4 days, no water, yellowing and twisted growth, defiency? hermies?

everything was fine until i got back from a 4 day vacay from the plants. at first, they just appeared light but now some of the fan leaves are yellowing. i'm also wondering if these are hermes because the nodes have two sac looking things with what appears to be thc and they are starting to brown on one of the plants...also i noticed twisted looking growth, maybe Just FIM regrowing? i'm lost, any advice would be appreciated. i'm tripping balls right now! strain is purple monkey balls, 3 gallon pots, outdoor in norcal.



Fertilizer is burning the hell out of those plants. Flush them with a lot of water and or transplant them to organic soil.


It could also be those wood chips. over watering can make them look like that too. cannabis grows well in dry soil.
i usually water until there's a run off with about 1/2 the recommended amount of nutrients. i only nute once a week and checked ph and ppm readings every single time.they're in fox farm ocean forest soil with organic/colored forest mulch. is it obviously nute burn or a deficiency?


Well-Known Member
Wood chips are very alkaline and hold no nutes when u water. The PH is causing these problems brought on by the medium. Get some good soil and re-pot, u need to check the PH if u wanna pull this off properly. No male pollen sacks, those r just calyxs.


Well-Known Member
i usually water until there's a run off with about 1/2 the recommended amount of nutrients. i only nute once a week and checked ph and ppm readings every single time.they're in fox farm ocean forest soil with organic/colored forest mulch. is it obviously nute burn or a deficiency?
DEf but maybe from PH lockout
i have been using these mulches since transfering them from red cups to 3 gallon pots and didn't really notice them being affected by it. if it was to be a deficiency, which do you think? my county also uses chloramide to clean the tap water, and is usually 9.0 ph. i use ph down and everything but barely ever let it sit for a couple days :/ can this also be the reason for my plants being ill?


Active Member
There is no way your tap water is a PH of 9! For most soil grows, you should not be adding any PH down as the soil has buffers that naturally compensate. If you are constantly adding PH down, you more than likely have a really low PH atm, like ~low 5's. Do you have a way to properly check your soil PH and/or runoff? And get rid of the wood chips.


Well-Known Member
Home depot... or as I like to refer to it as "Grow Depot" has these tabs that test the ph, and nute makeup of soil and liquid for like 5 bucks. GET AND USE THEM. Plants look sad, I shed a tear for them. I hope you save them, and rest of your grow goes well!
i have an electronic ph meter from ecotest ph2. yess water from my county is really 9, i couldn't believe it either! I'll get a soil tester asap. and for getting rid of the mulch, i use it to prevent moisture from being evaporated too quickly because my area is windy. I'll take the mulch out asap too :( i was wondering how often should i water them because i usually water them twice a week, whenever the pot feels light.
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the yellowing occurs only to some plants so i don't know what's going on..some are healthy as you can see, some just lagged from the get go. i brought all these monkey balls back to life from a neglectful grower -_-so the sizes of some plants vary a lot :/


I've found that PH doesn't really matter when growing in soil. i use plain ol' tap water and never bother with PH and my plants turn out just fine. I also use Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil and sometimes I don't even bother fertilizing 'cause the soil is so good. my 2 cents

The fact that the leaves all over the plant are curled up, wilting down and dying slowly means it's either too much nutes or too much water. the roots could be rotting or suffocating. dig down with your finger and look at the soil. but for real those wood chips just aren't necessary. sometimes my plants sit in dry soil for a day or two before they start wilting and i would probably argue they do their best growth during that period of dryer soil.

If it's over watered it's dying from lack of oxygen. And seriously i usually don't use any nutes until flowering. Fox Farm Soil is that good.

For example the two smaller ones in blue cups are about 1ft tall and I've only recently given them a tiny dose of nitrogen because they consumed all the soil in the cup.

I've burned and over watered before and they looked a lot like yours.


i only water the soil, not the entire plant. i don't think it's nute burn but for sure I'll have it flushed today and get the mulch out asap. I'll stop on the nutrients until flowering. but if i flush pots 3:1 then won't that suffocate the already suffocated roots even further?