Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

i'm so old ,i remember ''THE BIG BANG'' ! so there !
I wrote a joke about this. I was sitting at the campfire with my dad, we were having a great conversation. There came a lull, I simply asked sincererly "was it loud?" He replied "what's that?" I said "the big bang." :leaf: It's all in the timing, I've used it at work on a couple of the older guys at work. Got a chuckle everytime.
59 here. Started smoking in '67 listening to The Doors, Love...etc. Lids were $10! Who else remembers removing the seeds using an album cover?

Yea, the Airplane had an album cover that you could fold up and use to shift it around. Had a pretty picture of a mexican key.
Why fart and waste it when you can burp and taste it? Or like little Johnny said on use the word 'definitely' in a sentence day at school. He asked the teacher if farts were lumpy and she said no, Johnny replied, "then I definitely just shit my pants".......
We smoked leaves and male plants and I got high. I remember the first time I got smoked a joint. There was an older boy that was a couple of years ahead of me in school. He was really quiet and usually wouldn't say anything to me, but one day on the way home from school he was walking past me and said "wanna smoke a joint?" I was under the impression at the time that pot was equal to heroin but I was so excited that he talked to me that I agreed. He was the school track star and very popular. We walked behind a big tree and he lit it up and told me to hold it in. I thought my lungs were going to explode! Everyone looked wierd to me and I was so high I was sick. I made a promise to God that if he let me live thru it I would never smoke again! Then I lost my religion... As a side note 15 years later we were married and we were very happy until he died of kidney disease in 1991. Happiest years of my life and a beautiful daughter and grandson to show for it.

Bless your heart darlin' x
54 YO here.
Spent 24 working for our uncle & learned early on that that damn piss test could really screw shit up so I had to quit.
Graduated into civilian hood in 2000 & began to grow weed & a pony tail shortly after that.
Good to see mature folk not arguing like a bunch of young pups.
56 here, started smoking at 15. We had really good weed up on the Philly Main Line. Columbian, Jamaican, hash oil, Thai sticks (strongest stuff I've ever smoked by far!). We had a dealer that sold hash that was shipped from India as the hard back part of books. If we bought enough he would give us the book and we would have to cut into the cloth binding for the hash, which was covered in thin tin foil. You could squeeze the oil from the hash!

I have a hort degree but this is my first real grow, which is why I joined here for the knowledge. It's been a very humbling and enjoyable experience so far and my hort knowledge has been strongly re cultivated.

I would wager that a lot of the older growers don't bother with weed forums as they've been growing for years and have no desire to get on here. We grew up with a very stealthy mentallity and the stealthiest are the survivors.

Oh, and I still smoke the leaves and even a green shoot fresh off the plant! Some of it is pretty good, especially after a week or so.

edit: forgot to mention that the books were in Indian. Would love to have those now!
Damn..there are alot of us. I AM smoking pulled pork ATM in the pit. Thai stick..I haven't heard that in ages. Led Zep..Cheech and Chong..Pink Floyd..Robin Trower.. Munchies! Zig Zag double wide..Friends coming back from Nam..:leaf:
This is amazing! No Trolling with almost 100 posts. Maybe it's time We have an' Old guys section! Kind of like it here.
Or a sticky.. Most here are cool. But now you have baited the thread. lol I know there are more..:-o