Male or Female? Need help ASAP (NOVICE GROWER)


Active Member
This is my first grow, and i decided to grow it directly in my garden!

No chemicals have been used on the plant, i like my stuff all natural, although i hope to god this isn't a male i would like to have some bud!

I can possibly get some more close-up pictures as soon as the wind, and heat dies down a little.


I would also like to know if it's hybrid, or an indica, it is a mystery plant, but i know it's good bud cause i got the seedling from a quarter that i bought.




Well-Known Member
how old is it? it is NOT showing sex yet. plz add more pics in a few days, Id say closer to a week or two really but we need pics closer to the internodes. where are you on the map cuz i dont think its fall yet :/


Active Member
Its too early to tell I reckon, its not showing any real sex yet, so you'll have to keep an eye on it and post pics as it evolves.

I'd guess that its either an indica, or indica-dominant hybrid, based on the leaves. The leaves look a tad thick for a pure sativa.

How old is the grow?


Active Member
I planted it in a clay pot in around april 8th- 22nd, in that range, and i will put more close-ups of the nodes within' next week, i started tripping because right above the stipules, i'm in the united states, and no it's july 7th here so still summer time, and if it's a female and not at the full extent of its life i can bring it into my garage so it can grow to the maximum.


Active Member
Even when it starts to show sex, it can be deceptive until it starts showing pre-flowers. To begin with they both have little pouches, you'll know its female when white pistils start reaching out from them. If there are no pistils at that time and they become a nutsack you'll know its male. Welcome to the painful and tedious waiting game :(

Cajun Grower

Active Member
looks like a young lady to me look closely at the new branches below his fingers i see a white pistil on the stalk


Active Member
I guess we will have to find out soon, there is a thunderstorm right now, so in a couple of days i'll go ahead and take a few pictures and see if anythings changed!


Well-Known Member
If the seed was a 1 off in some buds then chances are it's a bird but could be a ladyboy so just keep an eye on it when it flowers


Active Member
Outdoors it won't start flowering until fall, when the days get shorter and the nights get longer. Thats why we do the 12/12 cycle when growing indoors, so the plant thinks fall has arrived and that triggers the flowering part of its life cycle. The exception to this would be an autoflowering strain, which flowers based on age rather than photoperiod.