The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Glad to here it, i added it for the first time the other day. Do you use just the ripen or all the other nutes with it??
No u cut out all other nutes, in soil 1 ripen then 1 plain water routine, in coco I use at full strenghth 1 feed then just 1ml per ltr next, then a final 3 day ph water flush.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
it does but if you buy a bag of coco you'll have to build the mycho life back up anyway. and as i just learned the hard way, the remaining nutes will stunt tlhe growth if you don't thoroughly flush. thats why canna sell a flush

or so the bloke down my hydro store told me fella.


Well-Known Member
2012-07-02 09.33.18.jpg

Thats her about a week ago, doesnt look stunted to me lol think the guy was yankin your chain mate get you to part with more cash lol


Well-Known Member
stomper OG cross with chemd and candykush, taken at 6 1/2 weeks.

NOTE: The trim job, lmao (this is it's second trim btw). I want to hit some peeps up with some economics but I'll be back later. Doei.


Well-Known Member
Mornin peeps

hows life treatin yas?

feel pretty fresh this morn was abit of a tame boxin night out for us was home for 11.45 an wernt even 1/4 cut lol spliff on arrival home still fucked me lol
yorky just looked back wank that mate i was wantin to see if your infamous plans were gunna work aswell lad! lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Alright guys and gals, during my little play about with coco I was going feed, feed, water etc etc and didn't see any ill effects.
was bottom feeding them by filling up their drip trays so didn't get any run off when watering. Another note whilst feeding and getting run off I'd leave it in the drip tray and the plants would soak it all up anyway, the bottom of my 6L airpots was absolutely matted with roots and the disks at the bottom had to be ripped off, was using 5gal drip trays.
so is the general idea now that you have to feed every time? and that if you don't you'll lose your myco life that quickly?


Well-Known Member
Alright guys and gals, during my little play about with coco I was going feed, feed, water etc etc and didn't see any ill effects.
was bottom feeding them by filling up their drip trays so didn't get any run off when watering. Another note whilst feeding and getting run off I'd leave it in the drip tray and the plants would soak it all up anyway, the bottom of my 6L airpots was absolutely matted with roots and the disks at the bottom had to be ripped off, was using 5gal drip trays.
so is the general idea now that you have to feed every time? and that if you don't you'll lose your myco life that quickly?

na i feed less mate..the plant will get lazy soaking in water and it will stunt its growth,,or of it dont it wont grow to its pertential
ive always been a less is more kinda guy let the plant work for its feed stop it from getting lazy,,
not to mention rot and mould from having water lying arond

I find without a ph water flush u can kinda taste that ripen it don't taste totally write anyway.
ph??PH?? wat mite that be then,,aint used ph since hydro.,,i only ph now wen imm breaking the coco blocks down( the water i used is ph to 5.8

and watever happened to silly billly

either hes in jail,,holidays,,, OR hes not a bigger fish as he makes out and cant afford his phone bill?? LOL


Well-Known Member
Fucking el ya northan monkey what u doing up so early lol u shat the bed again lmao

Yeah ph water ph to 5.8-6 I ph my nutes every watering wit coco I don't bother with soil tho.


Well-Known Member
Fucking el ya northan monkey what u doing up so early lol u shat the bed again lmao

Yeah ph water ph to 5.8-6 I ph my nutes every watering wit coco I don't bother with soil tho.

i used to bu canna coco but now i just buy the briks wat u break down with water,,, the water i use i ph to 5.8 so onceits done its done no need to do again throughout the grow since coco is a natural buffer! much eassier than fucking around with ph up,down,left,right every fucking res change

buynig the 8 pot wilma system this week gunna look at sum airpots and maybe make the sqware willma hole sortov round ish for the airpots to go in,,,wilmas grow big enough planst lol without airpots haha gunna be nutz!


Well-Known Member
Them wilma system are spose to good I hand water 2 7ltr cans its no bother ph each 1, I'm no coco expert but it aint rocket science and my coco run went very well ph'd each time.


Well-Known Member
Yeh you want to feed every water in coco drags its kinda hydro so the days you give plain water your plants not got no food as the coco doesnt hold on to nothin. with the 6ltr airpots i found you needed to water everyday once maybe your at week 3 of flower all depends on the size of plants obviously. but more frequent waterin is best for bigger yields in coco thats why i went with the 6ltr pots i used 10ltr airs an they was sound but found i wasnt waterin as often as i wanted.


Well-Known Member
Them wilma system are spose to good I hand water 2 7ltr cans its no bother ph each 1, I'm no coco expert but it aint rocket science and my coco run went very well ph'd each time.
yeh im only getting the 8 pot will be cush for me grow space :)

i was just uising wilma pots sat on mylar on the floor but i need to make it neater and i need to buy a airstone for the res keep c02 pumping aournd the reservoir :)

got me scrooples tuned in. was gunna order a new motherboard for pc but opted for 8 pot wilma insted

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
na i feed less mate..the plant will get lazy soaking in water and it will stunt its growth,,or of it dont it wont grow to its pertential
ive always been a less is more kinda guy let the plant work for its feed stop it from getting lazy,,
not to mention rot and mould from having water lying arond

ph??PH?? wat mite that be then,,aint used ph since hydro.,,i only ph now wen imm breaking the coco blocks down( the water i used is ph to 5.8

and watever happened to silly billly

either hes in jail,,holidays,,, OR hes not a bigger fish as he makes out and cant afford his phone bill?? LOL
I already know the answers to the questions I asked mate or atleast believe I do, I'm with you on the less is more approach, but have to disagree with you on the rest mate, bottom feeding means working harder as the roots have to travel to the water source like the natural water table.
Also the water/feed left behind isn't lying around long, it's out of the heat and light so isn't making a big difference to rh.
I'm talking about coco in 6L airpots what I was doing was similar to flood and drain just with out the drain and the high water level and doing it every day to every other day with lower levels of liquid.


Well-Known Member
Yeh you want to feed every water in coco drags its kinda hydro so the days you give plain water your plants not got no food as the coco doesnt hold on to nothin. with the 6ltr airpots i found you needed to water everyday once maybe your at week 3 of flower all depends on the size of plants obviously. but more frequent waterin is best for bigger yields in coco thats why i went with the 6ltr pots i used 10ltr airs an they was sound but found i wasnt waterin as often as i wanted.
wen u can would u sent me the diameter of a 6 litre airpot matey il see how much diffrence compared to the 11 litre wilma pots,,coz a wilma with airpots will be fucking mental lol

I already know the answers to the questions I asked mate or atleast believe I do, I'm with you on the less is more approach, but have to disagree with you on the rest mate, bottom feeding means working harder as the roots have to travel to the water source like the natural water table.
Also the water/feed left behind isn't lying around long, it's out of the heat and light so isn't making a big difference to rh.
I'm talking about coco in 6L airpots what I was doing was similar to flood and drain just with out the drain and the high water level and doing it every day to every other day with lower levels of liquid.

hmmm,, so basically a sortov deep potting tray with your pots ontop and u just fed the tray and the plants sucekd it up,,,,wen u put it the way u just did with the roots searching out the feed,, yeh it does make sence same theory of feeding to let the roots work but diffrent method