John Birch Society

i can't believe you're serious. what did you think the effect of disinfecting the water supply would be?

Thank you. The way you wrote it, it sounded like you were saying that chlorine extended the human life span beyond what it would be, everything else being equal but they are saying that people would die sooner because the water would be contaminated. That's a bit like saying, "I have saved thousands of lives because I didn't kill anybody" when I could have.
Anyway, the subject is fluoride, not chlorine.
"Our Supreme Court is so visibly pro- communist that no argument is even needed. Our State Department is loaded with communists from top to bottom, to the extent that our roll call of ambassadors almost sounds like a list somebody has put together to start a communist front. It is estimated, from many reliable sources, than from 70 percent to 90 percent of the responsible personnel in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare are communists.

whats this one from? I see the other ones are credited to crazy old people from the 1960's not sure I give them much credit...
Fluoride is poison- what more explanation do you need? It is the Nazi, Communist, ZOG that is behind the plot they are doing it to further the NWO agenda, you can thank John Birch for exposing this plot.
The old timers may pass on but their ideas will live forever, and the movement is gaining popularity amongst the youth, more and more young people are waking up.

So you propose the Nazi's (Who were socialists.), the communists (Whom the nazi's hate), and the "ZOG" (A group of jews who would be hated by the nazi's and the communists for varying reasons.), are coordinating? I just see no reasonable way this is possible. Please enlighten me as to how they all put away their very glaring differences to establish a NWO.
So you propose the Nazi's (Who were socialists.), the communists (Whom the nazi's hate), and the "ZOG" (A group of jews who would be hated by the nazi's and the communists for varying reasons.), are coordinating? I just see no reasonable way this is possible. Please enlighten me as to how they all put away their very glaring differences to establish a NWO.

beardo logic. epic trolling.

i can't believe you're serious. what did you think the effect of disinfecting the water supply would be?

I can boil my water. Way better disinfectant than any chlorine. If you don't agree, then I can steam distill it.

So if I decide to spend my money doing that, I can purify my water to contain zero chlorine. It will also be sterile beyond chlorine disinfecting.

So what effect does chlorine actually give the body?

Now if your answer is none, the government who loves you so much could then sterilize without chlorine.

There is no proof that anything other than topical fluoride to teeth does anything to protect teeth. But the possible detrimental health effects are great.

There are ways the government could add nothing new to water and only monitor unhealthy contaminant levels. Only then would it remove those contaminants. Instead the government adds ACCEPTABLE levels of contaminants to make their job easier in order to maximize politicians' benefits. It's all about them, you just provide their meal until you become their non-egg laying ornament.
So you propose the Nazi's (Who were socialists.), the communists (Whom the nazi's hate), and the "ZOG" (A group of jews who would be hated by the nazi's and the communists for varying reasons.), are coordinating? I just see no reasonable way this is possible. Please enlighten me as to how they all put away their very glaring differences to establish a NWO.

Those differences are a public face. Behind closed doors they're best of friends plotting together what those differences will be and how each will react in part.
Those differences are a public face. Behind closed doors they're best of friends plotting together what those differences will be and how each will react in part.

Soooo... the holocaust was just a big, friendly, party? I know there were free tattoos and showers, but they weren't the kind you buy your buddy.
So you propose the Nazi's (Who were socialists.), the communists (Whom the nazi's hate), and the "ZOG" (A group of jews who would be hated by the nazi's and the communists for varying reasons.), are coordinating? I just see no reasonable way this is possible. Please enlighten me as to how they all put away their very glaring differences to establish a NWO.
The Nazis were actually a tool of the Jews, some Nazis were Jews and they were financed in part by Jews and were being used by the Jews to further their agenda, The Jews had already gained control of the US by that time and the US created the ideas the pioneered the extermination and sterilization of "undesirables" that the Nazis would become famous for carrying on, The Nazis had US supporters and financers- so the Jewish controlled US supported the Nazis, we were in a stand off with the communist soviet union and used the Nazis to help fight them, after we defeated Germany in WWII to become the worlds industrial leader we took all the smartest Nazis and put them to work for us and pardoned them while executing lesser Nazis and more famous Nazis to publicly distance ourselves from them and their agenda, we helped the Chinese revolution creating communist china. The Soviet Union was in a stand off with us that came to a head with the Cuban missile crisis, Kennedy was a patriot who stood his ground with them and would not bow to their demands, that was not part of their plan and kennedy was removed from power and we surrendered to the threats from the soviets completing the NWO the people were not told about this and Regan said take down your wall and they did and they dissolved the soviet union to make it appear we had won the cold war when in reality we had merged- it was a psych op
Sounds a lot like the drug industry and that new medication I saw advertized on TV
Can't wait to ask my doctor about if it's right for me....

I get what you are saying, and agree, but hopefully you also get what i'm saying, I don't believe either of us is truly wrong, it's just a matter of thinking of things from all perspectives and looking from all angles and perspectives.
Oh and the FDA does regulate them as a food.
Why go to a doctor? Why not go to a natural healer?
I can boil my water. Way better disinfectant than any chlorine. If you don't agree, then I can steam distill it.

So if I decide to spend my money doing that, I can purify my water to contain zero chlorine. It will also be sterile beyond chlorine disinfecting.

So what effect does chlorine actually give the body?

Now if your answer is none, the government who loves you so much could then sterilize without chlorine.

There is no proof that anything other than topical fluoride to teeth does anything to protect teeth. But the possible detrimental health effects are great.

There are ways the government could add nothing new to water and only monitor unhealthy contaminant levels. Only then would it remove those contaminants. Instead the government adds ACCEPTABLE levels of contaminants to make their job easier in order to maximize politicians' benefits. It's all about them, you just provide their meal until you become their non-egg laying ornament.

Do you realize how impractical it is to boil and distill water? Not to mention that after it comes back into water fo, it will once again be a breeding ground for various contaminants. Chlorine is a simple solution and it works.
The Nazis were actually a tool of the Jews, some Nazis were Jews and they were financed in part by Jews and were being used by the Jews to further their agenda, The Jews had already gained control of the US by that time and the US created the ideas the pioneered the extermination and sterilization of "undesirables" that the Nazis would become famous for carrying on, The Nazis had US supporters and financers- so the Jewish controlled US supported the Nazis, we were in a stand off with the communist soviet union and used the Nazis to help fight them, after we defeated Germany in WWII to become the worlds industrial leader we took all the smartest Nazis and put them to work for us and pardoned them while executing lesser Nazis and more famous Nazis to publicly distance ourselves from them and their agenda, we helped the Chinese revolution creating communist china. The Soviet Union was in a stand off with us that came to a head with the Cuban missile crisis, Kennedy was a patriot who stood his ground with them and would not bow to their demands, that was not part of their plan and kennedy was removed from power and we surrendered to the threats from the soviets completing the NWO the people were not told about this and Regan said take down your wall and they did and they dissolved the soviet union to make it appear we had won the cold war when in reality we had merged- it was a psych op

You forgot the part about evil alien overlords, it seems like it belongs in there somewhere.
You forgot the part about evil alien overlords, it seems like it belongs in there somewhere.

I can see you have done some research on this,
yes our alien overlords do play a major role in this, I had left that out because I didn't want to lose anyone, but yes those who are running the NWO answer to our Alien overlords and do their bidding as a matter of fact many of those at the top of the NWO power structure are actually of reptilian bloodlines, they are alien human hybreds that are tasked with controlling us and being intermediarys between us and the aliens.