Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

I won't name a number, but I am mid century modern and if you had a Chevy made the year I was born it would be a classic. James Dean died the year I was born. Hey I still look good tho!

55 chevy
September 30, 1955, movie star James Dean was driving his new Porsche 550 Spyder when he hit
sorry for busting u out
I'm usually the OG. Bought my first deuce, a $2 amount that would fit into a matchbox, in Detroit in 1964.
Snuck it home and pled sick on Sunday when everyone else was shanghaid to go to church. I smuggled an old
meerschaum pipe my old man had "lost" and sat down at the table with a plastic bucket to puke in if necessary.
I had never met anyone who had ever smoked and had no idea what I was doing. I'd read enough to know to
inhale and hold it in. I got through a bowl and a half before turning green. Never got sick. Never got high, far as
I knew. Saved the remaining 2/3 of the deuce and got hammered the next try, the next day.

Started dealing in 1968 when I got a chance to buy some hash pretty cheap. I paid $35 for a 1/4 oz., sold 5 grams for
$7 each and partied the other 2 gs. It was like finding money on the street. I could make money and product because
I had connections and a silver tongue. Caught a grand jury indictment in 1969 for sales of LSD to a nark in Grand Rapids.
Punk's name was Joe Lobazzatta and it took the Outlaws 3 years to get him. Funny, my court appointed lawyer was named
Charles A. Doherty. My buddy asked which lawyer I got and I told him. He said "o shit, not twent to forty Doherty". He was
right. I was the only guilty plea from 48 arrests.

Thanks for letting me ramble. BigSteve.

I'm usually the OG. Bought my first deuce, a $2 amount that would fit into a matchbox, in Detroit in 1964.
Snuck it home and pled sick on Sunday when everyone else was shanghaid to go to church. I smuggled an old
meerschaum pipe my old man had "lost" and sat down at the table with a plastic bucket to puke in if necessary.
I had never met anyone who had ever smoked and had no idea what I was doing. I'd read enough to know to
inhale and hold it in. I got through a bowl and a half before turning green. Never got sick. Never got high, far as
I knew. Saved the remaining 2/3 of the deuce and got hammered the next try, the next day.

Started dealing in 1968 when I got a chance to buy some hash pretty cheap. I paid $35 for a 1/4 oz., sold 5 grams for
$7 each and partied the other 2 gs. It was like finding money on the street. I could make money and product because
I had connections and a silver tongue. Caught a grand jury indictment in 1969 for sales of LSD to a nark in Grand Rapids.
Punk's name was Joe Lobazzatta and it took the Outlaws 3 years to get him. Funny, my court appointed lawyer was named
Charles A. Doherty. My buddy asked which lawyer I got and I told him. He said "o shit, not twent to forty Doherty". He was
right. I was the only guilty plea from 48 arrests.

Thanks for letting me ramble. BigSteve.
holy shit theres alotta old folks here...does AARP stand for Advanced Age Recreational Potgrower....I'm almost 30 and almost through second grow. Thanks RIU for sharing your knowledge and helping me along. Hopefully I'll live to see this wonderful plant legalized (although I think most of you here will not :wall:)
holy shit theres alotta old folks here...does AARP stand for Advanced Age Recreational Potgrower....I'm almost 30 and almost through second grow. Thanks RIU for sharing your knowledge and helping me along. Hopefully I'll live to see this wonderful plant legalized (although I think most of you here will not :wall:)

no unfortunately most of us wont but alot of oldtimers some already gone helped push things in that direction
Whenever I smell Nag Champa it takes me back to 1969. I wore big bell bottoms, love beads and no shoes. I was 13 and thought I was a hippie. My girlfriends and I use to light incense, candles, and our pitiful homegrown. When I think back to what my "plants" looked like then, I have to laugh. Occasionally I see some on the forum that look like my first plants, and I just have to smile and remember when I grew my first and how proud I was of my pitiful specimen. When we managed to get a joint or two off a plant we thought we were pros! We grew them in the empty lot next to my house. The soil there was lousy and we didn't have any fertilizer except the horse poop from the riding club behind my house, and we didn't realize it had to be composted first. You can imagine what they looked like! All my friends thought I was the best grower in the world and I fancied myself an outlaw.
I'm still a youngin at 31, and I have been growing outside about every other year since I was about 15. But my Dad, who passed away about 4 years ago grew weed when I was younger. Then he stopped for a long while and started back up when I was 12 and in 8th grade. I remember the first time he showed me his grow room in action. He had 1 1k Mh, 1 1k HPS, and 4 400w Mh spread around the outside of the grow. He had a nice setup, and he knew what he was doing. He enjoyed growing it more than smoking it. I sure wish he was around now to see some of the shit that I have grown. We would be having a blast together.
damn you all make me fell so young .. thanks .. was sure this bord was full of kidz with CLFs growing in ther bedrooms ..

1974 here .. so I was a kid when you all grew your fist plants ..

and yea its amazing what have happen to the plants over the last 10 years or so ..
back when I smoked my fist weed 1988 it was pot (my best guess is 5% THC)
I'm 24 and I thought I was getting old when I recently had to scroll down to pick my birth year on something I was registering for!

Difference in weed from then and now?
We smoked leaves and male plants and I got high. I remember the first time I got smoked a joint. There was an older boy that was a couple of years ahead of me in school. He was really quiet and usually wouldn't say anything to me, but one day on the way home from school he was walking past me and said "wanna smoke a joint?" I was under the impression at the time that pot was equal to heroin but I was so excited that he talked to me that I agreed. He was the school track star and very popular. We walked behind a big tree and he lit it up and told me to hold it in. I thought my lungs were going to explode! Everyone looked wierd to me and I was so high I was sick. I made a promise to God that if he let me live thru it I would never smoke again! Then I lost my religion... As a side note 15 years later we were married and we were very happy until he died of kidney disease in 1991. Happiest years of my life and a beautiful daughter and grandson to show for it.