Testing Hans panel: 56watt Cree xp-e/ Lumiled rebel power==== Let's talk efficiency

@Dawg..............glad your doing better:)

@Hyroot............Still amazed at what fluoros can do(w the right bulbs)............we've come a long way from the t12 & t8 from back in the day/ great stuff

DAY 33................................#1001.jpg002.jpg<<<stubborn bitch........................#2003.jpg004.jpg......................................both watered/ no FE just aerated tap............couple of the lower leaves have developed a slight fungus problem due to resting on the wet medium............blah...........that's it

005.jpg006.jpg007.jpg008.jpg panel has been cleaned and switched to max power(56watt---64watts total w driver and fan)...........lol I think I have enough candles :)...........be safe and happy growing RIU
I love the way that panel looks... Hell yeah, Crank'er up!
The girls look good, nodes are spacing nicely.
Try not to burn your place down with all those candles! lol.
Is it powder mildew? If so neem oil works great for that.

The light looks cool. The girls look happy
I love the way that panel looks... Hell yeah, Crank'er up!
The girls look good, nodes are spacing nicely.
Try not to burn your place down with all those candles! lol.

Ha .............I got my "flame defender" for insurance......yeah i kinda like the light so far/will see......

Is it powder mildew? If so neem oil works great for that.

The light looks cool. The girls look happy

I don't think its either powdery/downy mildew.....I'm leaning towards rust leaf spot(ill take a pic for you) and the neem oil seems ineffective ATM......
Hehe, good buy on the flame defender. I can't imagine you burning down your place with a tea candle in a metal pot but damn do those flame defenders make you sleep sounder.
Psu, I went my local shop and the owner I always talk to, told me the same thing about uprising foundation that I said before. The grow has 2% cal and the bloom has 8% cal. So with epsom salt (mag) and kelp (iron) I dont need foundation, that also has n and p and if you use it with bloom or grow you have to you less bloom or grow because of that. So foundation is pointless. I am not getting ot now. Epsom salt cost $4. Lasts months.

He also said foundation is more for outdoor or if re-using soil.
@gastanker..............yeah best investments for a grow room/no joke..........and I do sleep better cause of it:)

@hyroot...........well I still have pounds of horticultural lime granules so I guess the "foundation" isn't necessary for me either........thanks for the info

DAY 34..................#1001.jpg002.jpg.....................#2003.jpg004.jpg............blah boring/ flower bitches!!!

little bit of wind damage on #1 but other than the slow flowering progression I see no problems............

005.jpg006.jpg007.jpg008.jpg.......NOT rust leaf spot....started as a circular pattern but now I think it's just a classic splash burn from the FE/dilution........possibly anthracnose???not spreading so IDK........any opinions?.............be safe and happy growing
Looks Like A Nute Splash Burn To Me.My Lower Leaves Always Gets Burned From Splashing.Peace And Happy 4th bongsmilie
Yeah just looks like effects of splashing or laying on the wet medium. Feel free to pluck those damaged leaves off. They look really great, can't believe it's already day 34, they've really taken off in the last week or two. Keep up the great work brother!
I agree with puff, it looks like it is from the leaves laying on the soil. You've been waiting 5-7 days between waterings, right? They're probably drooping.
^^^^^yeah thanks guys............it's probably splash burn cause it hasn't spread...........

DAY 35..............#1002.jpg003.jpg..............................#2004.jpg005.jpg............I'm grumpy and hungover, so these girls are pissing me off ATM..........temps hit 96 in the room all day yesterday and it's going to 100 on Saturday!..................really thinking about top dressing both with a high p-k organic granular fert at this point..............:)

001.jpg006.jpg.........56watts/20-4 light schedule/8hr co2/co burn / light at 5-6 inches from the tops...........be safe and happy growing
They are looking great! That one on the left is going nuts. I feel you on the heat - my room's been in the high 90s/low 100s the past few days and it's just getting hotter. Just means it's time to pump those CO2 levels :)
Funny how we all made a big deal about the first heat wave two weeks ago and now we're just dealing with high temps on a daily basis. heh. The girls look good, They seem to be loving the panel @ that distance. 35 days..... How much longer before you switch to 12/12?

My neighbors were all out partying late last night. They woke me up at like 3am when they came home. I hope they all have hangovers as I started the morning blaring my foghorn for 30 seconds. Payback is a bitch neighbors! lol.
Funny how we all made a big deal about the first heat wave two weeks ago and now we're just dealing with high temps on a daily basis. heh. The girls look good, They seem to be loving the panel @ that distance. 35 days..... How much longer before you switch to 12/12?

My neighbors were all out partying late last night. They woke me up at like 3am when they came home. I hope they all have hangovers as I started the morning blaring my foghorn for 30 seconds. Payback is a bitch neighbors! lol.

lol, had to giggle at this. Just finished blowing on my saxophone ;)

They are looking great! That one on the left is going nuts. I feel you on the heat - my room's been in the high 90s/low 100s the past few days and it's just getting hotter. Just means it's time to pump those CO2 levels :)

Yeah co2/and a compost bacterium tea will help deal with the high temps..........heat is only going to get worse from here my friend..

Funny how we all made a big deal about the first heat wave two weeks ago and now we're just dealing with high temps on a daily basis. heh. The girls look good, They seem to be loving the panel @ that distance. 35 days..... How much longer before you switch to 12/12?

My neighbors were all out partying late last night. They woke me up at like 3am when they came home. I hope they all have hangovers as I started the morning blaring my foghorn for 30 seconds. Payback is a bitch neighbors! lol.

lol wouldn't want to be your neighbor/ actually I do so we can smoke some of your liberty haze together:)........yeah I think they are NOT flipping ( I spoke to soon/jinxed myself) but damn if they didn't look like preflowers to my eye(just a leaf set now)doh!....check the pic above from a couple of days ago^^^so im gonna add some flower ferts and wait till the 40th day to confirm and flip it straight to 12/12...... this sucks

Very nice plants PSU keep it up. Can't wait to see the flowering. Are you sure those are auto's ?

Ha..............probably not, they keep vegging away........thanks
Well Psuagro, they might not be "Auto's" but if they are anything like mine once those buds start filling out you are going to be lovin the smell of that tent. These have to be the strongest thing I have grown to date, kinda nice to come home from work and smell that fresh herbal oder.
Funny how we all made a big deal about the first heat wave two weeks ago and now we're just dealing with high temps on a daily basis.

Well if you call screaming at the top of your lungs about your lack of intelligence and questioning your very existence when you go into your grow and see it is 92F at 23% RH first thing in the morning dealing with it, then yes I'm dealing with it :).

Hey P always a mystery around here. You never know what can happen next with those plants. So how's the panel holding up? It's been running for quite a few days now and I was wondering if you noticed any changes like less output or even less heat. I always get the impression that after some time the panel runs a bit different, like a break-in period, but then again I use the cheap stuff so I may just be getting what I pay for :). Good Luck PSU and Be Frosty!
lol wouldn't want to be your neighbor/ actually I do so we can smoke some of your liberty haze together:smile:........yeah I think they are NOT flipping ( I spoke to soon/jinxed myself) but damn if they didn't look like preflowers to my eye(just a leaf set now)doh!....check the pic above from a couple of days ago^^^so im gonna add some flower ferts and wait till the 40th day to confirm and flip it straight to 12/12...... this sucks

^^^I think that was a mixture of wishful thinking and hope.:-P Well at this point I guess it doesn't matter as they'll be flowering soon enough. Time for the fun stuff! I often wish many of the riu community lived close. Could you imagine? the breed crossing, The seed swapping, the smoke outs? Ya know, That's if we could all get over our paranoia and actually converse in person. lol.

Well if you call screaming at the top of your lungs about your lack of intelligence and questioning your very existence when you go into your grow and see it is 92F at 23% RH first thing in the morning dealing with it, then yes I'm dealing with it :).

When things are out of your control ^^^ is the only way I know how to deal with it! haha!
Well Psuagro, they might not be "Auto's" but if they are anything like mine once those buds start filling out you are going to be lovin the smell of that tent. These have to be the strongest thing I have grown to date, kinda nice to come home from work and smell that fresh herbal oder.

Well that's some positive news..........so much for the "neutral" smell while growing.......ha

Well if you call screaming at the top of your lungs about your lack of intelligence and questioning your very existence when you go into your grow and see it is 92F at 23% RH first thing in the morning dealing with it, then yes I'm dealing with it :).

Hey P always a mystery around here. You never know what can happen next with those plants. So how's the panel holding up? It's been running for quite a few days now and I was wondering if you noticed any changes like less output or even less heat. I always get the impression that after some time the panel runs a bit different, like a break-in period, but then again I use the cheap stuff so I may just be getting what I pay for :). Good Luck PSU and Be Frosty!

Yeah fran, we all deal with the heat stress differently, I like to cuddle with tigers;-).....I see no differences with the light, but granted i'm not staring at it that long.....take a couple pics in the morning and off to work ...........the driver is getting HOT though, but room temps are also high IDK........hopefully it'll last or i'll have to get in contact with customer service:olol.....................

^^^I think that was a mixture of wishful thinking and hope.:-P Well at this point I guess it doesn't matter as they'll be flowering soon enough. Time for the fun stuff! I often wish many of the riu community lived close. Could you imagine? the breed crossing, The seed swapping, the smoke outs? Ya know, That's if we could all get over our paranoia and actually converse in person. lol.
yeah i agree amax, I jumped the gun hoping I got a good batch........Gonna flip them myself in a couple of days and get over the fact that it will be a very limited yield.........I say we all meet in cali at puff's place (i'll steal his apache) and smoke up together.........ah wishful thinking indeed.......

DAY 36................#1002.jpg003.jpg<<major growth in a 24hr period....................#2004.jpg005.jpg.........You inbred bitches, flower dammit!ha...............here comes the heat again

001.jpg006.jpg...............no water and all the same shit for now............be safe and happy growing