Ideas for low budget back yard security?


Well-Known Member
For the most part, I am only worried about crackheads and tweakers finding their way to my yard. Other growers and teenagers are fairly cool people in my neck of the woods. Sacramento combines the best things about living in a city that thrives on both politics/business and agriculture. We have a lot of humble people that say hello to each other in the morning.

We also have crackheads, tweakers, and homeless winos.

A dog is nice, but dog savvy people can find their way around that. (Steak!)

By biggs34 at 2012-06-26

Unless, of course, you keep your dog tied up or pent up and never give it socialization. In that instance, you have a great back yard protector but a possible child mauler. (And if you have a great dog that can do both, great. I do too but you can never be too safe when dealing with these loveable things!)

So what if I took some portable speakers like these, hook them up to my ipod, and run live feeds from a Police Scanner app? I’m thinking high crackheads in desperation will get freaked out by the sound of a police radio.


Although I am against guns, I DO have escrima sticks, a samurai sword, ninja stars, and bb guns to supplement my yard's security.
I have 2 dogs one chihuhuhuhuha <---shown there... she is a barker!! anyone gets more then 50 feet of the house she knows...
other dog is a Husky mix also a barker (usually he sends the chihihuihuha running and ready to kill )
I have my plants on my side cemented area this is a rv parking area on the side of my house I cover all open wood fence boards so no looky loos
I have a ton of PLANTS not just my reg mmj plants but I guess I like to keep it green around me
some great quick growing covers are beans... they will produce a ton grow HUGE and distract anyone who may see
I also have a web cam that I set up when out of the house to monitor.. goes right to my cell too (but really dont use it since I am always here)
What kind of webcam set up do you have? Is there a monthly fee to do the live feed? That's badass! And a husky would scare the shit out of most people!

Our chihuahua/dachsund mix would be great outside but she's a mama's girl. Those small dogs are much harder to keep quiet and nearly impossible to bribe with food.
Yeah I have seen WiFi cam's for $30 but to me if you have cameras you need to be able to record. You aren't going to be able to sit there and watch it for 24hr's a day as well as if something does happen you lose the evidence immediately.
hmm it may sound a bit archaic,but i would get some line and some small bells to tie on them,set them up like trip wires ,,,,its a thought.That is if your dog dosent mess with it.
MY friends father works in haz-mat. He's seen plenty of crack houses and meth labs.
One they those guys do is hang fishing line about shoulder height and again lower as well. Then they hang fish hooks off the lines. That must hurt like a motherfucker.
go to a bait shop and get the bells for fishing poles, between that and the hooks makin em holler "OOUCH!!" youll hear somthing if ur near grow is directly under my bedroom window!
so I would try that and the drive way sensor!...but if someone jumps my fence and make noise they might wanna stay in my yard cuz if they wake my neighbors and they realize whats goin down warning shots will not be hesitated,my neighbors are like family bro, they dont play!
I love the old school ideas and if i set it up right, it wont be too difficult at all to hang the line before bed when they're the most vulnerable. I might still put the police scanner speakers near the entrance. The rest of my yard is surrounded by neighbors so it really is just one entry point that I'm worried about.
I wouldn't set up any harmful traps. Sudden noise is a great deterrent being that you could be coming at any second around the corner to asess the situation! Being in CA and a 215 Patient you are better off with evidence to assist the authorities if needed rather than pissing off someone and having to deal with it in a more "hood" fashion. To each his own though. :)
Evidence you say? How about all the DNA on the hooks lol.

Could backfire and piss them off enough to come back looking for you! DNA is only good for a court case and after to pay for the tests. It's soooo much easier to say "Here is the footage and picture of the party in my yard officer." If you aren't a legal grower my plan won't work. :D
abm is right, you will still have to worry about them coming back mad!...then they might not even come back until next year!,when you think its safe!
I am an expert in home self defense and security. I love guns and surveillance. I would suggest putting up a couple cameras in your yard with a feed that goes to a special tv you can monitor at all times. Buy a cheap motion detector, if anybody walks by, the alarm goes off. If you dont like guns you can always buy a cheap blank firing pistol - - anybody comes in you shoot at em, but you cant kill em, just make em shit their pants. Also some motion sensing floodlights and a sign that says trespassers will be shot. Cheap and extremely effective home defense.