The UK Growers Thread!

I'll send ya a joint of 49day chop exo next week if ya want sae I'm skint m8 1 is gonna have to come down early.

Just mail me ya address again nxt wk u got me email address.
Dude if you fuck with one of the Brits on this site, they will gang up on you and cuss you out and troll you so bad you'll leave and never come back. I've seen that shit. Its amazing actually.....impressive even.

Lol. Log in and it's a page of chest thumping :D If you are this serious about seeing who's is best, might be sensible to have more than a single judge, generally how most things like this work.
Lol. Log in and it's a page of chest thumping :D If you are this serious about seeing who's is best, might be sensible to have more than a single judge, generally how most things like this work.

ello shit for brains! :) been busy have we
i think chedz and sambo are having ther pissing competiotion again,,, they should just get a hotel room and get down and dirty with each other ROFL i hear sambos been working out so wont be long hel deffo have the stamina haha

No busy busy busy for me :) Although i'm aware that i have 7 days to somehow obtain a car and empty and move out of the flat. Oh dear lol. time to go look at the old bank statement, don't think it's gonna be pretty.
how do ladies and gents? a little friendly competition never hurt anybody, I think the fairest way to go about judging it would be to send it all to me and I'll tell which crop kept me unconscious the longest lol
No busy busy busy for me :) Although i'm aware that i have 7 days to somehow obtain a car and empty and move out of the flat. Oh dear lol. time to go look at the old bank statement, don't think it's gonna be pretty.

sounds like a busy 7 days coming up mate, have you got your next place sorted so you can start moving your stuff in? I hate having to do it all in one go, seems like you have more stuff than places to put it in, tis a good excuse for a clean out though every time me and the misses moves we tip all the stuff that's been boxed up and unused, in my eyes unless it's tools of course if your not gonna use it lose it.
says the man with a house full to the rafters of crap I'm never gonna use, but it's ok the misses might need it one day!!! lol
Oh it's gonna be expensive. Everything is being stored at my parents for the month odd that i'm at my cooking course, then after that it is time to look for a new place and a job to pay for it. Gonna be a bloody expensive week. Got to shift the entire flat with the use of a hatchback, 2 hour round trip for every load :( So much stuff that i can take to the tip though. Need to take my jig saw to my king size bed so that it'll fit in the boot :D
The exo sae 8wks m8 some say 9 but pull good yield at 8 and them buds are solid at 8wk.

I'll send ya a joint of 49day chop exo next week if ya want sae I'm skint m8 1 is gonna have to come down early.

Just mail me ya address again nxt wk u got me email address.

Cheers mate will prob have a few off ya in the week just got to sell some of this stuff so ive got the money to send ya lol, left a big gap in my planting coz of working long hours n being a dumbass so just gonna throw a few clones in there 12/12 and see what i get out of em while i wait for my QQ to sprout and get going lol
Oh it's gonna be expensive. Everything is being stored at my parents for the month odd that i'm at my cooking course, then after that it is time to look for a new place and a job to pay for it. Gonna be a bloody expensive week. Got to shift the entire flat with the use of a hatchback, 2 hour round trip for every load :( So much stuff that i can take to the tip though. Need to take my jig saw to my king size bed so that it'll fit in the boot :D

fucking hell mate seems you do have a bit to do then, I've moved houses a few times with a small car and my best advice would be black bags and pack them in tight, might even be an idea to rent a van for the day (about£100) +fuel and do it in one day?
would save chopping ya bed up aswell mate lol
so your all booked in for ya course then mate? I know you mentioned it before but I miss a bit on here not reading back through umpteen pages.
so fingers crossed in a couple of months it'll be business as usual for you then? you gonna stay around the same area when you move or look to some cheaper area's I remember you saying it's an expensive area you live mate
The exo sae 8wks m8 some say 9 but pull good yield at 8 and them buds are solid at 8wk.

Dude if you fuck with one of the Brits on this site, they will gang up on you and cuss you out and troll you so bad you'll leave and never come back. I've seen that shit. Its amazing actually.....impressive even.


Haha I remember when i found that, was a bloke called Haephetus420 or something in on of the yank threads lol
fucking hell mate seems you do have a bit to do then, I've moved houses a few times with a small car and my best advice would be black bags and pack them in tight, might even be an idea to rent a van for the day (about£100) +fuel and do it in one day?
would save chopping ya bed up aswell mate lol
so your all booked in for ya course then mate? I know you mentioned it before but I miss a bit on here not reading back through umpteen pages.
so fingers crossed in a couple of months it'll be business as usual for you then? you gonna stay around the same area when you move or look to some cheaper area's I remember you saying it's an expensive area you live mate

All shall be good :) all my grow kit is jut staying with a friend 10 minutes away, just spoke to me ma so should have her car and trailer towards the end of the week, and just got £400 from my godfather for car insurance. I kinda broke the frame of my bed so needs to go anyways, but that kind of thing i can just leave with my parents to deal with as hey, what do they genuinely epect me to do, it is a bit of a small car and they are rather aware of this fact. Also found out that i don't have to exist in a little bedroom for the next month odd, i'm being given the flat on the top floor of their new house :) yay.
Oh it's gonna be expensive. Everything is being stored at my parents for the month odd that i'm at my cooking course, then after that it is time to look for a new place and a job to pay for it. Gonna be a bloody expensive week. Got to shift the entire flat with the use of a hatchback, 2 hour round trip for every load :( So much stuff that i can take to the tip though. Need to take my jig saw to my king size bed so that it'll fit in the boot :D

mate rent a van u get get one for about 90 qwid for the day or 2 250 depositon card but you get that bak,,gotta be cheaper tan the petty used for all them trips and time used also drive car to van place rent a van leave car wen done drop van of drive home JOB DONE

you sotherners make shit sooo complicted
All shall be good :) all my grow kit is jut staying with a friend 10 minutes away, just spoke to me ma so should have her car and trailer towards the end of the week, and just got £400 from my godfather for car insurance. I kinda broke the frame of my bed so needs to go anyways, but that kind of thing i can just leave with my parents to deal with as hey, what do they genuinely epect me to do, it is a bit of a small car and they are rather aware of this fact. Also found out that i don't have to exist in a little bedroom for the next month odd, i'm being given the flat on the top floor of their new house :) yay.

happy days, sounds like your underway then mate, that top floor flat sounds like a silver lining and the trailer at the end of the week should make a hell of a difference.
lmao leaving mum n dad to sort ya broken bed, can't it be sorted with some 2x4? if it's the slats, could add some noggins to the inside frame and just board it? only saying as I did it with my old bed til I got with the misses.
oh yeah and if you do scrap the bed don't take ya misses shopping for your new one, I did it once and now expect to die in that bed for what it cost lol
Ic3 ya funny northan gammy foot fucker but it did make me lol

Ttt that a good idea more than 1 judge.

Rowing 2mora arrrrghh use to be able to do 10000mtrs in 45mins I'd be sweating from me eyelids tho lol but was a good few years ago.
Ic3 ya funny northan gammy foot fucker but it did make me lol

Ttt that a good idea more than 1 judge.

Rowing 2mora arrrrghh use to be able to do 10000mtrs in 45mins I'd be sweating from me eyelids tho lol but was a good few years ago.

Don't lie you'll walk down there getting ya sweat on, on the way and then spend a couple of hours in the spa lol
Fuck off back to the hills ya welsh numpty lol

I'm on it I'll lose 2 stone in 2 months watch n see, then carry on done it 6yrs ago lost 5stone In 5months! Just wit diet n gym.

But yeah I did end up putting it all back on lol

I'm on it tho need to get a new bird been split with the ex 3months now yeah I've gave her a good seeing too a few times but we split for good.
happy days, sounds like your underway then mate, that top floor flat sounds like a silver lining and the trailer at the end of the week should make a hell of a difference.
lmao leaving mum n dad to sort ya broken bed, can't it be sorted with some 2x4? if it's the slats, could add some noggins to the inside frame and just board it? only saying as I did it with my old bed til I got with the misses.
oh yeah and if you do scrap the bed don't take ya misses shopping for your new one, I did it once and now expect to die in that bed for what it cost lol

All is indeed good :) Just paid for car insurance so getting that monday lunchtime :) Bed can be fixed but it's just a cheap ikea bed frame that well, it's a load of shit, roll over in bed and it sounds like you just felled a tree or something. I'd rather just save up some money and buy me a new one. Parenmts choice though, not my issue :D

Ic3 ya funny northan gammy foot fucker but it did make me lol

Ttt that a good idea more than 1 judge.

Rowing 2mora arrrrghh use to be able to do 10000mtrs in 45mins I'd be sweating from me eyelids tho lol but was a good few years ago.

More than 1 judge is indeed a good way of getting a more accurate idea of what is what. Send some this way and Kuroi and I will give you a verdict :D

Just popped into work, i've not been gone 3 weeks and they've alreayd had to close down lolol. Seems i was more valuable to them than they had thought :D
The ex just got a car today thank fuck! She fucked the 3k car I brought her in less than a year not putting enough oil n water in it but what's done is done.

Its a zafira 7seater dunno what reg but she paid 1300