Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

Whenever I smell Nag Champa it takes me back to 1969. I wore big bell bottoms, love beads and no shoes. I was 13 and thought I was a hippie. My girlfriends and I use to light incense, candles, and our pitiful homegrown. When I think back to what my "plants" looked like then, I have to laugh. Occasionally I see some on the forum that look like my first plants, and I just have to smile and remember when I grew my first and how proud I was of my pitiful specimen. When we managed to get a joint or two off a plant we thought we were pros! We grew them in the empty lot next to my house. The soil there was lousy and we didn't have any fertilizer except the horse poop from the riding club behind my house, and we didn't realize it had to be composted first. You can imagine what they looked like! All my friends thought I was the best grower in the world and I fancied myself an outlaw.

Funny I still burn Nag Champa, its my favorite. I'm 52, still relatively new to growing but have been tokin for some 30+ years now. I remember growing a plant back in the eighties, tending to it, running around with it every time the doorbell rang. It got too tall to easily hide and became a bit of a pain. It tasted terrible too. I dont know why it got these yellow flowers on it at one point. :) Yeah, it was a male. Course I didnt know that then.
I'm about to be closer to 50 than 20! I grew up watching my pops do allot of the things I see you older cats saying. The frisbee joint pass, cleaning with record covers, hash with a stamp on it. Saw the oldmans 12 foot plants behind the house one day, I didn't think much of it. Hell I remember going through my friends house looking to find where his parents stashed theirs just out of curiosity. I thought everyone smoked and just didn't talk about it lol.
I'm about to be closer to 50 than 20! I grew up watching my pops do allot of the things I see you older cats saying. The frisbee joint pass, cleaning with record covers, hash with a stamp on it. Saw the oldmans 12 foot plants behind the house one day, I didn't think much of it. Hell I remember going through my friends house looking to find where his parents stashed theirs just out of curiosity. I thought everyone smoked and just didn't talk about it lol.

the frisbee joint toss is the shit especial at concerts
forty six years old next week
i can't remember a time i didn't smoke weed. but then again i can't remember much these days anyway :eyesmoke:
i sure do. surf fish, fish from some local piers, i sold my boat so land-locked for now, just for now. we wanna get a pontoon boat to party on. and by party i mean fish and grill and swim from. the mrs will be 50 next month so we like the laid back lifestyle
last time i surf fished a 4 ft sand shark was following me :shock: i was ass and elbows out of the water like right now
i sure do. surf fish, fish from some local piers, i sold my boat so land-locked for now, just for now. we wanna get a pontoon boat to party on. and by party i mean fish and grill and swim from. the mrs will be 50 next month so we like the laid back lifestyle
last time i surf fished a 4 ft sand shark was following me :shock: i was ass and elbows out of the water like right now

last time i went to Savannah ni seen guy catch stingray and tore his ass up got him in legs seen him on pier with ems
just thought what a dumbass
Ha we smoked leaves..:shock:

Haha this comment reminds me of what my mom said when I showed her a dark purple 3 gram nug I had obtained and was so fasinated by its deep multicolor hues. She said "What the hell is that?" and I replied "It's some new colorful pot I got"... "No it's not pot looks like oregano." :lol:. I don't even wanna get into the price discussion that followed, she was born in 51' heh.
i'll throw my hat into the ring late in the day. 31 years old and been smoking since 15. started growing a couple of months ago. been wanting to get it on the go for a couple of years now and wish i did now.
hi I,m 52 and been smoking mostly since I was 18. first time growing and really liking it. About 1 month to go til first harvest and boy those buds look nice.
hi I,m 52 and been smoking mostly since I was 18. first time growing and really liking it. About 1 month to go til first harvest and boy those buds look nice.

Sounds just like me 'cept I'm not a Dr. :) Yeah, after smoking for some 30 years, I'm wondering why I didnt start growing years ago. Hell, I'm turnin out better shit than I ever would have bought.
Course back in the day, they didnt have these seedbanks that are breeding these dank ass strains.
Course there was no internet for which to find them on either :)
YES there WAS electricity ! :mad: