that you got yours....
Its a choice we all must make...
My folks know i smoke, but its never been discussed. I get the "you look tired" when im stoned alot. I have a great job, great wife, and great kid... I dont drink or do heavy drugs... They seem to rather not admit I am a successful pothead, but just think i work real hard and that gives me droopy eyes all day. Whatever...
At 32, i still cant blaze in front of them. So for holidays i have to take a walk after lunch. Its obvious, but they like the idea that i keep it on the down low....