Well-Known Member
Tang is the shit.. Kush and Tang lol
Um Excuse me ?
Tang is the shit.. Kush and Tang lol
True true true..... urea is a skin softener and is used in lotions and wrinkle creamsI guess woman smear it all over the face though![]()
This is just a general mythconception and misunderstanding. First off, you don't hike your leg directly on your plants or you will quite literally "burn the piss out of them". You dilute it. Yes urine contains sodium... plants need sodium. And it just so happens that what come out of you is in a form that plants can use directly.Wyogrow, I cannot recommend using pee for weed.
It contains more sodium that nitrogen, and Cannabis is sensitive to sodium, more so than most potted plants. cn
Unless you are royally cruded up or on enough shit to make Keith Richards go "HOLY FUCK MATE!!!!" the metabolites you are expelling are so diluted it isn't an issue.I was looking into this but one issue is that urine can contain drug metabolites and other toxins.
Obviously you haven't read the thread...you're not supposed to pee directly on your plants or you will kill them. You mix a little with your watering....This is why i do not like buying weed from other people.
my weed is 100% piss free​, guaranteed every time.
i suppose pissing on the ground beside it would be ok, but you know there is splashing and such even if your not aiming right at it, we have all been in men's restrooms.
i see, i am still not a fan of the idea, its too much like building an outhouse over my compost pile and growing veggies for the farmers market in it. sure the shit has been turned into the same nutrients as the dirt is but it still feels like feeding other ppl my waste. and i would not want to buy it from someone else so.Obviously you haven't read the thread...you're not supposed to pee directly on your plants or you will kill them. You mix a little with your watering....
..um...they already fight wars over water....get yer head outta the sand eh!Using whiz in your garden could help save the planet!!!!
Not many people use the "if it's yellow let it mellow" rule in their bathrooms. They pee, they flush.... they walk away. As the population grows the amount of water use goes up. It is a very real possibility that wars in the not distant future will be fought over something as simple as water. Every time you flush a numero uno you are not only "pissing away" a badass fertilizer. But you are wasting water. Shame... shame on you!!!!
Yes, i am very familiar with the term manure. I grew up on a medium size horse farm as a child and often assisted my father in the cleaning and care of the horses. Excellent attempt at humorous sarcasm none the less. I should point out the fairly noticeable differences in the human digestive system and that of many mammalia herbivores. I use horse manure on nearly all of my vegetables.Ever heard of manure, Justin? If you eat anything farm grown, then you've had plenty of it.
Every time you take a leak you are producing a very effective, safe, potent and FREE fertilizer. Every time you flush it away you are basically throwing money down the drain. We pay through the nose for fertilizers yet dispose of extremely effective one on a daily basis. Most peoples knee jerk reaction is "ew... gross" when you mention using urine as a fertilizer. But when you talk about using manure they have no issues. Urine is sterile, packed full of nitrogen in the form of urea and loaded with micro nutrients. Odd how people will react negatively to the idea of adding a sterile fertilizer to their regiment yet not bat an eye when adding "shit" as a fertilizer.
I know most people like for a person to break out all the pertinent info for them. But I aint about that. Read a decide for yourself.
Yet you will happily buy fertilizers made from animal byproducts that have god knows what pumped into their systems.... yet I'm a disgusting hippie!!!!I've never tried it diluted or undiluted in my garden because it's not really a stretch of reasoning that using human urine in gardening especially for human consumables is completely wrong and disgusting! Not to mention a lot uncertainty,variables that your throwing into your garden because everyone's urine is not the same and for each person it's not the same all the time either. The idea of urea being wasted down the drain is utter hippie bullshit as well.
Sure am..... I guess NASA is packed full of dumb motherfuckers as well. I'll take being dumb over being deliberately ignorant any day of the week.You gotta be one dumb mf'er to think this is a good idea.
I read a similar thread not too long ago on here, and when I saw the reaction I decided at the time not to chime in, but I have to here. I used urine in my last grow, just to see how it worked. Seemed fine to me. I'll use it again if I feel the need....Sure am..... I guess NASA is packed full of dumb motherfuckers as well. I'll take being dumb over being deliberately ignorant any day of the week.