The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
Waiting for a laptop to be delivered fucking 8am-6pm delivery times bet the cunting fing turns up 5.55pm.
That is the worst, waiting for a courier to deliver. I find its normally 2 minutes before 6, so you sit in all day waiting around like an hairy hooker.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
where did you order it from? i got to get a new pc. this fucking thing keeps having the blue screen stop error thing
Getting BSOD's should not be a reason to buy a whole new pc. It could be something such as simply needing a new stick of RAM, or something a trivial as a driver conflict. Might be worth looking at what is wrong before going and buying a whole new computer when all that was needed was a harddrive format or a £10 fix.


Well-Known Member
il wait til next yr and get her the iphone 5,,,, i just got rid of my iphone for the ps3,,, much more fun! lol i do miss it now tho,,suppose its wat ur sed to,,if u always had android u like that if u alwasy been on ios then u like that,,its wat ur comfortable with
iphones are easier to use
Have a look at the HTC one X as well, mine arrives today :-) lmao