Hey man it's going good. Finished up all of the work I had lined up for the summer now just focusing on the gardens. I'll be starting to hit the beach down your way in another week or two. Thanks for the offer on the BD but the flower time is to long for me,,,,I need things in and out as quickly as possible and I already have a 10 weeker headstash the ubber kush x chemberry.
I honestly did not smoke a whole lot of the Floja but it's a nice smoke and one of the phenos produces the most purple buds you have ever seen. That pheno was the first to go cause it was a low yeilder, I have some curing waiting to go down the pipe line but my mover couldn't do anything for me this week which really sucks cause I'm flat broke haha. I do have one more left standing, that one comes down in about a week.
I sent the eagle out last week and it was carrying some of the p10 cross. After you mentioned that about the low germ rate I went thru the beans and weeded out any that did not look perfect and noticed there were some odd shaped ones. I went 12/20 with my P10 x Grape Apollos and those 12 are doing great! I just topped them yesterday above the third node. Perhaps someday I'll make f2's.
Today is day 1 for seven of bbyy's AK47 x C99. I have 5 of them that are in their final week or two of flower. Bummer about the brown spots,,,did you spray them with lights on? I friggen burned the shit out of a bunch of veggers out here on the porch yesterday....sprayed them with Nitrozime even though they were in the sun and today they all have big brown spots on most of the leaves. They are young enough so they will bounce back.
Funny last week I was out of weed now I'm up to my knees haha. Cindy sog is ready to come down,,,damn are those pretty!! They are similiar to my old Ice cut and I'm pretty sure they are related somehow they are so similiar lol!
Puff puff pass Qleaner>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8 !)