John Birch Society

For the past three decades through the United Nations infrastructure, there have been a series of meetings, each producing another document or lynchpin to lay the groundwork for a centralized global economy, judicial system, military, and communications system, leading to what can only be described as a global government. From our study of these events, we have come to the conclusion that Agenda 21 represents the culmination of all of those efforts, indeed representing the step by step blueprint for the full imposition of those goals. Here’s just a sample of these meetings and the documents they produced:

  • In 1980, West German Chancellor Willy Brandt chaired the Commission on International Development. The document, or report coming out of this effort, entitled “North-South: A program for Survival,” stated “World development is not merely an economic process, [it] involves a profound transformation of the entire economic and social structure…not only the idea of economic betterment, but also of greater human dignity, security, justice and equality…The Commission realizes that mankind has to develop a concept of a ‘single community’ to develop global order.”
  • That same year Sean MacBride, a recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize, headed up a commission on international communications which issued a report entitled “Many Voices, One World: Towards a New, More Just and More Efficient World Information and Communication Order.” The Commission, which included the head of the Soviet news Agency, TASS, believed that a “New World Information Order” was prerequisite to a new world economic order. The report was a blueprint for controlling the media, even to the point of suggesting that international journalists be licensed.
  • In 1982, Olof Palme, the man who single-handedly returned Socialism to Sweden, served as chairman of the Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues. His report, entitled “Common Security: A Blueprint for Survival,” said: “All States have the duty to promote the achievement of general and complete disarmament under effective international control…” The report went on to call for money that is saved from disarmament to be used to pay for social programs. The Commission also proposed a strategic shift from “collective security” such as the alliances like NATO, to one of “common security” through the United Nations.
  • Finally, in 1987, came the granddaddy commission of them all, The Brundtland Commission on Environment and Development. Headed by Gro Harlem Brundtland, Vice President of the World Socialist Party, the commission introduced the concept of “Sustainable Development.” For the first time the environment was tied to the tried and true Socialist goals of international redistribution of wealth. Said the report, “Poverty is a major cause and effect of global environmental problems. It is therefore futile to attempt to deal with environmental problems without a broader perspective that encompasses the factors underlying world poverty and international inequality.”
These four commissions laid the groundwork for an agenda of global control; A controlled media would dictate the flow of information and ideas and prevent dissent; control of international development manages and redistributes wealth; full disarmament would put the power structure into the hands of those with armaments; and tying environmentalism to poverty and economic development would bring the entire agenda to the level of an international emergency.

One world, one media, one authority for development, one source of wealth, one international army. The construction of a “just society” with political and social equality rather than a free society with the individual as the sole possessor of rights. The next step was to pull it altogether into a simple blueprint for implementation.
Chesus is incapable of having an actual discussion

Not nice
Not nice at all

thats cool
You want to believe this shit go ahead
I suggest you check out
learn about bug out bags
and arm yourself up
Dont want to be caught Unarmed when the Blue hat army invades us
For the past three decades through the United Nations infrastructure, there have been a series of meetings, each producing another document or lynchpin to lay the groundwork for a centralized global economy, judicial system, military, and communications system, leading to what can only be described as a global government. From our study of these events, we have come to the conclusion that Agenda 21 represents the culmination of all of those efforts, indeed representing the step by step blueprint for the full imposition of those goals. Here’s just a sample of these meetings and the documents they produced:

  • In 1980, West German Chancellor Willy Brandt chaired the Commission on International Development. The document, or report coming out of this effort, entitled “North-South: A program for Survival,” stated “World development is not merely an economic process, [it] involves a profound transformation of the entire economic and social structure…not only the idea of economic betterment, but also of greater human dignity, security, justice and equality…The Commission realizes that mankind has to develop a concept of a ‘single community’ to develop global order.”
  • That same year Sean MacBride, a recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize, headed up a commission on international communications which issued a report entitled “Many Voices, One World: Towards a New, More Just and More Efficient World Information and Communication Order.” The Commission, which included the head of the Soviet news Agency, TASS, believed that a “New World Information Order” was prerequisite to a new world economic order. The report was a blueprint for controlling the media, even to the point of suggesting that international journalists be licensed.
  • In 1982, Olof Palme, the man who single-handedly returned Socialism to Sweden, served as chairman of the Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues. His report, entitled “Common Security: A Blueprint for Survival,” said: “All States have the duty to promote the achievement of general and complete disarmament under effective international control…” The report went on to call for money that is saved from disarmament to be used to pay for social programs. The Commission also proposed a strategic shift from “collective security” such as the alliances like NATO, to one of “common security” through the United Nations.
  • Finally, in 1987, came the granddaddy commission of them all, The Brundtland Commission on Environment and Development. Headed by Gro Harlem Brundtland, Vice President of the World Socialist Party, the commission introduced the concept of “Sustainable Development.” For the first time the environment was tied to the tried and true Socialist goals of international redistribution of wealth. Said the report, “Poverty is a major cause and effect of global environmental problems. It is therefore futile to attempt to deal with environmental problems without a broader perspective that encompasses the factors underlying world poverty and international inequality.”
These four commissions laid the groundwork for an agenda of global control; A controlled media would dictate the flow of information and ideas and prevent dissent; control of international development manages and redistributes wealth; full disarmament would put the power structure into the hands of those with armaments; and tying environmentalism to poverty and economic development would bring the entire agenda to the level of an international emergency.

One world, one media, one authority for development, one source of wealth, one international army. The construction of a “just society” with political and social equality rather than a free society with the individual as the sole possessor of rights. The next step was to pull it altogether into a simple blueprint for implementation.

sounds like they probably jumped to quite a few conclusions and probably connected dots that have no substantial reason to be connected, yea this is all you had to post this whole time really, will look more into this, sounds pretty wild.
...No meat...Not to mention they want to make my home community property.

No I do not know Koch, and I would not have learned of this Agenda 21 except for your post.

jesus christ you are stupid.

i have not made a formal insult like that for weeks now, but you leave me no choice.

let me backtrack. maybe not stupid, but you are incredibly uninformed, but don't mind buying the bullshit anyway.

you are the perfect candidate for the koch brothers' campaign of looking for useful idiots to do their bidding.
jesus christ you are stupid.

i have not made a formal insult like that for weeks now, but you leave me no choice.

let me backtrack. maybe not stupid, but you are incredibly uninformed, but don't mind buying the bullshit anyway.

you are the perfect candidate for the koch brothers' campaign of looking for useful idiots to do their bidding.

Hey you started this crap Buck!

here is a link to the thread where our uninformed friend moses speaks directly out of his ass.

it's lulzeriffic.

There are no stupid right wingers

Just uninformed ones

Deprave is one of the most intelligent people i have met online

Even if I disagree with him

I dont think he is stupid

Just wrong "in my opinion"

At least I am learning to communicate better becuase of all of you

Night all
For the past three decades through the United Nations infrastructure, there have been a series of meetings, each producing another document or lynchpin to lay the groundwork for a centralized global economy, judicial system, military, and communications system, leading to what can only be described as a global government. From our study of these events, we have come to the conclusion that Agenda 21 represents the culmination of all of those efforts, indeed representing the step by step blueprint for the full imposition of those goals. Here’s just a sample of these meetings and the documents they produced:

  • In 1980, West German Chancellor Willy Brandt chaired the Commission on International Development. The document, or report coming out of this effort, entitled “North-South: A program for Survival,” stated “World development is not merely an economic process, [it] involves a profound transformation of the entire economic and social structure…not only the idea of economic betterment, but also of greater human dignity, security, justice and equality…The Commission realizes that mankind has to develop a concept of a ‘single community’ to develop global order.”
  • That same year Sean MacBride, a recipient of the Lenin Peace Prize, headed up a commission on international communications which issued a report entitled “Many Voices, One World: Towards a New, More Just and More Efficient World Information and Communication Order.” The Commission, which included the head of the Soviet news Agency, TASS, believed that a “New World Information Order” was prerequisite to a new world economic order. The report was a blueprint for controlling the media, even to the point of suggesting that international journalists be licensed.
  • In 1982, Olof Palme, the man who single-handedly returned Socialism to Sweden, served as chairman of the Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security Issues. His report, entitled “Common Security: A Blueprint for Survival,” said: “All States have the duty to promote the achievement of general and complete disarmament under effective international control…” The report went on to call for money that is saved from disarmament to be used to pay for social programs. The Commission also proposed a strategic shift from “collective security” such as the alliances like NATO, to one of “common security” through the United Nations.
  • Finally, in 1987, came the granddaddy commission of them all, The Brundtland Commission on Environment and Development. Headed by Gro Harlem Brundtland, Vice President of the World Socialist Party, the commission introduced the concept of “Sustainable Development.” For the first time the environment was tied to the tried and true Socialist goals of international redistribution of wealth. Said the report, “Poverty is a major cause and effect of global environmental problems. It is therefore futile to attempt to deal with environmental problems without a broader perspective that encompasses the factors underlying world poverty and international inequality.”
These four commissions laid the groundwork for an agenda of global control; A controlled media would dictate the flow of information and ideas and prevent dissent; control of international development manages and redistributes wealth; full disarmament would put the power structure into the hands of those with armaments; and tying environmentalism to poverty and economic development would bring the entire agenda to the level of an international emergency.

One world, one media, one authority for development, one source of wealth, one international army. The construction of a “just society” with political and social equality rather than a free society with the individual as the sole possessor of rights. The next step was to pull it altogether into a simple blueprint for implementation.

hmm so actually if you look at that its written by another organization(American Policy) although it was posted by someone on the jbs site, here is original article word for word:

Not totally defending them because it is on their site and they could of taken it down but just saying it isn't their words so that needs to be noted.......I still haven't had a chance to go over it just saying.
jesus christ you are stupid.

i have not made a formal insult like that for weeks now, but you leave me no choice.

let me backtrack. maybe not stupid, but you are incredibly uninformed, but don't mind buying the bullshit anyway.

you are the perfect candidate for the koch brothers' campaign of looking for useful idiots to do their bidding.

Why don't you just tell Moses he got a purdy mouf already.

here is a link to the thread where our uninformed friend moses speaks directly out of his ass.

it's lulzeriffic.

Nearly every post you make is defaming of something or someone. Pointing your finger to avoid having to legitimately answer a question. Every post you make comes out of the same place. You still have not answered Depraves question or mine. Oh you must be such a kool kid that nobody knows it but you. And WTF does any of this have to do with answering the question put forth? Hate mongering- defaming and hating people and you don't even know why you do these things do you? Go get some help and become a productive human being instead of wasting your life on bullshit.
What I said was it seemed inaccurate so I blew it off, like what I will have to do with you in the future. Nice troll attempt but like most of your posts-not accurate and spam. Uninformed is why people ask questions that you can't answer after all the unsubstantiated comments you made here now attack a seperate issue, was it that hard to just answer the question?
Nearly every post you make is defaming of something or someone. Pointing your finger to avoid having to legitimately answer a question. Every post you make comes out of the same place. You still have not answered Depraves question or mine. Oh you must be such a kool kid that nobody knows it but you. And WTF does any of this have to do with answering the question put forth? Hate mongering- defaming and hating people and you don't even know why you do these things do you? Go get some help and become a productive human being instead of wasting your life on bullshit.
What I said was it seemed inaccurate so I blew it off, like what I will have to do with you in the future. Nice troll attempt but like most of your posts-not accurate and spam. Uninformed is why people ask questions that you can't answer after all the unsubstantiated comments you made here now attack a seperate issue, was it that hard to just answer the question?

he is just here to argue, any thread that is not controversial or not a left vs right argument notice that he isn't involved in those threads. If there is a paritisian thread he just kinda spams it with the same repetitive shit.
Nearly every post you make is defaming of something or someone. Pointing your finger to avoid having to legitimately answer a question. Every post you make comes out of the same place. You still have not answered Depraves question or mine. Oh you must be such a kool kid that nobody knows it but you. And WTF does any of this have to do with answering the question put forth? Hate mongering- defaming and hating people and you don't even know why you do these things do you? Go get some help and become a productive human being instead of wasting your life on bullshit.
What I said was it seemed inaccurate so I blew it off, like what I will have to do with you in the future. Nice troll attempt but like most of your posts-not accurate and spam. Uninformed is why people ask questions that you can't answer after all the unsubstantiated comments you made here now attack a seperate issue, was it that hard to just answer the question?

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Moses Mobetta again.

lets all run away from the facts and truths exposed by the John Birch Society, and the wisdom of their founders and leaders. if we call them racist then we can burn them at the stake right? lets call them crazy too, then we can piss on the ashes! lets say they are conspiracy nuts, then we can put the piss soaked ashes into a lead lined urn and dispose of it with our spent nuclear fuel rods! Brilliant!

the John Birch Society has the desire to defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit, limp dicked liberals, and mindless drones of the leftist establishment. claiming the John Birch Society is made up of out of touch octogenarians with racist tendencies and a pathological fear of everything that they oppose is absolute crap. if the John Birch Society is wrong, then please explain:

the trilateral commission
the council on foreign relations
the bildeberger group
the federal reserve's creation on jekyll island in georgia
the 1968 "crime bill" that banned sawed off shotguns, machine guns and grenades in response to the assasinations of JF and RF Kennedy, and mlk
legislation against thought and opinion (hate crime laws) rather than deeds.
use of eminent domain to profit private interests
the new york times' "man in moskow" Walter Duranty selling stalin as the greatest leader since moses while he murdered half the nation.
chris "Tingles" mathews publicly admitting he gets thrill up hius leg every time he sees The Immaculate One
rachel maddow and ed schultz having "news and opinion" shows
"the young turks" who are even named after a genocidal marxist movement in the ottoman empire.

all in all the John Birch Society has more shit right than they have wrong, and they have a way better track record than the new york times for truth, and are much more accepting of diverse opinions than the leftist press or leftists in general.

slinging all this vitriol at the Koch family is unwarranted, and duplicitous when you realize it's coming from the same bunch who still applaud and revere henry kissinger and the rockerfellers
exclusion based on culture is never racist buck . . .sheesh

judging others sociological tendencies produced by your own implemented prejudiced makes complete sense

its them not us right . . .