What could be wrong? Iron def? and?

Hey everyone on rollitup. This is my first post, but i am not new to the site. This site helped me get going and taught me so much over the years, so thanks to the knowledgeable people out there who help make this such a great site for information. Obviously the more discrete we can be the better and this site helps people like me starting out with no help or information from anyone else grow some great products.

So anyway, I have noticed this problem in my plants while in veg before. The last few times they have just kinda grown out of the issue. It seems like it could be an Iron def but i am not sure because it seems like its more then just that with some new growth being narrow and twisted. The plants with this issue are about as dense as my others without it, doing well but just want them to be perfect. Ive attached some pics of the leaves showing the issue and some without. It almost seems like this issue creeps up on my plants and then dissappears after If anyone could steer me in the right direction on what it could be and how to fix it Id greatly appreciate it.


a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
actino iron will work. i had that on some fire ogs once. the leaves didnt green up all the way but it didnt get any worse,and i was able to finish strong.


Well-Known Member
i gotta be honest, and im guilty of this too, trying to find out exactly what nutes are showing their deficiencies, kinda pointless.
its not like we can easily add one nute and not any other. like if your short potassium or calcium for example, maybe ya can, but if your short on molybdenum or copper what do ya do?

after many grows im starting to think we should start looking at plant problems the say way we look at ourselves when treating injuries or wierd bumps or a rash or whatever. we dont try to find out exactly what strain of bacteria is growing on our finger, we simply apply neosporin (or some other ointment) and if it doesnt work after a week, then we seek professional help.

So, what to do? the first thing i do now, when treating a large number of plants, that have a variety of deficiencies at once (but none have overferting), is make a ´cure all´. After checking the pH and knowing they CAN absorb nutes, you mix up your nutrient solution like you did last time, and add in more of what your guessing your low on. really, its the big 3, or the micro nutes, (or sugars if in flower). either way, if you have a good variety of nutes (and therefore elements used as ingredients in the nutrients), then youll probably cure the plant of the deficiency. over time, youll get a hang of it, and by adjusting the nutrients on your own, every watering, youll come up with a ratio that works well for your grow, your plants, and your nutrient purchases.

TL:DR check pH, then add N, P, and some micro nutes.
Mongo thanks!! Im growing chocolope so I'm guessing maybe OG strains just require a bit more iron since you had the same problem with OG. Called the shops around here and none carries actino iron so i guess I gotta order it. They carry some seaweed extract with iron but has a way less iron content then actino so I guess I gotta wait a few days for it.

Nick I agree. Like how many different cold bacteria strains are killed by penicillin? Hundreds, thousands? It's so hard to replicate your process time and time again, unless you have a $10000+ room, and probably still cant. Every time there will be a little difference, things change clones are slightly different then the parent. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't wasting money on something I didn't need and wouldn't help so I'm glad I asked. Now I know how to fix this issue, which is the only issue I've ever had other then nute burn (prior to RO water, ph tester, soil tester).

Thanks again for your help guys