so we should stop aiming to erase racial discrimination because billy bob is uninformed and stupid?
doesn't seem right to me.
no, not this at all, legislating moral codes is really difficult to get right without doing even more unintended damage. Society handles moral issues, not laws. It's ironic that needs to be pointed out on a forum about an illegal activity (for the majority of us).
If a restaurant was known to not allow blacks within days there would be so much bad press and protesting that eatery would be shut down. Not because of laws, but because of societal acceptance.
I would rather educate the misinformed, liberals would rather just pass laws and tell them what to do. It's such a lazy, counterproductive thought process.
Educating the uniformed is way easier than educating the misinformed but both deserve the effort. That's why I bother responding to your threads Buck