The UK Growers Thread!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member

did you order the fem 6seed pac ? the kandy kush bag seed is not a bad little smoke
yeah just ordered a single 6pack of fems, was tempted to order 2packs to be on the safe side I generally germ 2x the amount I need but after growing them out before wouldn't have the space if all 12 were to come good.
kandy kush bag seed??? is it a freebie or something love? or have we been talking about it in the past and what's left of my memory has failed me again lol
I was gonna go with the sea of seeds promo but after asking a couple of questions and not getting a straight answer thought I'd keep it simple with the tude, certainly don't need 17 WR, I'm only looking for one keeper to run clones from and run a sog of sorts just without 48 little plants, thinking 18 would be a good number of small monster cola plants, perhaps a one light perpetual whilst leaving the clone only's to do their thing under the other and see how the yields match up, the exo is supposed to be the producer but the biggest weight for me has come from the livers.
lots of experimenting coming up in the near future, just need it all to hurry up this growing shit takes forever does my head in, seriously gives me thoughts of going back to part time weekend work, you know the kind walking around the pubs doing £50 a G. I think I'm past it these days but have had an offer made and I'm feeling awful tempted, just keep chanting to myself your a good boy these days, that little devil that sits on my other shoulder keeps screaming don't be a pussy get out there and get paid like the old days, good job I'm a well behaved lazy bastard lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
ay up guys and gals, a bit off topic i know.... but any of u bought top booster in uk?
there are loads of boosters to choose between mate, lots of the guys on here us them pk13/14, overdrive, monster bloom the list goes on mate more boosters than ya can shake a stick at.
might be an idea to add how your growing and what medium etc your using for some of the more experienced to help answer I don't use them myself sorry mate so couldn't tell which is best for which situation.


Well-Known Member
yeah just ordered a single 6pack of fems, was tempted to order 2packs to be on the safe side I generally germ 2x the amount I need but after growing them out before wouldn't have the space if all 12 were to come good.
kandy kush bag seed??? is it a freebie or something love? or have we been talking about it in the past and what's left of my memory has failed me again lol
I was gonna go with the sea of seeds promo but after asking a couple of questions and not getting a straight answer thought I'd keep it simple with the tude, certainly don't need 17 WR, I'm only looking for one keeper to run clones from and run a sog of sorts just without 48 little plants, thinking 18 would be a good number of small monster cola plants, perhaps a one light perpetual whilst leaving the clone only's to do their thing under the other and see how the yields match up, the exo is supposed to be the producer but the biggest weight for me has come from the livers.
lots of experimenting coming up in the near future, just need it all to hurry up this growing shit takes forever does my head in, seriously gives me thoughts of going back to part time weekend work, you know the kind walking around the pubs doing £50 a G. I think I'm past it these days but have had an offer made and I'm feeling awful tempted, just keep chanting to myself your a good boy these days, that little devil that sits on my other shoulder keeps screaming don't be a pussy get out there and get paid like the old days, good job I'm a well behaved lazy bastard lol
would a sog be any good if i had a line of them and used 1 of those light movers? im thinking of doing the attick out but with the shape of it ill only have hight at the middle so i wanted to keep them a bit shorter.

has anyone used 1 of the light movers? im thinking you'll lose some yeild cos the plants wont have constant light

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
would a sog be any good if i had a line of them and used 1 of those light movers? im thinking of doing the attick out but with the shape of it ill only have hight at the middle so i wanted to keep them a bit shorter.

has anyone used 1 of the light movers? im thinking you'll lose some yeild cos the plants wont have constant light
I have the same prob mate, my attic is tiny because I live in a semi detached house the sides slope down on 3 sides and even in the middle I can't stand up straight (I'm 5'11-6ft ish) that's why everything has to be kept small, If I were to run one light up there I'd get away with decent size plants but with 2x600's and a large T5 small plants is now my only option hence why I was thinking sog mate, I've racked my brains on ways around it and every time I think that might work I go up with the tape measure take the depth of the pots and the lights into account and am back to square 1, the best I've come up with so far is to run both the 600's down the centre at the highest point but that means I won't have room for anything else up there, I want to clone and hopefullly veg up there aswell, chances are with the size I'm working with it's a pipe dream, but I'm gonna go it a go never the less atleast then I can tell myself I tried.
Also don't know anything about light movers sorrry mate


Well-Known Member
I have the same prob mate, my attic is tiny because I live in a semi detached house the sides slope down on 3 sides and even in the middle I can't stand up straight (I'm 5'11-6ft ish) that's why everything has to be kept small, If I were to run one light up there I'd get away with decent size plants but with 2x600's and a large T5 small plants is now my only option hence why I was thinking sog mate, I've racked my brains on ways around it and every time I think that might work I go up with the tape measure take the depth of the pots and the lights into account and am back to square 1, the best I've come up with so far is to run both the 600's down the centre at the highest point but that means I won't have room for anything else up there, I want to clone and hopefullly veg up there aswell, chances are with the size I'm working with it's a pipe dream, but I'm gonna go it a go never the less atleast then I can tell myself I tried.
Also don't know anything about light movers sorrry mate
its the same here mate. that idea is out the window now. i got a big chimney in the centre of the attick. i forgot all about it and it wasnt long ago i was up there lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
its the same here mate. that idea is out the window now. i got a big chimney in the centre of the attick. i forgot all about it and it wasnt long ago i was up there lol
What are you planning on putting up there mate? little attics suck I never got chance to look in mine until we moved in (instant heartbreak)

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
C'mon boys all this talk of little attics is scaring me lol i'll be moving into the attic when i move house, should be enough room above a 3 bed terrace i hope lol

check this out

should be fine mate especially in a terraced depending on the size, as you know down our way most houses are pretty uniform, my last house was a terraced and the attic was more than bog enough and that was a 2bed, I should have known better looking at mine from the outside being a roofer for years but was so eager to get in there the thought never even crossed my mind about how small it would actually be, the size of the house doesn't help either the house is quiet big and the attic is the smallest room in the house lol.
what you planning on putting in yours mate?


Well-Known Member
my attick is sweet like lol could fit a xl big bud grow tent up ther,,,i guess im just FUCKING lucky lmao,,nvermind the amount of cupbords built into the house we got shit i could have a perpetual grow one in each cupboard if i was
2.. not living in the middle of the ghetto lol


Well-Known Member
What are you planning on putting up there mate? little attics suck I never got chance to look in mine until we moved in (instant heartbreak)
i was thinking a row of 2 plants sog but from the end of the house its about 1m free then the hatch, another 1m free, the chimney then 1m free. anything i do it wont work very well lol
C'mon boys all this talk of little attics is scaring me lol i'll be moving into the attic when i move house, should be enough room above a 3 bed terrace i hope lol

check this out
my house is a 3 bed terraced house. its just the chimney thats fucking me up


Well-Known Member
Not sure yet depends on size and cost until the 1st 1 comes down then i'll change things as i go along, as soon as i get the keys i'll be up the attic having a look then making plans ideally i want room to run 2 600's and then i'll make a small mother and cloning area and use the sides for storage but 1st thing will be putting power up there then strengthening by running baton the opposite way to the joists before boarding so the ceiling doesn't sag. I might put a tent in there for the 1st 1 just to save time and build it up properly when the need isn't so great i should be in by 1st Sept so gotta get cracking for xmas

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
my attick is sweet like lol could fit a xl big bud grow tent up ther,,,i guess im just FUCKING lucky lmao,,nvermind the amount of cupbords built into the house we got shit i could have a perpetual grow one in each cupboard if i was
2.. not living in the middle of the ghetto lol

ya lucky bastard if that were mine I would have already converted it, I've converted a couple of attics so far and spent a small fortune along the way, the last house would have been ideal but the ceilings couldn't take the weight of the sterling board when screwing them to the joists and the spare bedroom ceiling come down, so that was the end of that, this one seems to be holding out ok for now, but still wouldn't fancy taking libertys with too much weight, It's surprising how much weight boarding out an attic adds I use either 3/4" or inch thick sterling (osb2) and then hang everything from the joists to help keep the weight on the floor down.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
i was thinking a row of 2 plants sog but from the end of the house its about 1m free then the hatch, another 1m free, the chimney then 1m free. anything i do it wont work very well lol

my house is a 3 bed terraced house. its just the chimney thats fucking me up

could you not use the 2m behind the chimney as a flower area and the rest for a small clone/mother area? the upside to the chimney breast where it is it'll make putting a curtain up easier and you still have a dark area when you open the hatch so as that you don't get obvious orange glow beaming down? just thinking out loud mate as it's hard to visualise without seeing it.