Hey guys, I'm Edee. I'm a long time smoker, and fan of cannabis, and huge supporter of legalization. For a long time, I've always just bought what was around, for my medicinal needs, never complaining, and one day I realized that about 70% of the time, we get bud that yields very low THC. I have to smoke 2 blunts to feel anything. It tastes and smokes good. It's loud and exotic, but it hardly gets you high for long at all, and a very mild high at that.
Now, back in the day, in the early 90's, I used to get stoned from stuff that would come through. I'm talking about being too high to function, b ut that stuff would be great to smoke now. Nothing around here compares. Now once in a while Green crack, or some decent Kush will come through, but I always miss it. Every time I come to scoop some, it's some purple plant, which is cool, but probably with an 8% THC count.
So, I've decided to cultivate some of my own. That's why I'm here, talking to you. I need to know, which breed of plant would be best for a beginner, something preferably with a low odor, that is a beginner grow, but most importantly, a strong THC yielding plant. I am a beginner, but I am also an engineering major, considering taking my education to a horticulture, or botanical engineer. I'm even considering focusing my career on engineering some new characteristics to some different cannabis strains. Searching for the perfect strain. I also need to know where to order the lights, and I also need a good filter that will completely remove the smell in a closet grow. Can anyone give me some good tips? I want to put decent bud, back into play. Everything around here is purple, and smells ok, but somewhere along the line, the THC count weakened in these strains. I don't even know why people would grow such crap. Someone please give me a hand here.