When to switch to Flowering Nutrients?


I think I probably started the flowering nutes just a bit early. But I have a strain called Short Ryder - it's supposed to stay at 18" tall or so. That's why I thought I was further along than I was. This is the downside to autoflowers - you can only make an educated guess - no two plants will be the same. Anyways - the reason I say I started Flower Nutes too soon is because I've been raising my lights about 3" every 4 days. I'll leave for work and there will be about 1/2"-1&3/4" space between top of tallest plant, and the light. When I get home, the plant has grown into the light and smashed itself, causing the top node to start growing sideways. I'll immdiately raise the light, straighten her back up (after freaking out and checking for damage that is) and repeat the process again in a few days. I thought the explosive growth spurts would be long over by now. AND I thought since she's been getting flowering nutes - it would slow down vertical growth - BOY WAS I FUCKING WRONG. I don't know how big these girls are going to get, but I'll post some pictures tonight when I get off work, or tomorrow during the day. Everything still looks healthy, it's just much bigger than I would have hoped. Didn't really plan for plants of this size... may have to bust out the CFL's and move the Bubblelicious to another spot until these girls finish because the Bubblelicious is stretching like crazy to compete for light. I really thought I'd have 3 eally small plants that would net maybe an OZ - Now I'm looking at 2 decent sized plants (about 3' tall) which I hope to pull 1.75-2.5 oz's off, and a 3rd plant that I don't even want to guess about yet since she's still vegging out. Gotta go to work - running late... damn this forum!
Hey man, so you know for next run, rule of thumb is, expect your plants to 3X in size (in all dimensions) in flower. Thanks for the Auto Info, I was looking at doing autos for my 1st grow but read that ruderalis (autoflower strain) where always lower THC and not as nice tasting. So I am growing trainwreck for my 1st grow instead (Indica Hybrid). After reading this though my thoughts are, well shit I am growing it not buying it, and it only puts my tent out for 60 days.. So can you get back to us all on the end product, in comparison to high grade you buy from Mr green jeans? Cheers and awesome grow!


Active Member
I know plants normally double or triple in size after flipping to 12/12, but with this strain they were supposed to stay small. They normally don't get more then 12-30" tall. That's where I thought mine would stay. Even though I kept them under 18 hrs light, once they started flowering they won't stop growing vertical. Thinking I may have to bend one over and tie her down.


Active Member
Will definitely get back to u on the smoke report. Sub to my journal in case I forget to update this thread though


Active Member
update 7-5 1.jpgupdate 7-5 2.jpgupdate 7-5 overhead 4.jpgupdate 7-5 young top.jpgupdate 7-5.jpgupdate 7-5 2.jpgupdate 7-5 bothincloset.jpgupdate 7-5 overhead 4.jpgupdate 7-5 overhead1.jpgupdate 7-5 overhead2.jpgupdate 7-5 overhead3.jpg

I'm glad I started giving them flowering nutrients when I did. If I had continued with the Fox Farm Grow Big, I don't think I'd have room for both of them in my little closet. These pictures are from about ten minutes ago. I know they look yellow in the pictures, but I can assure you, they are MOST DEFINITELY NOT! I think it has something to do with my lighting or the cellphone camera I'm using. They are healthy as can be, and I'm pretty happy with them. Would love to pull an OZ each plant, but will be happy with 1/2 that. Anything to smoke on will be fine with me. I do this for the love, I don't sell anything just share it with close friends and family. I'm glad I tried the autoflowering plants, but I'm pretty sure I'll stick to regular plants from here on out. They are fun and all, just so unpredictable. I still have some Nirvana Feminized Northern Lights beans that I haven't done anything with. I will probably wait until next year and give outdoor growing a shot. Would be interesting to see what they would do outside in early spring.

Let me know what you think.


Active Member
Nice plants man, so you gave Vegging Nutes? Maybe thats why they got so big dude. I'm growing some Short Riders but I don't plan on giving any growth nutes. Just going to give bloom nutes. I don't want them getting as big as yours.


Active Member
I think my plants are an exception to the rule. I haven't seen too many other Short Riders get as tall as mine have. I think some of it is because I chose 3 gallon pots. If I grew this strain again, I would go with either a 1 gal, or MAYBE a 2 gallon. I wouldn't reccommend going with bloom ferts only - your plant NEEDS Nitrogen to survive and thrive in the beginning. Another suggestion would be to start the seeds in your final pot & medium, in other words, I wouldn't mess with trying to start it off in a small pot then transplant when it gets bigger. Everything I've read says that Autos don't do very well when transplanted... I, however, decided to ignore that advice on one of my plants, and she looked so sickly after transplanting her that I ended up just cutting her down. I would love to see how yours come out - so if you start a journal give shoot me a pm with a link. I LOVE seeing the same strain grown by 2 different people, especially 2 people in completely different parts of the world.


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Here's what I've got so far as far as buds - they are still small, but starting to plump up and grow together... just not really seeing any trichome development. I know you won't see heavy trichomes until the last couple of weeks before harvest, but most every other plant I've seen has trichomes glistening all over the leaves and buds as SOON as flowering starts. Any thoughts?


*** I don't know why this dumb ass camera makes everything look yellow. They are still nice and green.


Active Member
MDEVA, looks like you found my thread already.

My reasoning behind not giving veg nutes is this - the soil I am using recommends against giving any nutes at all until 2nd week of life. Apparently it has all the food a young plant needs for 2 weeks.

Now, everyone says short riders start flowering at 15 days. Also Nirvana's website states not to use veg nutes- use flower nutes only.
Link- http://www.nirvanashop.com/en/17-autoflowering-marijuana

Yeah it will be interesting to see how different our results are!


Active Member
Hell thanks for the link, I didn't ever see that. Maybe that's why mine got bigger than the one they show & describe. Good info. Just seem weird not to give a young plant any nitrogen.
Plants are looking great for autos. I am also starting an auto grow to kill my curiosity. (Have not decided on a strain yet) My question is about the odor. During flowering how do you rate the odor on a scale of 1 to 10? (1 being no odor at all, 10 being skunky as a motherfudger) Again great work and I will sub to keep an eye on your progress.


Active Member
Mine personally would get a 4 on the smell scale right now, but send like they smell more and more everyday. I also have pretty good ventilation. If I turn my exhaust off the room smells delicious


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Just starting to get some trich development. Hopefully she has enough time left to really fatten up and get frosty. Starting to get a little nervous, but being as patient as possible.


Active Member
Just starting to get some trich development. Hopefully she has enough time left to really fatten up and get frosty. Starting to get a little nervous, but being as patient as possible.
Yeah man patience is harder than it seems :wall:


Active Member
I've posted this in a few other threads I've been reading lately, but will put it here too - here is the most recent update on my Short Rider. She is 54 days old (maybe 55?).

The pictures are retarded looking - I had my HPS off, and the window cracked to let in natural light, and they still came out yellow/greenish. Oh well - there's also a video update - sorry bout the dog barking in that one :)


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