Can cannabis grow in lake? Serious question


Ok so I have a lake in my backyard and it's kinda drying up due to extreme heat. Could I transplant my vegging plant into the sediment where the water has dried up at? It still is pretty moist which would keep me from having to water constantly, I know lakes have many beneficial things in them that's why I'm wondering


Active Member
It's probably not worth the stress on the plant, keep watering like usual tell you do need to transplant it.


Active Member
I think by autumn youll have overwatering problems for one reason or another - plants certainly dont mind going dry every once in a while. Is there anything wrong with the plants current location?


I could but it's barely damp, enough in my Mind to keep the water levels perfect. I think I do need to transplant it anyway because growth is getting skinny. It's like 2.5 ft in a 1-2 gallon pot. I think this will work beyond great, I guess I'll be first to try. Lol, thanks for input


Well-Known Member
Look into the raft system, often used for growing lettuce. May give you some ideas.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to transplant some in the side of a river bed and see how it goes. Similar settings, we will see how it goes. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
If I was going to do it in the side of a river bed, I would use a 'wick system'.


Well-Known Member
I think it should do great there as long as it's not compacted or too wet. If is a good draining sandy spot just harvest before the rains refill the lake and drown your roots. and riverbanks rock!!!


Soil broke down loose when digging hole, I dug hole in a bong shape due to clay like texture. So I popped plant out bucket dropped it in hole to where the soil has room to naturally erode itself into a complete hole, you understand ? I'm so baked lol.. But pics up tomorrow