Random Jibber Jabber Thread

But god damn, is there anything more painful than stubbing a toe (leg cramps?)? How can one little toe cause so much pain?
I had my fingernail get yanked off a few years ago, that had to be the worst pain I have ever felt and I've had some bad things happen to me. It still hurts when it gets cold.
I had a tooth pulled little over a week ago due to infection, even after be drugged up that shit hurt, brought tears to me eyes, haven't felt that kind of pain in a long time. Stay high.
Oh no.. I seem to have reached the point where I need to close one eye and squint real hard with my other one to see straight.
I've never tripped balls while playing N64 (well not on shrooms anyways).. That's now on my to-do list. I wonder how hard/fun that will be.
What is the deal with the chat room? Any time I try and enter it I get this:
[05:27] Unable to connect : java.net.ConnectException : Connection timed out: connect
Is it down or what?
How would you feel if you met a girl at a club with some big ol titties, and took her home to fuck her to only find out that her big tits was a ridiculously padded bra?
If the earth is the third planet from the sun, isn't every country a third world country?
.....and what the fuck was NASA doing anyways?.... they know their not getting anywhere worth theyre effort, if the aliens wanted us to explore, then we'd be there already....... silly scientists, always playing.
.....and what the fuck was NASA doing anyways?.... they know their not getting anywhere worth theyre effort, if the aliens wanted us to explore, then we'd be there already....... silly scientists, always playing.

If the aliens wanted us to explore, then we'd be there already? Huh?
It DOES suggest a shoestring space program, as personified by this intrepid spirit. cn

It's a legacy from the olden days when every cell was hand drawn and colored. 24 frames per second means a shit-ton of drawing.

Four fingers are easier to draw that five.

It's really that simple.

That's exactly correct. I studied animation and that was talked about.
It's hard to draw 5 digits on a constantly moving hand... (for me anyway).
Confucius say... Man who goes to sleep with itchy butt, wakes up with stinky finger.

Confucius say... Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways, going to Bangkok.

Confucius say... Man who pushes piano down mineshaft, get tone of A flat miner.

Confucius say... Takes many nails to build a crib but only one nail to fill it.