egyptian pyramids


Well-Known Member
Where are these aliens now? DOn't you think they'd rather talk to our more intelligent generation than our ancestors?


Well-Known Member
do u think aliens helped build those pyramids bc they are built way to perfectly for humans to go that high up
Have you seen the pyramids? In person? They are nowhere near as tall as the skyscrapers that we've built today. They have the same feel as the Mona Lisa has, that painting is tiny when you see it! While yea they are impressive and large, standing in Times Square in NY is far more impressive engineeringly. You underestimate mankind.


Well-Known Member
Our human mind is extremely arrogant, who say if there were aliens, that they would even notice us? The genetic difference between all mammals is less than 10%, less than five for our closest ape relatives. So we can safely determine that all our intelligence is contained within that 5-10% difference. Yet we look at the smartest apes, they can stack boxes up like a ladder to get bananas, learn sign language, etc. but our children can do this too. Now with this in mind, think of a worm. Even more drastically different genetically, we pass right over these all day without a second thought.

So to sum it up, if a truly intelligent species exist out there and is genetically far superior to us, then they would literally view us as we do monkeys. Or worse, like a worm if they were just that much more intelligent. And utterly pass us by. They would see our brightest minds, like Stephen Hawking and say " oh how cute he can do quantum mechanical calculations in his head, like little Timmy can". Calling ourselves intelligent life is so arrogant, I think we are far from that. I see that we are not intelligent life everyday, just the aware enough to get in trouble with our free roaming minds.

Damn I'm geeked!


Well-Known Member
I tried. I only found a movie about two athletes in the 1924 olympics..
Lmao.. its basically the idea that all the ancient cultures writings about flying chariots, lights in the sky, angels descending/ascending to heaven could all be explained as encounters with aliens.


Well-Known Member
Lmao.. its basically the idea that all the ancient cultures writings about flying chariots, lights in the sky, angels descending/ascending to heaven could all be explained as encounters with aliens.
I believe those were symbols they used to represent certain movements of the stars.. I wouldn't take it literally since they sketched some pretty strange things.

I believe there are other life forms out there too. I just believe they aren't carbon based like us earth creautres. Maybe they are constructed differently to better survive gas planets.

It's hard for me to believe that aliens came over to our planet just to say hi. If they built the pyramids to land their spacecrafts, why don't they visit more often?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I believe those were symbols they used to represent certain movements of the stars.. I wouldn't take it literally since they sketched some pretty strange things.

I believe there are other life forms out there too. I just believe they aren't carbon based like us earth creautres. Maybe they are constructed differently to better survive gas planets.

It's hard for me to believe that aliens came over to our planet just to say hi. If they built the pyramids to land their spacecrafts, why don't they visit more often?
You'll see =p


New Member
Aliens do exist, but none have been here, yet. Their are thousands if not millions of amateur Astronomers constantly looking at the sky and I doubt any been here when humans came around. MAYBE before, no way of saying.


Well-Known Member
There are people who are not crazy who swear they saw spaceship/alien..they can't all be lying ..right?

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
There are people who are not crazy who swear they saw spaceship/alien..they can't all be lying ..right?
Exactly, for just ONE of the millions of reports, videos, pictures to be true, then we are not alone here. Saying "well did you know its easy to trick people that balloons and swamp gas are UFO's" is a shit poor excuse.


Well-Known Member
have a friend who has a lot of crazy theories but this one i can not debunk... according to him there is no possible way to explain the pyramids being built..he says aliens and here is why... according to him we do not have the technology to date that would precision cut that stone in the way they are cut..also even if we surrounded the pyramids with the largest cranes on the planet we could not move each piece into place..i am not sure if this is true or not anyone have any information on this?
Yep...them Aliens built the Pyramids. didn't see Transformers "Dark of the Moon"? There is the proof....LOL
Or was it the other one, Transformer. "Revenge of the Fallen".I forget....Haha..So, Stupid

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I think the H blocks at Puma Punku are a bigger mystery. So perfectly cut, no flaws at all, some edges so perfect that if you run your finger down them and you'll cut yourself, and they could be as old as 12000 years. And they try and tell us 300 ton blocks were cut using chicken bones and copper tools xD and moved using dental floss!


Well-Known Member
Yep...them Aliens built the Pyramids. didn't see Transformers "Dark of the Moon"? There is the proof....LOL
Or was it the other one, Transformer. "Revenge of the Fallen".I forget....Haha..So, Stupid

never saw it, but he did ..maybe that is where he got some of the ideas from..but he is always talking about 2012 and the mayan calender and shit too...He also says Native Americans had children kidnapped by space ships... Me..I have no idea what happened..all are theories not fact..I have no answers.