Well-Known Member
if the condition you treat with cannabis is not listed in the poll, then share it with us below
erectile dysfunction falls under physical dysfunctionit keeps me sexy.
i also find it to be a useful sleeping aide.I can not sleep without it or some other type of aide ie, ambien etc.
Couple quick tokes, clears my head, I much out and fall fast asleep.
i know all about that conditionI have extensive nerve damage that causes chronic severe pain, this is the ONLY thing that touches it. The condition in my face is called Trigeminal Neuralgia, nicknamed by doc's 'The Suicide Disease' because it is nasty as hell. This is the ONLY thing that helps me deal with the pain, only other thing I use is muscle relaxers, but that is for my fibromyalgia that it helps with too. I can't stop singing the praises of it, I was so sick when I first tried it and within a months time, kid you not, I was completely off of 80 mg. of oxycontin a day and a lot of other heavy duty meds, and a lot to deal with the side effects from those meds... This helps me HUGE.![]()
christ, nothing worse than injections. glad things worked out for youThis may be overwhelming but....
The problems i smoke for: Facets disease which is degenerative, several disc problems, my clavicle is shaved at end so lack of support from my shoulder is very painful[there is a gap in between my clavicle and shoulder which also naturally deteriates over time], lots of inherited joint and arthuritus problems, ibs(laugh cause you probably do too), anxiety, and lastly migraines. My medical files could fill a whole cabinet due to illegal someones not obeying traffic laws and other injuries here and there. Most of my problems are one big mess altogether due to the fact that my anxiety makes me stress and tense which in turn messes with ibs and makes pain worse so on and so on. Ill be so glad when im not judged by ppl due to the fact that i do not want to suffer through this miserable pains. I will be happy to get my first harvest
and finally get my health and quality of life back
And as far as how much cleaner meds are lol 80 mg is nothing(not saying urs isnt alot im saying i will be happy as hell lol). I will be leaving behind 190 mg of that stuff behind. Oh and the two tab 10s a day. And the methadone they wanna put me on.
Btw also recently had injections of steroid and anti inflammatory which those of you who have had steriod injections understand how thick it is in your veins. I had 6 approx 2" needles injected; 1 into my sacroliac joint and 5 in my facets. It felt like taking a bundle of nerves and crushing them with glass(gf could hear me a good way down the hall). Hands down worst pain ive ever felt(even worse than shoulder surgery). Apparently through socializing with other chronic pain suffers every other clinic in town puts you under but this one. My heart rate fluctuated rapidly, along with blood pressure and nausea. It was just crazy overall i didnt think id make it safely through this procedure. I havent been able to move and have been on the verge of tears for the past three days following, the pain has been worse. I have alot of responsibilities to attend to at this point in my life; new home im rennovating, new job, hard family times and alot of important things that require attention in pain or not. To sum it all up i live a very busy, stressfull, painfull life and all the oxys in the world couldnt do what one bowl does for me.
Most doctors ive been to thinks im just looking for meds bc the abusers ruin it for ppl who actually suffer and push me out the door without a full exam. I had my wreck in 08; took docs till 2010 to actually believe me and do an mri to find the problem that led to my surgery. I finally found my current doctor at a pain clinic and only now discovering some problems. He has only examined my lower back so far(my facet disease issue); we are taking one thing at a time to avoid misdiagnosis. I will keep you guys updated(if ppl are interested) on the rest of my examinations on my upper back, shoulder, knee, etc and the treatments/diagnosis i recieve. I will be doing a tga subcool seed medical grow soon and will be keeping a journal reporting the grow and the effectiveness of the strain against my medical conditions.
It was good to share my story with people who actually understand chronic pain. Its so hard to enjoy life, work, have a family and many other things. I have had all of the hobbies i love(motorcycles, autobody repair, paintball) stripped from me due to my pain. My overall quality of life and appreciation for things has died in the recent years. Marijuana saved my life
Until next time RIU
changed my whole life regarding confidence as wellInsomnia, major depression, and confidence issues.
(I actually can't talk to people while I'm not high, which might sound kind of funny, but really, when you have to live with it and deal with it everyday isn't. When anyone talks to me, I just close up, I'm that nervous. Ganja helps me with that, and smooths it down, I can have conversations with my family and friends).
but you have the typing ability HERE to add to it...The poll only allowed me to select one. Dang. cn
I can relate to you well sir. It feels so much better morally, mentally, physically and emotionally to leave the narcotics behind. Like when i was on em i feel like a bad person for wanting to medicate for pain relief. I would still be hurting very badly to the point of not being able to walk/move around alot but i didnt wanna sound like a pill head and want more. Not to mention all the other side effects of the medicine causing restrictions ultimately decreasing quality of life.medicate daily aprox 7g daily for Pain.. DDD in the back rotator cuff both shoulders 3 knee ops and to get off of 22 years of narcotics for pain.
That too is true. While my stated reason has to do with depression (that's category 5 or 6, depending), what I am really doing is treating a drug deficiency. cnbut you have the typing ability HERE to add to it...
text can be ambiguous so i can't tell if you're saying you're picking up the failing of another drug you take with cannabis, or if you're just being funny with a play on wordsThat too is true. While my stated reason has to do with depression (that's category 5 or 6, depending), what I am really doing is treating a drug deficiency. cn