Do you consider an internship real work?


Well-Known Member
So I am an intern on a congressional campaign, but I am unpaid.
Is that still considered work? Or even work experience?


bud bootlegger
sure it is.. i used to listen to the howard stern show tons, and they always had interns out of the ying yang, and those people worked their asses off.. usually doing some shit job that no paid staff wanted to do, and for free to boot..

internships are good for a resume imo, so long as they are related to what ever you're trying to pursue later down the line urca.. :D


Well-Known Member
ok good. lmao the july heat is killing me, my job is to go door to door and talk to people. sent me into the ghetto today by myself. the people were nice but told me to be careful.


Well-Known Member
Be careful, and you shouldn't go to places like that alone, and to ask you to do so is very irresponsible of your supervisor. Even if you were getting paid it wouldn't be worth your life. If they can send you, they can send someone along with you when you're sent to sketchy areas.


Well-Known Member
yeah i know, but they are all fresh from dc and dont know what is a bad area locally.
i didnt think about it, i started on the good side where there were actual homes and ended up in the ghetto apartments. i shouldnt be going alone regardless, but we dont have enough volunteers yet to go in pairs


Active Member
bring a can of mace if you have to go out alone again. thats not safe. i shocked they are making girls go out alone, guys i can understand


Well-Known Member
^This guy is wonderful.

Yes it counts, and is a good way of 'getting your foot in the door'.

My ma went from fine art school to a year's unpaid graphic design (unless her sole work was picked, in which case she was paid independently) to working in a film studio at her boss' recommendation.

She's started her own production company with the experience. She also did many apprenticeships quickly out of school so can paint, do CAD, restore furniture, weld, do marbling and what have you. It's always good to practice with a little less of the pressure and commitment of a real job.

Keep up the good work x


Well-Known Member
going door to door? sounds like the Jehovah witness (no offense) what are you doing? internship alot of times is a cool way to say your being used. my buddy did a graphic design internship for O'Neill and after 6 month of being a slave and driving 40 miles to do so, they told him that his work was awesome but they cant afford him lol. i guess if you can get someone to pay all your bills that counts as a job.


Well-Known Member
I voulantar at a despensary..... but I say I'm going to work..... lol.....I pretend it's my job.


Well-Known Member
Job experiance, my son is on internship but is paid, not as much as money he is earning goes back to he sch program but he does make a grand a month or so.

If you are doing something that will aide in your future plans and you can afford it than I say go for it.

Also fantastic to network while you are there, meet and get to know as many people as you can, if they are volunteers they probly are doing well in life and might be able to steer you in the right direction for work after it ends.

Good luck and in my opinon, you are doing the right thing.


Well-Known Member
What would be the point of the internship if it wasn't considered work?
Sometimes your college makes you do an internship before the degree is granted. This is the case with my son, he is done with all of his actual class work and once he does the one year internship he gets to graduate.


Well-Known Member
iiHave an internship w/ Jah. I smoke bud all day & never miss a day of work. Not sure where I am going w/ this resume though.


New Member
Be careful, and you shouldn't go to places like that alone, and to ask you to do so is very irresponsible of your supervisor. Even if you were getting paid it wouldn't be worth your life. If they can send you, they can send someone along with you when you're sent to sketchy areas.
No, anytime you're in the ghetto, just make it known you voted for Obama, and voila, free Ghetto-pass.